Induced abortion: facility report to include the sex and any fetal anomaly; facility anonymity in DHS report eliminated - SB261
Intentional bodily harm to a probation, extended supervision, parole, community supervision, or aftercare agent: crime expanded to include family member of the agent, comparable programs by American Indian tribes or bands, and threats of harm; JRCCP may report - SB100
Investigations by Elections Commission re registered voters who may have voted more than once in the same election or voted despite being disqualified; municipal clerks and Electronic Registration Information Center provisions - SB393
Judicial notice of court records re domestic violence or child abuse in a family law action - SB106
Juvenile proceedings and criminal proceedings: conducting or appearances by telephone or audiovisual means expanded - SB219
Land above the ordinary high water mark of a commercial waterway or a Great Lakes water since certain date: lawful public or private use of the land; historic fill and shorelines of Great Lakes waters provisions - SB900
Law enforcement and fire fighter WRS annuitants who are rehired by a WRS participating employer: exception to suspension of annuity - SB367
Law Enforcement Appreciation Month: May 2022 recognized as - SJR89
Law enforcement investigative services provided by local government re incidents in a state prison or juvenile correctional facility: DOC to reimburse certain expenses - AB569
Law enforcement investigative services provided by local government re incidents in a state prison or juvenile correctional facility: DOC to reimburse certain expenses - SB558
Leean, Joseph “Joe”: life and public service of former state senator commended - AJR139
Leean, Joseph “Joe”: life and public service of former state senator commended - SJR108
Legal age to purchase cigarettes, tobacco products, or nicotine products raised; minimum age to purchase vapor products imposed - SB355
Legal custody or physical placement of a child: approval of stipulation for modifications contingent on a future event, exceptions noted - AB113
Legal custody or physical placement of a child: approval of stipulation for modifications contingent on a future event, exceptions noted - SB116
License to conduct a 50/50 raffle not required for qualified organizations - SB401
Local land use restrictions revised re newly incorporated cities and villages - SB835
Lump, Edward Joseph “Ed”: career in the restaurant business and leadership in the Wisconsin Restaurant Association commended - SJR83
Marriage after divorce judgment: waiting period eliminated - SB96
Medication-assisted treatment for substance use grants expansion - AB845
Medication-assisted treatment for substance use grants expansion - SB1033
Mental health consultation program created from child psychiatry consultation program and additional services - SB916
Methamphetamine addiction treatment grants - AB844
Methamphetamine addiction treatment grants - SB1032
MFL program changes re eligibility, material change to law, withdrawal taxes and fees, small land sales, large ownerships, leasing, and cutting - SB913
Minnesota-Wisconsin tuition reciprocity agreements re UW System and public vocational school - SB717
Motor carrier safety improvement used or deployed by motor vehicle operator for a motor carrier is not evidence of employment rather than independent contractor for WC, UI, minimum wage, wage claims, and income and franchise tax law purposes - SB703
Motor vehicle seller who transfers possession and legal title to a buyer is immune from civil and criminal liability, and local ordinance violations - SB705
Natural COVID-19 immunity in lieu of vaccination or testing as condition of continued employment: employer required to accept, documentation provision - SB662
Net capital loss deduction: maximum annual offset increased; JSCTE appendix report - SB339
Nonprobate transfers of farming implements at death - AB948
Nonprobate transfers of farming implements at death - SB893
Occupational Therapy Licensure Compact ratified - AB410
Occupational Therapy Licensure Compact ratified - SB412
Oil and natural gas pipelines: importance for Wisconsin and its economy recognized - SJR90
Online dashboard re receipt and expenditure of federal COVID-19 relief funds required - SB980
Operation of drones over correctional institutions prohibition exception re authorization of the DOC Secretary - SB237
Order for child support, family support, or maintenance: annual exchange of financial information specifics - AB633
Order for child support, family support, or maintenance: annual exchange of financial information specifics - SB604
Overnight recreation or education camp inspection requirement for license renewal: DATCP or local health department may waive under set conditions - SB171
Overtime in state correctional institutions: DOC biennial report changed to annual - SB724
Parent of a stillbirth: refundable individual income tax credit created - SB159
