Payday loan: maximum interest rate limited - SB220
Pediatric cancer research institutions: income and franchise tax credit created for contributions to - SB1101
Pelvic exam on anesthetized or unconscious patient: hospitals required to have informed consent policy, discipline provision - AB128
Pelvic exam on anesthetized or unconscious patient: hospitals required to have informed consent policy, discipline provision - SB127
"Pen register" and "trap and trace device" definitions expanded; application by AG and DA for an order for the devices modified - AB253
"Pen register" and "trap and trace device" definitions expanded; application by AG and DA for an order for the devices modified - SB241
Pepper spray use: exception for DOC employees acting in official capacity - SB845
Permanency plan review hearings: timing of modified - AB289
Permanency plan review or hearing preparation: providing plan and comments to out-of-home providers - SB256
Personal property tax eliminated; state payments to taxing jurisdictions and technical changes provisions; JSCTE appendix report - AB1048
PFAS municipal grant program created; certain federal moneys provision - AB392
Police interactions education: model curriculum for grades 5 to 12 required - AB830
Police interactions education: model curriculum for grades 5 to 12 required - SB854
Postadoption contract agreements between adoptive parent and birth parent or certain relatives - AB629
Postadoption contract agreements between adoptive parent and birth parent or certain relatives - SB686
Post-Traumatic Stress Injury Awareness Day recognized June 27 and June recognized as Post-Traumatic Injury Awareness Month - AJR67
Post-Traumatic Stress Injury Awareness Day recognized June 27 and June recognized as Post-Traumatic Injury Awareness Month - SJR48
Potawatomi State Park observation tower repairs: Governor required to allocate amount from certain federal moneys - SB586
Preexisting condition discrimination prohibited; requirements and limitations on health insurance coverage in the event the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act no longer preempts state law - AB34
Preexisting condition discrimination prohibited; requirements and limitations on health insurance coverage in the event the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act no longer preempts state law - SB40
Prescription drug payments made by enrollee applied to health insurance out-of-pocket maximum or cost-sharing requirements - AB184
Prescription drug payments made by enrollee applied to health insurance out-of-pocket maximum or cost-sharing requirements - SB215
Presidential electors: method of selecting revised - SB61
Previously owned eyeglasses provided by a charitable organization: exemption from liability for damages; optometrist or ophthalmologist provision - AB538
Previously owned eyeglasses provided by a charitable organization: exemption from liability for damages; optometrist or ophthalmologist provision - SB535
Private on-site wastewater treatment system replacement or rehabilitation: sunset of grant program delayed; DSPS duties; septage characterization study required - AB123
Private on-site wastewater treatment system replacement or rehabilitation: sunset of grant program delayed; DSPS duties; septage characterization study required - SB84
“Pro-Cop Wisconsin Campaign”: WEDC and DOJ to collaborate on marketing campaign; Governor to allocate federal moneys - AB831
“Pro-Cop Wisconsin Campaign”: WEDC and DOJ to collaborate on marketing campaign; Governor to allocate federal moneys - SB849
Prostitution crime surcharge created; use of moneys specified - AB139
Prostitution crime surcharge created; use of moneys specified - SB26
Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact ratified - AB537
Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact ratified - SB534
PTSD in emergency medical responders and EMS practitioners who are paid: WC claims revisions - AB683
PTSD in emergency medical responders and EMS practitioners who are paid: WC claims revisions - SB680
PTSD in emergency medical responders, EMS practitioners, volunteer fire fighters, correctional officers, emergency dispatchers, coroners and staff, and medical examiners and staff: WC claims revisions - AB778
PTSD in emergency medical responders, EMS practitioners, volunteer fire fighters, correctional officers, emergency dispatchers, coroners and staff, and medical examiners and staff: WC claims revisions - SB681
Public Defender Board: authority to promulgate rules expanded re private bar attorneys representing indigent clients - AB522
Public Defender Board: authority to promulgate rules expanded re private bar attorneys representing indigent clients - SB523
Public housing authorities with a waiting list required to apply for assistance under the federal family self-sufficiency program - AB931
Public housing authorities with a waiting list required to apply for assistance under the federal family self-sufficiency program - SB883
Public school, independent charter school, and private school participating in a parental choice program that operates or sponsors interscholastic or intramural sports: designating team or sport into one of three categories based on the sex of the participating students - SB322
Qualified ABLE savings account program under section 529A of the Internal Revenue Code: DFI to study and report on establishment - AB167
Qualified ABLE savings account program under section 529A of the Internal Revenue Code: DFI to study and report on establishment - SB158
Race and sex stereotyping in training provided to state and local government employees prohibited; penalties and civil action provisions - AB414
