2021 - 2022 LEGISLATURE
October 20, 2021 - Offered by Representative Kitchens.
AB446-AA1,1,11 At the locations indicated, amend the bill as follows:
AB446-AA1,1,2 21. Page 5, line 4: delete “screening".
AB446-AA1,1,3 32. Page 6, line 1: delete “screening".
AB446-AA1,1,5 43. Page 6, line 4: delete that line and substitute “screening assessment or
AB446-AA1,1,6 64. Page 6, line 5: delete “screening".
AB446-AA1,1,7 75. Page 6, line 5: after that line insert:
AB446-AA1,1,8 8“(am) “Diagnostic assessment” means a tool that includes all of the following:
AB446-AA1,1,129 1. An assessment that evaluates a pupil's skill in the areas listed in par. (n) 1.
10to 5., rapid naming, phonological awareness, word recognition, spelling, vocabulary,
11listening comprehension, and, when developmentally appropriate for the pupil, oral
12reading fluency and reading comprehension.
12. An opportunity for a pupil's parent to complete a family history survey to
2provide additional information about learning difficulties in the pupil's family.”.
AB446-AA1,2,3 36. Page 6, line 19: delete “screening".
AB446-AA1,2,4 47. Page 7, line 3: delete lines 3 and 4.
AB446-AA1,2,5 58. Page 7, line 5: delete “any" and substitute “all".
AB446-AA1,2,7 69. Page 7, line 14: delete the material beginning with that line and ending with
7page 8, line 5.
AB446-AA1,2,8 810. Page 8, line 7: delete “screening".
AB446-AA1,2,10 911. Page 8, line 8: delete the material beginning with “level 1" and ending with
10“level 2 screening" on line 9 and substitute “or diagnostic”.
AB446-AA1,2,11 1112. Page 8, line 14: delete that line.
AB446-AA1,2,12 1213. Page 8, line 16: after that line insert:
AB446-AA1,2,13 13“6. Oral vocabulary.”.
AB446-AA1,2,14 1414. Page 9, line 3: delete “screenings" and substitute “ assessments".
AB446-AA1,2,16 1515. Page 9, line 17: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
16with page 10, line 5, and substitute:
AB446-AA1,2,18 17“(bm) Diagnostic assessment. Assess a pupil using a diagnostic assessment as
AB446-AA1,2,2019 1. No later than the 2nd Friday of November if a universal screening
20assessment administered under par. (a) 1. indicates that the pupil is at-risk.
AB446-AA1,2,2321 2. Within 10 days after a universal screening assessment is administered
22under par. (a) 2. if the universal screening assessment indicates that the pupil is
13. Within 20 days after a teacher or parent who suspects that the pupil has
2characteristics of dyslexia submits a request for a diagnostic assessment.” .
AB446-AA1,3,3 316. Page 10, line 6: delete “screening".
AB446-AA1,3,4 417. Page 10, line 7: delete “screening".
AB446-AA1,3,5 518. Page 10, line 8: delete “Screening" and substitute “ Assessment".
AB446-AA1,3,6 619. Page 10, line 10: delete “screening".
AB446-AA1,3,7 720. Page 10, line 11: delete “screening".
AB446-AA1,3,8 821. Page 10, line 12: delete “screening".
AB446-AA1,3,10 922. Page 10, line 14: after “parent" insert “in the native language of the pupil's
AB446-AA1,3,11 1123. Page 10, line 15: delete “screening".
AB446-AA1,3,12 1224. Page 10, line 17: delete “screening".
AB446-AA1,3,13 1325. Page 10, line 18: delete “screening".
AB446-AA1,3,14 1426. Page 10, line 20: delete “screening".
AB446-AA1,3,15 1527. Page 10, line 23: delete “screening".
AB446-AA1,3,17 1628. Page 10, line 24: delete “level 2 screening assessment" and substitute
17“diagnostic assessment".
AB446-AA1,3,19 1829. Page 11, line 2: delete “level 2 screening assessment" and substitute
19“diagnostic assessment".
AB446-AA1,3,21 2030. Page 11, line 6: delete “level 1 or level 2 screening assessment" and
21substitute “diagnostic assessment".