Parenting classes: in actions affecting the family involving minor children or paternity determination, court may order parties to attend - SB333
Parenting plan filed with court re legal custody and physical placement of child: requirements modified - SB107
Peer recovery coach services re 2019 WisAct 122: “coach” changed to “specialist” and certain training requirement modified - SB927
Peer-to-peer motor vehicle sharing program: requirements and insurance provisions - SB783
Permissible work hours for minors under age 16 - SB332
Personal financial literacy credit required for high school graduation - AB899
Personal financial literacy credit required for high school graduation - SB841
Pharmacies and remote dispensing sites: revisions to licensing and regulations under the pharmacy practice law; free and charitable clinic and narcotic treatment service provisions - SB308
Pharmacist services: MA reimbursement - SB255
Physical placement of child: factors modified - SB112
Physician assistants: changes to regulation, licensure, and practice; Physician Assistant Affiliated Credentialing Board created, professional discipline provisions; JRCCP may report - SB184
Postpartum MA coverage extended - AB592
Postpartum MA coverage extended - SB562
Post-Traumatic Stress Injury Awareness Day recognized June 27 and June recognized as Post-Traumatic Injury Awareness Month - SJR48
Previously owned eyeglasses provided by a charitable organization: exemption from liability for damages; optometrist or ophthalmologist provision - SB535
Private road maintenance and repair: beneficial user required to contribute - AB208
Private road maintenance and repair: beneficial user required to contribute - SB283
Private security persons: revisions re practicing without a permit, concealed carry, reporting violations, and submitting permit application on behalf of another; DSPS report required - SB853
Property acquired with grant from Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson Stewardship 2000 Program: sale, transfer, or conversion of property allowed; conditions specified - SB802
Property owned by regional planning commissions: property tax exemption - SB560
Qualified ABLE savings account program under section 529A of the Internal Revenue Code: DFI to study and report on establishment - SB158
Qualified new business venture: eligibility for angel and early stage seed investment tax credits revised - SB729
Real estate condition and vacant land disclosure report revisions re rescinding the contract and incomplete reports - AB65
Real estate condition and vacant land disclosure report revisions re rescinding the contract and incomplete reports - SB73
Recount: compensation of election officials - SB268
Recreation vehicle revisions re ATV and UTV operation on bridges, funding to DNR for UTV trails, and “authorized emergency vehicle” expanded to include ATVs, UTVs, and snowmobiles - SB1007
Relocated active duty service member: child or spouse qualify for resident tuition at UW System and TCS institutions - SB487
Retirement payments from federal government re U.S. Foreign Service made exempt from taxation; JSCTE appendix report - AB519
Room tax applicability expanded and other changes - AB189
Room tax applicability expanded and other changes - SB198
Safe Haven law revisions re relinquishment of a newborn and birth records of relinquished newborns - AB631
Safe Haven law revisions re relinquishment of a newborn and birth records of relinquished newborns - SB594
Sale of state-owned property controlled by DNR: expand purposes for which proceeds may be used - SB64
Sale of tax delinquent property: distribution of proceeds to former owner revised - SB829
Sandhill crane hunting permitted; hunter education course and wildlife damage abatement provisions - SB620
Short-term, limited-duration health coverage: changes to reflect federal regulation - SB247
Snow removal vehicles may be equipped with transmitters to communicate with traffic control signal priority devices - SB881
State workforce housing credit created; WHEDA duties and report required - SB172
Sturgeon for Tomorrow, Inc. authorized to raffle lake sturgeon culled from state fish hatcheries, use of proceeds specified - SB335
Subsidized guardianship payments - SB491
Suicide prevention programming grants from DHS; matching funds or in-kind services provision - AB210
Suicide prevention programming grants from DHS; matching funds or in-kind services provision - SB253
Supermarket Employee Day declared February 22, 2022 - SJR94
Taiwan: reaffirming Wisconsin’s commitment to sister-city and sister-state ties, endorsing signing of the Bilateral Investment Agreement (BIA) with the United States, and participation in certain international organizations - SJR10
Talent attraction and retention initiatives: allocation of federal moneys to focus on veterans - SB843
Talent attraction and retention initiatives re 2021 WisAct 58: WEDC to submit expenditure plan to JCF - SB924
Tardive Dyskinesia Awareness Week designated the week of May 2, 2021 - SR5