Race and sex stereotyping in training provided to state and local government employees prohibited; penalties and civil action provisions - SB410
Race and sex stereotyping instruction at UW System institutions and TCS technical colleges; employee training, violations, and civil action provisions - AB413
Race and sex stereotyping instruction at UW System institutions and TCS technical colleges; employee training, violations, and civil action provisions - SB409
Race and sex stereotyping instruction to pupils in and training to employees of school districts and charter schools prohibited; violation penalty and posting curricula to Internet site provisions - AB411
Race and sex stereotyping instruction to pupils in and training to employees of school districts and charter schools prohibited; violation penalty and posting curricula to Internet site provisions - SB411
Real estate appraiser services: limitation of action - AB340
Real estate appraiser services: limitation of action - SB341
Reciprocal credentials process established - AB902
Reciprocal credentials process established - SB469
Referendum to issue bonds: statement of the purpose to include estimated amount of interest accruing and interest rate - AB475
Referendum to issue bonds: statement of the purpose to include estimated amount of interest accruing and interest rate - SB448
Regulation of utility services based on type or source of energy: political subdivision prohibition created - SB1037
Relocated active duty service member: child or spouse qualify for resident tuition at UW System and TCS institutions - AB757
Relocated active duty service member: child or spouse qualify for resident tuition at UW System and TCS institutions - SB487
Repeat retail theft: mandatory minimum sentence; JRCCP may report - SB850
Representations depicting nudity without consent: felony expanded to include “deep fakes;” reproducing private representations made a misdemeanor - SB987
Returning absentee ballots in person or by mail, alternate sites prohibited, drop box use limited, and delivering ballots of other voters - AB437
Returning absentee ballots in person or by mail, alternate sites prohibited, drop box use limited, and delivering ballots of other voters - SB435
Room tax applicability expanded and other changes - SB198
Sale of motor vehicles, parts, accessories, and services: sales tax revenue deposited in transportation fund - AB200
Sale of motor vehicles, parts, accessories, and services: sales tax revenue deposited in transportation fund - SB217
School boards to provide instruction on human relations re Hmong Americans and Asian Pacific Islander Desi Americans - SB379
Search warrant may be executed without knocking; local governments and law enforcement agencies cannot restrict execution of a search warrant; expenditure of certain federal moneys by first class city - SB874
Second degree sexual assault statute of limitations extended - AB808
Second degree sexual assault statute of limitations extended - SB787
Serving a sentence for certain violent crimes: individual is ineligible for challenge incarceration program, Wisconsin substance abuse program, extended supervision, special action parole release, and earned release program - AB842
Serving a sentence for certain violent crimes: individual is ineligible for challenge incarceration program, Wisconsin substance abuse program, extended supervision, special action parole release, and earned release program - SB851
Sexual assault kits: time limit for processing - AB871
Sexual assault kits: time limit for processing - SB814
Sourcing materials from within the right-of-way of a highway improvement encouraged, bidder provisions - AB202
Sourcing materials from within the right-of-way of a highway improvement encouraged, bidder provisions - SB218
Special highway weight limits for certain vehicles transporting maple sap or syrup - AB260
Special highway weight limits for certain vehicles transporting maple sap or syrup - SB262
Stalking definition expanded to include text messaging and other electronic means of communication; JRCCP may report - AB83
Stalking definition expanded to include text messaging and other electronic means of communication; JRCCP may report - SB85
State park annual vehicle admission fee waiver for parent or guardian of student with an Every Kid Outdoors pass from the U.S. National Park Service - AB375
State park annual vehicle admission fee waiver for parent or guardian of student with an Every Kid Outdoors pass from the U.S. National Park Service - SB376
SWIB prohibited from engaging in securities transactions with certain companies associated with China and Iran, annual report provision - AB480
SWIB prohibited from engaging in securities transactions with certain companies associated with China and Iran, annual report provision - SB460
TCS Board to establish part-time police academy programs; Governor to allocate certain federal moneys - AB836
TCS Board to establish part-time police academy programs; Governor to allocate certain federal moneys - SB847
Telehealth services coverage: private insurer and self-insured health plan of the state or local governmental unit prohibited from denying; audio-only telephone provisions - AB259
Telehealth services coverage: private insurer and self-insured health plan of the state or local governmental unit prohibited from denying; audio-only telephone provisions - SB306
Tenancy termination for fear of imminent violence: written notice and written statement from qualified specialist allowed; landlord disclosure prohibition; DCF duties - AB58