Senate Journal
One-Hundred and Fifth Regular Session
TUESDAY, August 16, 2022
The Chief Clerk made the following entries under the above date.
Petitions and Communications
State of Wisconsin
Wisconsin Ethics Commission
August 9, 2022
The Honorable, the Senate:
Pursuant to Wis. Stats. §13.685 (7), we are providing the enclosed information. Please visit the Wisconsin Ethics Commission’s Eye on Lobbying website,, for more detailed information about lobbyists, lobbying principals (organizations), and state agency liaisons.
Jerominski, Chelsea   Association of Equipment Manufacturers  
State of Wisconsin
Wisconsin Ethics Commission
August 16, 2022
The Honorable, the Senate:
Pursuant to Wis. Stats. §13.685 (7), we are providing the enclosed information. Please visit the Wisconsin Ethics Commission’s Eye on Lobbying website,, for more detailed information about lobbyists, lobbying principals (organizations), and state agency liaisons.
Hrdlicka, Joseph   Genentech, Inc, A Member of the Roche Group
Scudder, Bria   AbbVie, Inc.
State of Wisconsin
Claims Board
August 11, 2022
Enclosed is the report of the State Claims Board covering the July 21, 2022 meeting of the Board.
Those claims approved for payment pursuant to the provisions of §16.007 have been paid directly by the Board.
This report is for the information of the Legislature, The Board would appreciate your acceptance and publication of it in the Journal to inform the members of the Legislature.
On July 21, 2022, the State of Wisconsin Claims Board met via Zoom videoconference and considered the following claims:
Hearings were conducted for the following claims:
Claimant   Agency   Amount
JRT Top Notch Roofs   Administration   $213,302.77
Walsh Construction   Transportation $8,630,650.62
Mercy Health Systems   Health Services   $3,069,168.00
and MercyCare Insurance
The following claims were decided without hearings:
Claimant   Agency   Amount
Joseph May     Innocent Convict $2,330,528.00
Charles Bliesner   Corrections   $219.83
Joshua Flynn     Corrections   $1,663.13
De’Angelo Wallace   Corrections   $175.65
With respect to the claims, the Board finds:
(Decisions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.)
1. JRT Top Notch Roofs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin claims $213,302.77 for damages allegedly related to a contract with the Department of Administration for the Esker Hall roof replacement project at UW-Whitewater. The bid documents stated that project would begin “on or before” a date provided in the notice to proceed and the notice to proceed said the project would begin “on or before” May 17, 2021.
JRT was awarded the contract and submitted a tentative project schedule with a 4/5/21 start date. DOA rejected that schedule and told JRT they were not allowed to mobilize until 5/17/21 (the Monday after commencement). JRT claims that this start date was contrary to the bid documents and notice to proceed. JRT alleges that the later start date impacted its ability to acquire project materials in a timely manner due to industry-wide shortages. JRT explained the shortages multiple times, but DOA allegedly refused to negotiate in good faith. Despite JRT’s efforts to meet DOA’s demands, DOA stopped communicating with JRT and terminated the contract. JRT believes the schedules it submitted were contractually compliant and that DOA had no right to terminate the contract.
JRT demands that DOA rescind the contract termination and reinstate JRT on the project. If JRT is not allowed to complete the project, it requests $213,302.77 in lost revenue.
DOA points to the fact that the contract signed by JRT stated work was to begin “on or after” a date specified in the Notice to Proceed. DOA notes that the bid documents clearly stated that mobilization was not scheduled to take place until June 2021, therefore, JRT’s bid would have been based on a mobilization date after 5/17/21. To the extent that there was any confusion in the bid documents, bidders were to notify DOA prior to the bid opening, which JRT did not do. DOA concedes that the Notice to Proceed inadvertently stated that work would begin “on or before” 5/17/21 but believes that any alleged confusion was resolved when DOA clearly informed JRT that it would not be permitted to mobilize until that date.
In response to JRTs concerns about procuring materials, DOA proposed extending the completion deadline by 16 days. The fact that JRT was not satisfied with this resolution does not mean DOA acted in bad faith. DOA notes that the contract allowed JRT to obtain and request reimbursement for offsite materials storage. DOA believes that any difficulties obtaining project materials were caused by JRT’s failure to purchase those materials in a timely manner.
DOA alleges it was within its rights to terminate the contract. DOA has already re-bid the project and awarded it to another contractor. If the state were required to pay lost revenue to JRT, the taxpayers would have to pay twice for one project. DOA notes that the contract only entitled JRT to monthly installment payments for work performed and that JRT’s claim fails to establish that it performed any work for DOA for which it is entitled to payment.
