Real estate appraiser services: limitation of action - Act 194
real property _ taxationReal property — Taxation, see Property tax, and its subheadings
Concealed carry: out-of-state license reciprocity [vetoed] - AB518
recorded testimony _digital or video_Recorded testimony (digital or video), see Court — Procedure
Amusement or theme parks and organizations promoting tourism: grants from certain federal moneys for recovery from COVID-19 pandemic [vetoed] - AB234
Overnight recreation or education camp inspection requirement for license renewal: DATCP or local health department may waive under set conditions - Act 45
Temporary practice by physicians at recreational or educational camps allowed, conditions specified - Act 44
Temporary practice by registered nurses at recreational or educational camps allowed, conditions set - Act 46
recreation vehicleRecreation vehicle, see also Motorcycle; Snowmobile
ATV and UTV appropriations combined - Act 176
Outdoor recreation vehicle registration and trail use fees retained by DNR [Sec. 55, 158-163, 172-174, 397-399] - Act 58
Snowmobile, ATV, and UTV operation restrictions modified re highways, during hours of darkness, and noise from snowmobiles - Act 103
Speed limit applicable only to ATVs and UTVs: local authority may post - Act 164
UTV maximum weight increased - Act 70
Electronic waste recycling program changes - Act 79
Electronics recycling waste cleanup in certain counties - Act 234
Congressional redistricting plan and LRB duties [vetoed] - SB622
Legislative redistricting plan and LRB duties [vetoed] - SB621
Timeline for local redistricting following the 2020 federal decennial census [vetoed] - AB369
Election administration: acceptance or use of private resources by state agency or political subdivision or officer or employee of prohibited; only election officials designated by law may perform tasks. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) [SJR101] - JR 17
regional planningRegional planning
Farmers and WEDC rural economic development programs: allocating certain federal moneys re COVID-19 pandemic [vetoed] - AB235
Property owned by regional planning commissions: property tax exemption - Act 151
register of deedsRegister of deeds
Marriage documentation and marriage ceremony changes - Act 84
religious societiesReligious societies
Concealed carry licensee may carry firearm in place of worship located on grounds of a private school provided governing body has written policy that allows it [vetoed] - AB597
DHS and local health officers prohibited from closing or forbidding gatherings at places of worship or businesses re 2019 novel coronavirus [vetoed] - AB1
License to conduct a 50/50 raffle not required for qualified organizations - Act 106
Local health officers prohibited from closing or forbidding gatherings at places of worship and other entities re 2019 novel coronavirus [vetoed] - AB24
Vacant parcel owned by a church or religious association: property tax exemption, conditions set [Sec. 238x, 9337 (3a)] - Act 58
reorganization of state government _ attached under s1503Reorganization of state government — Attached under s.15.03
Charter School Authorizing Board created and may establish independent charter schools [vetoed] - AB968
reportsReports, see also Legislature — Finance, Joint Committee on; specific subject
Agricultural exports program established; plan, report, and audit required - Act 92
Annual child abuse and neglect report from DCF: requirements modified; hearing by appropriate legislative standing committee required - Act 148
BadgerCare Plus childless adults demonstration project: benefits eligibility determination, disenrollment, and redetermination changes; DHS duties [vetoed] - AB934
Broadband expansion grants: allocating certain federal moneys for; report required [vetoed] - AB239
Business development tax credit: report on unallocated tax benefit [Sec. 365] [vetoed] - Act 58
Child abuse: DCF to transmit citizen review panel annual reports and responses to appropriate legislative standing committee - Act 147
Complaints filed with the Elections Commission re election law violations: resolution, report to the legislature and Governor; postelection audits of electronic voting systems; printing absentee ballot applications for recounts [vetoed] - SB936
Crisis program enhancement grants expanded to counties and municipalities and to establish or enhance law enforcement and behavioral health services emergency response collaboration programs; report required - Act 184
Elections Commission annual report required re failures to comply with certain elections-related laws by the Commission, DOT, DOC, and DHS; JCF duties [vetoed] - SB942
Execution of search warrants at physical premises: report required and information specified - Act 183
Federal moneys for statewide public safety interoperable communications system, emergency services IP network contracts, geographic information systems database, and psychiatric bed capacity expansion in certain hospitals [vetoed] - AB240
Hemp program deficit study [Sec. 9102 (2)] [vetoed] - Act 58
Innovative Program Delivery, Office of, created in DOT; alternative project delivery, design-build projects, and emergency rules provisions; report required [Sec. 10, 288-319, 326, 9144 (6), (7)] [297, 298, 306, 319 -- partial veto; 10, 290, 293, 301, 303, 308, 326, 9144 (7) -- vetoed] - Act 58
Oversight of elections in this state: changes re federal funds, federal election guidance, registration and voting statistics, Elections Commission legal counsel, and archived copy of the registration list; reports and LAB duties [vetoed] - SB941
Overtime in state correctional institutions: DOC biennial report changed to annual - Act 153
Private on-site wastewater treatment system replacement or rehabilitation: sunset of grant program delayed; DSPS duties; septage characterization study required - Act 67
Qualified ABLE savings account program under section 529A of the Internal Revenue Code: DFI to study and report on establishment - Act 119
Reading readiness assessment program for public schools and independent charter schools changed; dyslexia characteristics added and reports required; federal moneys and grants for teacher development and implementation costs provisions [vetoed] - AB446
Representation of parents in CHIPS proceedings: five-county pilot program extended, report required [Sec. 192-194] - Act 58
Sale of state-owned property controlled by DNR: expand purposes for which proceeds may be used; report required - Act 27
School for the 2020-21 and 2021-22 school years: open enrollment program application modifications, reports on virtual instruction, and interscholastic athletic association transfer rules [vetoed] - AB1
Sexual abuse of children in out-of-home care: report requirements modified - Act 146
Statewide emergency number system: DMA given primary responsibility with revisions; Next Generation 911 geographic systems competitive grant program created, report required - Act 261
Stocking pheasants for hunting opportunities: DNR to establish a schedule; report required [vetoed] - SB609
Truax Field electrical micro grid system study [Sec. 9131 (2)] [partial veto] - Act 58
UI law changes re financial outlook statement, Council on Unemployment Insurance report submission, Governor’s special committee, effect of criminal convictions, reimbursable employer debt assessment, waiver of overpayments, excluded employment, work-share programs, collection of debt by DOR, fiscal agent election of employer status, and changes to clarify and update provisions - Act 231
UI law: DWD to update IT systems, civil liability exemption for entities re COVID-19, waiting period suspension continued, noncharging of benefits, eligibility when participating in a work-share program, and certain extended benefit requirement waived - Act 4
Waterfowl hunting stamp fee increased, report required [Sec. 170, 171] [170 -- vetoed] - Act 58
residential propertyResidential property, see Housing
Dogs on the premises of certain retail food establishments: DATCP cannot promulgate rule prohibiting - Act 143
Restaurant Revitalization Fund grant: income and franchise tax exemption created - Act 156
retail establishmentRetail establishment
Electronic waste recycling program changes - Act 79
retail theft _shoplifting_Retail theft (Shoplifting), see Crime and criminals
retirement system wisconsinRetirement System, Wisconsin
DETF administered programs: various changes re WRS, abandoned retirement accounts, domestic relations orders, and other corrections (remedial legislation suggested by DETF) - Act 245
WRS annuitant returning to public service during a national emergency may elect not to suspend annuity, waiting period reduced [vetoed] - AB1
revenue department ofRevenue, Department of, see also specific subject
Assistance to households and property owners from certain federal moneys based on property taxes [vetoed] - AB232
DOR may issue Class "B" and "Class B" permits for motor vehicle racetrack grounds; caterer may make retail sales of alcohol beverages on racetrack grounds - Act 39