AB446-AA1,3,22 2231. Page 11, line 9: delete “, intensive interventions,".
132. Page 11, line 16: delete “a level 1 screening assessment" and substitute
2“diagnostic assessment".
AB446-AA1,4,3 333. Page 11, line 22: delete “screening".
AB446-AA1,4,5 434. Page 12, line 1: delete the material beginning with “If" and ending with
5“a description" on line 2 and substitute “A description”.
AB446-AA1,4,6 635. Page 12, line 4: delete lines 4 to 7.
AB446-AA1,4,7 736. Page 12, line 15: delete “or intensive interventions".
AB446-AA1,4,8 837. Page 12, line 22: delete “or intensive interventions".
AB446-AA1,4,9 938. Page 12, line 23: delete “12 weeks" and substitute “10 weeks".
AB446-AA1,4,10 1039. Page 12, line 24: after that line insert:
AB446-AA1,4,14 11“(am) Deadlines for plan creation. If a school board or operator of an
12independent charter school is required to create a personal reading plan for a pupil
13under par. (a) 1., the school board or operator shall prepare the personal reading plan
14as follows:
AB446-AA1,4,1715 1. If the pupil is identified as at-risk based on a universal screening assessment
16administered under sub. (3) (a) 1. or based on a diagnostic assessment administered
17under sub. (3) (bm) 1., no later than the 2nd Friday of November.
AB446-AA1,4,2118 2. If the pupil is identified as at-risk based on a universal screening assessment
19administered under sub. (3) (a) 2. or based on a diagnostic assessment administered
20under sub. (3) (bm) 2., within 10 days after the applicable screening assessment is
AB446-AA1,4,22 2240. Page 13, line 2: delete “sub. (3) (b) or (c)" and substitute “par. (a) 3.".
AB446-AA1,4,23 2341. Page 13, line 13: delete “screening".
142. Page 13, line 15: delete “and intensive interventions".
AB446-AA1,5,2 243. Page 13, line 19: delete “and intensive interventions".
AB446-AA1,5,3 344. Page 13, line 21: delete “intensive interventions and".
AB446-AA1,5,4 445. Page 13, line 22: delete “and intensive interventions".
AB446-AA1,5,5 546. Page 14, line 3: delete “screening" and substitute “ assessment".
AB446-AA1,5,7 647. Page 14, line 11: delete the material beginning with “level" and ending
7with “assessment" on line 12 and substitute “diagnostic assessment".
AB446-AA1,5,8 848. Page 14, line 13: delete lines 13 and 14.
AB446-AA1,5,9 949. Page 14, line 15: delete “screening".
AB446-AA1,5,10 1050. Page 14, line 18: delete “or intensive interventions".
AB446-AA1,5,11 1151. Page 14, line 21: delete “or intensive interventions".
AB446-AA1,5,12 1252. Page 14, line 23: delete “screening".
AB446-AA1,5,13 1353. Page 15, line 5: delete lines 5 and 6 and substitute:
AB446-AA1,5,14 14“cm. Diagnostic assessments.”.
AB446-AA1,5,15 1554. Page 15, line 7: delete “screening".
AB446-AA1,5,16 1655. Page 15, line 9: delete “screening".
AB446-AA1,5,17 1756. Page 15, line 12: after that line insert:
AB446-AA1,5,20 18“3. The department may include a universal screening assessment on the list
19under subd. 1. b. and may include a diagnostic assessment on the list under subd.
201. cm. only if the assessment meets all of the following criteria:
AB446-AA1,5,2221 a. The assessment is aligned with the model academic standards in reading and
22language arts, including foundational reading skills.
1b. The assessment has a sensitivity rate of at least 70 percent and a specificity
2rate of at least 80 percent.”.
AB446-AA1,6,3 357. Page 15, line 20: delete “screening".
AB446-AA1,6,5 458. Page 16, line 3: delete that line and substitute “reading readiness
5assessments approved under sub. (8) (a) for that school year.”.
AB446-AA1,6,7 659. Page 16, line 11: delete “screening assessment on a list of approved
7screening" and substitute “assessment on a list of approved".
AB446-AA1,6,8 860. Page 16, line 14: delete “screenings" and substitute “assessments".