Decertification of law enforcement, tribal law enforcement, jail, or juvenile detention officers by LESB expanded - AB523
Decertification of law enforcement, tribal law enforcement, jail, or juvenile detention officers by LESB expanded - SB541
Diaper changing stations: installation in publicly accessible restrooms in public buildings and identification required for public restrooms in commercial buildings - AB896
Diaper changing stations: installation in publicly accessible restrooms in public buildings and identification required for public restrooms in commercial buildings - SB864
Discrimination in housing based on citizenship or immigration status is unlawful - AB1192
Driver License Compact ratified - AB809
Driver License Compact ratified - SB789
Driver license renewal: application for and issuance of by electronic means; conditions specified - AB616
Economic Bill of Rights declaration - SJR19
Elementary and secondary education law changes re general school aids, categorical aid programs, and programs administered by DPI; UW System funding provision - AB1079
Estate recovery for cost of MA long-term care limited to probate estate - AB774
Estate recovery for cost of MA long-term care limited to probate estate - SB726
Firearm in a residence in which another resident is prohibited from possessing a firearm: storage requirements and penalty provisions; JRCCP may report - AB864
Firearm in a residence in which another resident is prohibited from possessing a firearm: storage requirements and penalty provisions; JRCCP may report - SB876
Firearm storage requirements if child under age 18 is present in the residence; penalty provisions; JRCCP may report - AB861
Focus on Energy initiatives for low-income households - AB792
Focus on Energy initiatives for low-income households - SB757
Focus on Energy rate change - SB758
Food and beverages served in foam polystyrene packaging prohibited, exceptions provided - AB344
Food and beverages served in foam polystyrene packaging prohibited, exceptions provided - SB350
Foreign national prohibited from making a contribution to a referendum committee - AB819
Foreign national prohibited from making a contribution to a referendum committee - SB795
Foundations of Reading test requirement for initial teaching license: requirement waived during COVID-19 national health emergency - AB72
Foundations of Reading test requirement for initial teaching license: requirement waived during COVID-19 national health emergency - SB114
FTE positions authorized for DSPS re professional credential processing; additional funding for DPI special education aids, UW System, and TCS - SB1106
Handgun purchase: 48 hour waiting period restored - SB1003
Hearing aids with certain features: information and demonstration requirements for hearing instrument specialist and audiologists - AB1104
Hearing aids with certain features: information and demonstration requirements for hearing instrument specialist and audiologists - SB1079
Hearing loop technology: installation in new or renovated buildings owned, leased, or occupied by the state required; DOA duties and exemption and report provisions - AB1103
Hearing loop technology: installation in new or renovated buildings owned, leased, or occupied by the state required; DOA duties and exemption and report provisions - SB1081
Hunting and fishing approvals for persons with disabilities: physical therapists and licensed occupational therapists may certify disability of applicant - SB438
Ignition interlock device requirement applied to all OWI offenses involving alcohol - AB810
Ignition interlock device requirement applied to all OWI offenses involving alcohol - SB788
Individual income tax return: DOR required to include questions re health care coverage, OCI provision - AB929
Individual income tax return: DOR required to include questions re health care coverage, OCI provision - SB885
Intestate inheritance by a parent who abandons a child: prohibition expanded - SB249
Legal services for low-income tenants in eviction cases: DOA grant program created - AB1191
Lost or stolen firearm: report to law enforcement and written notice in commercial sales or transfers required; penalty provisions; JRCCP may report - SB810
Mass communications: reporting to the Ethics Commission revised; definition provisions - AB536
Mass communications: reporting to the Ethics Commission revised; definition provisions - SB531
Minimum salaries for public school teachers established - AB1161
Minimum salaries for public school teachers established - SB1059
National Skilled Trades Day: May 5 declared as - SJR34
Nonclassroom teacher time: compensation requirements - AB1159
Nonclassroom teacher time: compensation requirements - SB1057
PFAS testing in schools and daycares: appropriation created - AB1164
PFAS testing in schools and daycares: appropriation created - SB1067
Political action committee definition revised for campaign finance purposes - AB532
Political action committee definition revised for campaign finance purposes - SB527
Prearrest risk assessment tool: grants to law enforcement agencies to incorporate into arrest practices, report required - AB456
Prearrest risk assessment tool: grants to law enforcement agencies to incorporate into arrest practices, report required - SB477
Preemption on local government regulation of firearms eliminated - AB954
Preemption on local government regulation of firearms eliminated - SB903
Pretrial release monitoring and accountability grant program established; DPI special education aid and UW funding provisions - SB952
Property tax bill required to include information re gross reduction in state aid to school districts - AB1047
Property tax bill required to include information re gross reduction in state aid to school districts - SB971
Prosecution decision following investigation of death involving a law enforcement officer: DA to request a special prosecutor - SB514
Public employee collective bargaining over wages, hours, and conditions of employment revised; dispute settlement procedure, selection of bargaining unit representatives, and bargaining unit certification provisions - AB614
Public records law changes re certain records relating to law enforcement officers - AB746
Public records law changes re certain records relating to law enforcement officers - SB714
Ranked-choice voting for the election of all federal, state, and local officials; recall elections excluded - AB150
Ranked-choice voting for the election of all federal, state, and local officials; recall elections excluded - SB240
Records and correspondence of legislative members: exclusion from "public records" definition eliminated - SB289
Rent abatement for tenants: DATCP to promulgate rules specifying items and amounts - AB1190
Rental property inspection by county or municipality: requirement changes - SB1041
Reporting place of employment of campaign finance contributors: amount required for report increased - AB535
Reporting place of employment of campaign finance contributors: amount required for report increased - SB530
Revenue limit adjustment for school districts for the costs of employing school nurses - AB811
Revenue limit adjustment for school districts for the costs of employing school nurses - SB781
School district employees: municipal employers required to offer health insurance plan offered by GIB - SB1060
School lunch and breakfast programs: additional state reimbursement and expanded to include public and private schools; conditions specified - AB805
Social cost of carbon emissions: PSC required to evaluate on annual basis; considerations and annual report provisions - SB760
State procurement of products and services from Wisconsin-based businesses and setting goals for local governments - AB1089
State procurement of products and services from Wisconsin-based businesses and setting goals for local governments - SB1040
Student teacher hourly wage: school boards required to pay and DPI to reimburse - SB1062
Student teaching semester at UW System institutions: undergraduate tuition remission for resident students - SB638
Summer school enrollment percentage increased for school district revenue limit purposes - AB436
Summer school enrollment percentage increased for school district revenue limit purposes - SB436
TCS state aid and grants and DPI special education aid: funding increased - SB634
Teacher longevity bonuses established - AB1155
Teacher longevity bonuses established - SB1061
Teacher pledge loan repayment program established and administered by UW Regents - AB1156
Teacher pledge loan repayment program established and administered by UW Regents - SB1063
Teacher preparation time: school board required to provide - AB1160
Teacher preparation time: school board required to provide - SB1056
Teacher representative added to school boards - AB1158
Teacher representative added to school boards - SB1058
Test for STDs: coverage by health policies and plans required - SB1072
Tipped minimum wage eliminated - AB278