Joint emergency dispatch center expenses: local levy limit exception created - SB976
Landlord or tenant required to apply for emergency rental assistance and participate in mediation prior to eviction re declared public health emergencies; certain rent increases prohibited - AB738
Landlord or tenant required to apply for emergency rental assistance and participate in mediation prior to eviction re declared public health emergencies; certain rent increases prohibited - SB715
Law enforcement use of force incidents: DOJ annual report required, appropriation provision - SB513
Legalizing recreational marijuana; JRCCP may report; JSCTE appendix report - AB846
Legalizing recreational marijuana; JRCCP may report; JSCTE appendix report - SB545
LGBTQ Pride Month: June 2021 recognized as - SJR40
Liability insurance for physicians and nurse anesthetists temporarily authorized to practice in Wisconsin re 2019 WisAct 185 - SB128
Long-range statewide transportation plan: required inclusions and report required - AB800
Long-range statewide transportation plan: required inclusions and report required - SB766
LTE hours: director of Bureau of Merit Recruitment and Selection may adjust during set period - SB147
Mass communications: reporting to the Ethics Commission revised; definition provisions - SB531
Maternal mental health screenings: DHS to request federal waiver to allow MA reimbursement for; standards, best practices, and health insurance coverage provisions - SB668
Medical aid in dying provisions created; JRCCP may report - AB1078
Medical aid in dying provisions created; JRCCP may report - SB1013
Minimum wage ordinance prohibition eliminated - AB1148
Minimum wage ordinance prohibition eliminated - SB1074
Missing and Murdered African American Women and Girls, Task Force on, established by AG; report required, sunset provision - SB825
Motorists required to stop and remain stopped until pedestrian, bicyclist, personal delivery device, or rider of electric scooter or EPAMD has crossed certain highway crosswalks - AB853
Native American Heritage Month: November recognized as - SJR77
Noncharging employer UI accounts extended re public health emergency - SB140
Nurse aide training: TCS Board grants to districts in areas with nurse aide shortages; DPI special education aid funding provision - SB984
One-call system (Digger’s Hotline): additional excavation requirements and definition of “person” - AB1132
Out-of-network costs related to health coverage: defined network plan prohibited from requiring enrollees to pay more than in-network during nationally declared emergency - SB129
Pension payments received from WRS by protective occupation participants: income tax exemption, conditions specified; JSCTE appendix report - SB498
Persons who die of COVID-19: limited examination of inmates by coroner or medical examiner permitted; 2019 WisAct 185 cremation permits and electronic signature of death certificates provisions modified - SB145
Pesticide regulation to protect pollinators: local ordinance allowed - AB471
Pesticide regulation to protect pollinators: local ordinance allowed - SB456
Petitions for public hearings on legislative bills: provisions created - SB265
PFAS: groundwater, drinking water, water quality, soil and sediment residual contamination, and air emissions standards; grant programs changes; fire fighting foam regulations; food packaging, financial responsibility, and reports provisions - AB419
PFAS: groundwater, drinking water, water quality, soil and sediment residual contamination, and air emissions standards; grant programs changes; fire fighting foam regulations; food packaging, financial responsibility, and reports provisions - SB361
Pharmacists authorized to extend a prescription order: 2020 public health emergency provision extended - SB149
Plants labeled as beneficial to pollinators: sale prohibited if treated with certain insecticides - AB473
Plants labeled as beneficial to pollinators: sale prohibited if treated with certain insecticides - SB457
Postpartum home visits: hospitals required to provide and health insurance policies to cover - SB667
Pregnant MA recipients: DHS to ensure opportunity to see dentist when referred under the MA program - SB670
Prescription drug cost reporting by manufacturers: requirements established - AB512
Prescription drug cost reporting by manufacturers: requirements established - SB499
Prescription drug limits prohibition enacted in 2019 WisAct 185 reinstated, period specified - SB130
Primary elections: voting for more than one political party authorized - SB1006
Property taxes: municipalities allowed to waive interest and penalties on late payments, county provision; timely filing requirement temporarily waived for claims to recover property taxes; 2021 conditions - SB142
Public health campaign for the prevention of initiation of tobacco and vapor product use with grants and report provisions; additional funding for DPI special education aid, TCS, and UW System - SB1048
Qualified ABLE savings account program for certain expenses for individuals with disabilities - SB486
Recovery of birth expenses: state cannot seek recovery if paid through MA for unmarried persons and court cannot include in judgment or order relating to paternity - SB665
Recovery residences: DHS to encourage and grant program for establishing created - AB1109
Recovery residences: DHS to encourage and grant program for establishing created - SB1071
Retail sale of electronic smoking devices: cigarette and tobacco products retailer license required; ordinance and FTE positions provisions; additional funding for DPI special education aid, TCS, and UW System - SB1038
Retirement plan marketplace established to connect residents and small employers with private firms - SB496
Runaway Prevention Month: November 2021 proclaimed as - SJR75
School categorical aids revisions; elementary and secondary education changes; higher education funding; tax rebate; family caregiver income tax credit; child and dependent care tax credit modified - SB956
School-based mental health services grants modified - AB749
School-based mental health services grants modified - SB732
SeniorCare coverage of vaccinations re 2019 WisAct 185 required regardless of federal waiver - SB132
Sexual assault kit tracking system: DOJ to establish database; victims of assault may access - SB94
Sexual assault kits: procedures for transmission, processing, and storage created - SB71
Sexually protective device: civil cause of action for nonconsensual removal or tampering with - AB867
Sexually protective device: civil cause of action for nonconsensual removal or tampering with - SB822
Shared mass transit services grants, shared services planning and operation grants, and grants for regional affordable housing development and certain kinds of redevelopment - SB1093
State aid for school mental health programs expanded to include pupil wellness and pupil services professionals; UW System funding provision - AB750
State aid for school mental health programs expanded to include pupil wellness and pupil services professionals; UW System funding provision - SB731
State minimum wage increased and revised annually using the consumer price index; tipped employees, meal and lodging allowances, and certain categories of employees provisions; local minimum wage ordinance prohibition eliminated - AB477
State minimum wage increased and revised annually using the consumer price index; tipped employees, meal and lodging allowances, and certain categories of employees provisions; local minimum wage ordinance prohibition eliminated - SB452
State park annual vehicle admission fee waived for members of American Indian tribe or band located in the state - SB405
State parks daily admission fees waived April 22nd of each year (Earth Day) - AB269
State parks daily admission fees waived April 22nd of each year (Earth Day) - SB287
Step therapy protocol for certain cancer drugs: insurer, pharmacy benefit manager, or utilization review organization prohibited from requiring - SB716
Stretch energy code: DSPS working group created to establish re minimum building energy efficiency - AB786
Stretch energy code: DSPS working group created to establish re minimum building energy efficiency - SB777
Sunshine Week: March 14-20 declared as - SJR50
Suspension of UI one-week waiting period extended, date specified - SB141
Syttende Mai Weekend: May 13-15, 2022 proclaimed as - SJR103
Syttende Mai Weekend: May 14-16, 2021 proclaimed as - AJR39
Syttende Mai Weekend: May 14-16, 2021 proclaimed as - SJR28
Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month: February recognized as - SJR5
Teen dating violence prevention education required in schools and each school board must adopt a policy; model health curriculum provision - SB986
Test for STDs: coverage by health policies and plans required - SB1072
Third-party logistics providers: optional license created; Pharmacy Examining Board duties - SB144
Transfer of firearm, including frame or receiver, prohibited unless through a federally licensed firearms dealer; background check on transferee required; exceptions and penalty provisions; JRCCP may report - SB624
Transgender Equality Task Force created; report required - AB467
Transgender Equality Task Force created; report required - SB443
UI claimants in a work-share program may receive benefits, expiration provision - SB139
UI extended benefits: DWD Secretary may waive certain prohibition - SB138
Universal changing stations: installation in certain buildings required; income and franchise tax credit for small businesses created - AB709
Universal changing stations: installation in certain buildings required; income and franchise tax credit for small businesses created - SB676
Unsolicited obscene or sexually explicit image sent by electronic means: penalties and private cause of action established - AB868
Unsolicited obscene or sexually explicit image sent by electronic means: penalties and private cause of action established - SB821
Use of force by law enforcement policy required to include certain information; LESB model policy and whistleblower provisions - SB515
UW and technical college students: hours engaged in eligible activities re COVID-19 pandemic satisfy related course requirements - SB143
UW Eau Claire’s women’s volleyball team recognized for their hard work and 2021 Division III National Title - SJR98