The Board concludes that this claim raises questions of fact that are better evaluated by a court of law, and therefore, the Board denies payment of this claim.
(Member Hanson not participating.)
2. Walsh Construction of Chicago, Illinois claims $8,630,650.62 for damages allegedly relating to the contract for the I-94 Freeway North Package Project. The project began in Fall 2018 and was broken into five stages with disincentive pay reductions and liquidated damages for not finishing Stage 4 of the project by 12/16/19. Walsh encountered excessive topsoil on site that was significantly thicker than what was shown in the contract documents. Walsh also found topographical errors in the project plans which necessitated the purchase of additional fill material. Walsh claims that these differing site conditions (DSCs) comprised an excusable, compensable delay under the contract. Walsh provided DOT with written notice of the DSCs, but DOT allegedly did not acknowledge Walsh’s notification for more than four months.
Walsh points to the fact that the Dispute Resolution Board (DRB) unanimously recommended that Walsh receive additional compensation for the DSCs and acceleration costs for 83 days of delay. DOT agreed to compensate Walsh for the direct costs of the DSCs but refused to provide additional compensation for the cost of acceleration, relief from liquidated damages and disincentive pay, or additional time to complete Stage 4 of the project.
Walsh alleges that it performed significant extra work on the project and was forced to accelerate its work due to DOT’s refusal to grant a reasonable time extension. Walsh believes DOT’s actions constituted breach of contract and that Walsh is entitled to compensation for damages.
DOT notes that it repeatedly emphasized the fast-paced construction schedule for this project and Walsh’s signed contract required its commitment to a schedule that met intermediate project milestones and contract completion dates.
DOT denies its response to Walsh’s DSC notices was untimely. DOT began discussions with Walsh immediately after receiving the notices and remained in communication while reviewing its claims. DOT alleges that Walsh’s claims were confusing because they raised compensable and non-compensable issues and shifted over time—requesting varying types of relief and citing varying contract provisions. DOT states that there is no language in the contract allowing for acceleration and that DOT neither accepted Walsh’s claim for acceleration nor directed Walsh to accelerate at any stage. DOT believes acceleration was unnecessary because DOT allowed numerous time and efficiency modifications to the contract, which provided significant schedule relief to Walsh’s benefit.
DOT notes that Walsh submitted its claim to the DRB under “Excusable Weather Delays” and the DRB acknowledged that the contract clearly did not provide time extensions for severe weather. DOT did not agree with the DRB’s finding that Walsh was not barred from seeking acceleration costs because if weather related delays were not compensable under the contract, then Walsh was not entitled to acceleration arising from weather delays.
DOT asserts that it met its obligations under the contract by compensating Walsh for costs associated the DSCs and providing appropriate schedule relief to Walsh’s benefit. DOT does not believe Walsh is entitled to any additional compensation and recommends denial of this claim.
The Board concludes that this claim raises questions of fact regarding whether Walsh was entitled to a contract extension under the circumstances that are better evaluated by a court of law, and therefore, the Board denies payment of this claim.
3. Mercy Health Systems and MercyCare Insurance of Janesville, Wisconsin (collectively “Mercy”) claims $3,069,168.00 for Medicaid underpayments for 2017 and 2018 BadgerCare Plus Contract. DHS provides Hospital Access Payments (HAPs) to hospitals that serve large numbers of Medicaid recipients. HAPs are intended to offset the cost of uncompensated care and are based on a hospital’s historic use by Medicaid patients. Mercy states that DHS’s vendor, Milliman, undercounted Mercy’s eligible hospital encounters when calculating HAP rates for 2017, 2018 and 2019. Mercy alleges that it could not have uncovered this error on its own because it was not privy to data showing how Milliman counted hospital admissions until late November 2018, when Milliman began providing additional data. Upon receipt of that additional data, Mercy realized there was an error and contacted DHS. After repeated requests by Mercy, DHS/Milliman investigated the issue and eventually admitted the undercounting error in January 2019. DHS corrected the HAP rate for Mercy’s 2019 contract but refuses to correct the error for its 2017 and 2018 contracts, resulting in millions of dollars of underpayments for those years. Mercy believes it has been unfairly penalized by an error it did not cause and could not have prevented and requests that the Claims Board recommend payment of this claim in full to the Wisconsin Legislature.