State of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor
December 6, 2021
The Honorable, the Senate:
The following bill(s), originating in the Senate, have been approved, signed and deposited in the office of the Secretary of State:
Bill Number   Act Number   Date Approved
hist144841Senate Bill 73   96   December 3, 2021
hist144842Senate Bill 92   97   December 3, 2021
hist144843Senate Bill 255   98   December 3, 2021
hist144844Senate Bill 283   99   December 3, 2021
hist144845Senate Bill 300   100   December 3, 2021
hist144847Senate Bill 303   102   December 3, 2021
hist144846Senate Bill 308   101   December 3, 2021
hist144848Senate Bill 364   103   December 3, 2021
hist144849Senate Bill 374   104   December 3, 2021
hist144850Senate Bill 387   105   December 3, 2021
hist144851Senate Bill 401   106   December 3, 2021
hist144852Senate Bill 434   107   December 3, 2021
hist144853Senate Bill 437   108   December 3, 2021
hist144854Senate Bill 449   109   December 3, 2021
hist144855Senate Bill 466   110   December 3, 2021
hist144856Senate Bill 482   111   December 3, 2021
hist144857Senate Bill 489   112   December 3, 2021
hist144858Senate Bill 538   113   December 3, 2021
hist144859Senate Bill 588   114   December 3, 2021
Pursuant to s. 35.095 (1)(b), Wisconsin Statutes, the following 2021 Act(s) have been published:
Act Number   Bill Number   Publication Date
hist144867Wisconsin Act 96   73   December 4, 2021
hist144868Wisconsin Act 97   92   December 4, 2021
hist144869Wisconsin Act 98   255   December 4, 2021
hist144870Wisconsin Act 99   283   December 4, 2021
hist144871Wisconsin Act 100   300   December 4, 2021
hist144872Wisconsin Act 101   308   December 4, 2021
hist144873Wisconsin Act 102   303   December 4, 2021
hist144874Wisconsin Act 103   364   December 4, 2021
hist144875Wisconsin Act 104   374   December 4, 2021
hist144876Wisconsin Act 105   387   December 4, 2021
hist144877Wisconsin Act 106   401   December 4, 2021
hist144878Wisconsin Act 107   434   December 4, 2021
hist144879Wisconsin Act 108   437   December 4, 2021
hist144880Wisconsin Act 109   449   December 4, 2021
hist144881Wisconsin Act 110   466   December 4, 2021
hist144882Wisconsin Act 111   482   December 4, 2021
hist144883Wisconsin Act 112   489   December 4, 2021
hist144884Wisconsin Act 113   538   December 4, 2021
hist144885Wisconsin Act 114   588   December 4, 2021
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor
December 3, 2021
The Honorable, the Senate:
hist144860I am vetoing Senate Bill 125 in its entirety.
This bill would permit a tax subtraction for certain tuition expenses paid by an individual for the individual or their dependent to participate in an apprenticeship program approved by the Department of Workforce Development.
I am vetoing this bill in its entirety because I object to the manner in which it is duplicative of certain existing tax benefits while leaving out important partners in Wisconsin’s apprenticeship system. Under current law, an individual can qualify for existing tuition tax breaks for tuition they have paid to a variety of higher education institutions, including but not limited to Wisconsin universities, technical colleges, private colleges, certain approved vocational schools, and even institutions of higher education in Minnesota that fall under the Minnesota-Wisconsin reciprocity agreement. Furthermore, the bill omits key participants in the apprenticeship system by not including tuition expenses paid by trade unions and employers on behalf of their employees.
Respectfully submitted,
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor
December 3, 2021
The Honorable, the Senate:
hist144861I am vetoing Senate Bill 463 in its entirety.
This bill effectively requires school boards to maintain on their website a list of and bibliographic information for every piece of material assigned, distributed, or presented at any activity or course at every school in the district and in every classroom of every grade level for every subject area, with very limited exceptions, and to update that list no less than twice each school year and to provide a full text or copy of the material created by the board or a teacher employed by the board. The bill includes no appropriation and provides no additional resources or staff support to ensure school districts can implement these requirements.
I am vetoing this bill in its entirety because I object to this bill’s failure to provide the necessary funding to implement these measures. I have and will continue to urge the Wisconsin State Legislature to provide sustainable, long-term state support for K-12 education so we can ensure our school boards, administrators, educators, and staff have the support and resources to further foster communication and collaboration with parents and promote parent involvement.
I trust parents and school boards to work together to do what’s best for our kids because we know we can improve academic achievement when parents have the opportunity to be actively involved in their kids’ lives, including supporting their education. I know how powerful family engagement is in kids’ loves, and as an educator and administrator, I greatly values the opportunity to engage with parents and family members about their children’s education. By providing the necessary, additional funding and bolstering staff resources, we can better empower and facilitate parent engagement, which is essential for our kids’ success.
Additionally, under existing federal law,-every school district already must have policies and procedures to make sure parents can request access to instructional materials being taught to their kids. Nearly all school districts also have policies and procedures to address parents’ concerns or complaints about instructional materials being used in their kids’ classrooms. These are essential measures for promoting parent engagement while ensuring transparency in our classrooms.
Finally, this bill exempts independent charter schools and private schools in the various parental choice programs likely funding mostly or entirely by state and local tax dollars. We should be working to improve transparency and accountability for every parent, regardless of which school their kid attends.
Respectfully submitted,
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor
December 3, 2021
The Honorable, the Senate:
hist144862I am vetoing Senate Bill 16 in its entirety.
This bill relates to healthcare provider standards of care following an abortion and provides a criminal penalty.
I am vetoing this bill in its entirety because I object to legislation designed to interfere between patients and their physicians. This bill only serves to create political interference with the personal healthcare decisions made by parents, in consultation with their healthcare providers, while faced with difficult reproductive healthcare decisions late in pregnancy due to medical emergencies and life-threatening circumstances. Moreover, existing state law already provides the protection this bill seeks.
Respectfully submitted,
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor