11. That the application contains the information required by sub. (1) and the
2information is correct.
SB566,150,43 2. That all fees and penalties owed by the partnership to the department under
4this chapter have been paid.
SB566,150,105 (b) Upon reinstatement of a limited partnership under par. (a), the department
6shall enter a notation in its records revising the notation specified in s. 179.0811 (3)
7(b) to reflect cancellation of the dissolution and reinstatement of the partnership.
8The notation shall state both the department's determination under par. (a) and the
9effective date of reinstatement. The department shall provide notice of the
10reinstatement to the partnership or its representative.
SB566,150,12 11(4) When the reinstatement under this section is effective, all of the following
12shall apply:
SB566,150,1413 (a) Except as provided in par. (c), the reinstatement relates back to and takes
14effect as of the effective date of the administrative dissolution.
SB566,150,1615 (b) Except as provided in par. (c), the limited partnership resumes carrying on
16its activities and affairs as if the administrative dissolution had never occurred.
SB566,150,1817 (c) The rights of a person arising out of an act or omission in reliance on the
18dissolution before the person knew or had notice of the reinstatement are unaffected.
SB566,150,22 19179.0813 Appeal from denial of reinstatement. (1) If the department
20denies a limited partnership's application for reinstatement under s. 179.0812, the
21department shall serve the partnership with a written notice, addressed to the
22registered agent of the partnership, that explains each reason for denial.
SB566,151,5 23(2) The limited partnership may appeal the denial of reinstatement to the
24circuit court for the county where the partnership's principal office or, if none in this
25state, the office of its registered agent is located, within 30 days after service of the

1notice of denial is effective under s. 179.0103 (7m). To appeal, the partnership shall
2petition the court to set aside the administrative dissolution and attach to the
3petition copies of the department's notice of administrative dissolution under s.
4179.0811 (3) (b), the partnership's application for reinstatement under s. 179.0812
5(1), and the department's notice of denial under sub. (1).
SB566,151,7 6(3) The court may order the department to reinstate the limited partnership
7or may take other action that the court considers appropriate.
SB566,151,8 8(4) The court's final decision may be appealed as in other civil proceedings.
SB566,151,99 subchapter IX
SB566,151,16 11179.0901 Direct action by partner. (1) Subject to sub. (2), a partner may
12maintain a direct action against another partner or the limited partnership, with or
13without an accounting as to the partnership's activities and affairs, to enforce the
14partner's rights and protect the partner's interests, including rights and interests
15under the partnership agreement or this chapter or arising independently of the
16partnership relationship.
SB566,151,19 17(2) A partner maintaining a direct action under this section must plead and
18prove an actual or threatened injury that is not solely the result of an injury suffered
19or threatened to be suffered by the limited partnership.
SB566,151,21 20(3) A right to an accounting on a dissolution and winding up does not revive
21a claim barred by law.
SB566,151,23 22179.0902 Derivative action. A partner may maintain a derivative action to
23enforce a right of a limited partnership if any of the following applies:
1(1) The partner first makes a demand on the general partners, requesting that
2they cause the limited partnership to bring an action to enforce the right, and the
3general partners do not bring the action within a reasonable time.
SB566,152,4 4(2) A demand under sub. (1) would be futile.
SB566,152,7 5179.0903 Proper plaintiff. A derivative action to enforce a right of a limited
6partnership may be maintained only by a person that is a partner at the time the
7action is commenced and to which any of the following applies:
SB566,152,9 8(1) The person was a partner when the conduct giving rise to the action
SB566,152,12 10(2) The person's status as a partner devolved on the person by operation of law
11or pursuant to the terms of the partnership agreement from a person that was a
12partner at the time of the conduct.
SB566,152,14 13179.0904 Pleading. In a derivative action under s. 179.0902, the complaint
14must state with particularity one of the following:
SB566,152,16 15(1) The date and content of plaintiff's demand and the response to the demand
16by the general partners.
SB566,152,17 17(2) Why demand should be excused as futile.
SB566,153,2 18179.0905 Special litigation committee. (1) If a limited partnership is
19named as or made a party in a derivative proceeding, the partnership may appoint
20a special litigation committee to investigate the claims asserted in the proceeding
21and determine whether pursuing the action is in the best interests of the
22partnership. If the partnership appoints a special litigation committee, on motion
23by the committee made in the name of the partnership, except for good cause shown,
24the court shall stay discovery for the time reasonably necessary to permit the

1committee to make its investigation. This subsection does not prevent the court from
2doing any of the following:
SB566,153,33 (a) Enforcing a person's right to information under s. 179.0304 or 179.0407.
SB566,153,54 (b) Granting extraordinary relief in the form of a temporary restraining order
5or preliminary injunction.
SB566,153,7 6(2) A special litigation committee must be composed of one or more
7disinterested and independent individuals, who may be partners.
SB566,153,8 8(3) A special litigation committee may be appointed as follows:
SB566,153,109 (a) By a majority of the general partners not named as parties in the
SB566,153,1211 (b) If all general partners are named as parties in the proceeding, by a majority
12of the general partners named as defendants.
SB566,153,14 13(4) After appropriate investigation, a special litigation committee may
14determine that any of the following is in the best interests of the limited partnership:
SB566,153,1515 (a) That the proceeding continue under the control of the plaintiff.
SB566,153,1616 (b) That the proceeding continue under the control of the committee.
SB566,153,1717 (c) That the proceeding be settled on terms approved by the committee.
SB566,153,1818 (d) That the proceeding be dismissed.
SB566,154,5 19(5) After making a determination under sub. (4), a special litigation committee
20shall file with the court a statement of its determination and its report supporting
21its determination and shall serve each party with a copy of the determination and
22report. The court shall determine whether the members of the committee were
23disinterested and independent and whether the committee conducted its
24investigation and made its recommendation in good faith, independently, and with
25reasonable care, with the committee having the burden of proof. If the court finds

1that the members of the committee were disinterested and independent and that the
2committee acted in good faith, independently, and with reasonable care, the court
3shall enforce the determination of the committee. Otherwise, the court shall dissolve
4the stay of discovery entered under sub. (1) and allow the action to continue under
5the control of the plaintiff.
SB566,154,8 6179.0906 Proceeds and expenses. (1) (a) Except as otherwise provided in
7sub. (2), any proceeds or other benefits of a derivative action, whether by judgment,
8compromise, or settlement, belong to the limited partnership and not to the plaintiff.
SB566,154,109 (b) Except as otherwise provided in sub. (2), if the plaintiff receives any
10proceeds, the plaintiff shall remit them immediately to the partnership.
SB566,154,13 11(2) If a derivative action is successful in whole or in part, the court may award
12the plaintiff reasonable expenses, including reasonable attorney fees and costs, from
13the recovery of the limited partnership.
SB566,154,1414 subchapter X
SB566,154,17 16179.1001 Governing law. (1) The governing law of a foreign limited
17partnership governs all of the following:
SB566,154,1818 (a) The internal affairs of the partnership.
SB566,154,2019 (b) The liability of a partner as partner for a debt, obligation, or other liability
20of the foreign partnership.
SB566,154,23 21(2) A foreign limited partnership is not precluded from registering to do
22business in this state because of any difference between its governing law and the
23law of this state.
SB566,155,2 24(3) Registration of a foreign limited partnership to do business in this state
25does not authorize the foreign partnership to engage in any activities and affairs or

1exercise any power that a limited partnership may not engage in or exercise in this
SB566,155,5 3179.1002 Registration to do business in this state. (1) A foreign limited
4partnership may not do business in this state until it registers with the department
5under this chapter.
SB566,155,8 6(2) A foreign limited partnership doing business in this state may not maintain
7an action or proceeding in this state unless it has registered to do business in this
SB566,155,12 9(3) The failure of a foreign limited partnership to register to do business in this
10state does not impair the validity of a contract or act of the foreign partnership or its
11title to property in this state or preclude it from defending an action or proceeding
12in this state.
SB566,155,15 13(4) A limitation on the liability of a general partner or limited partner of a
14foreign limited partnership is not waived solely because the foreign partnership does
15business in this state without registering to do business in this state.
SB566,155,17 16(5) Section 179.1001 (1) and (2) applies even if a foreign limited partnership
17fails to register under this subchapter.
SB566,155,21 18(5m) (a) A foreign limited partnership that does business in this state without
19registering to do business in this state is liable to this state, for each year or any part
20of a year during which it did business in this state without registration, in an amount
21equal to all of the following:
SB566,155,2422 1. All fees and other charges that would have been imposed by this chapter on
23the foreign limited partnership had it properly filed a foreign registration statement
24as required by this section and thereafter filed all reports required by this chapter.
SB566,155,2525 2. Fifty percent of the amount owed under subd. 1 or $5,000, whichever is less.
1(b) The foreign limited partnership shall pay the amount owed under par. (a)
2to the department, and the department may not file a foreign registration statement
3for the foreign limited partnership until the amount owed is paid. The attorney
4general may enforce a foreign limited partnership's obligation to pay to the
5department any amount owed under this subsection.
SB566,156,8 6179.1003 Foreign registration statement. To register to do business in this
7state, a foreign limited partnership must deliver a foreign registration statement to
8the department for filing. The statement must state all of the following:
SB566,156,10 9(1) The name of the partnership and, if the name does not comply with s.
10179.0114, a fictitious name adopted pursuant to s. 179.1006 (1).
SB566,156,11 11(2) That the partnership is a foreign limited partnership.
SB566,156,12 12(3) The jurisdiction of the partnership's governing law.
SB566,156,16 13(4) The street and mailing addresses of the partnership's principal office and,
14if the partnership's governing law requires the partnership to maintain an office in
15the jurisdiction of such governing law, the street and mailing addresses of the
16required office.
SB566,156,18 17(5) The street address of the partnership's registered office in this state and the
18name and e-mail address of its registered agent at that office.
SB566,156,21 19179.1004 Amendment of foreign registration statement. A registered
20foreign limited partnership shall deliver to the department for filing an amendment
21to its foreign registration statement if there is a change in any of the following:
SB566,156,24 22(1) The name of the partnership and, if the name of the partnership filing an
23amendment does not comply with s. 179.0114, a fictitious name adopted pursuant to
24s. 179.1006 (1).
SB566,156,25 25(1r) The cessation of the partnership's status as a foreign limited partnership.
1(2) The jurisdiction of the partnership's governing law.
SB566,157,2 2(3) An address required by s. 179.1003 (4).
SB566,157,4 3(4) The information required by s. 179.1003 (5), unless such information has
4previously been changed pursuant to s. 179.0118, 179.0209, or 179.0212.
SB566,157,7 5179.1005 Activities not constituting doing business. (1) Activities of a
6foreign limited partnership which do not constitute doing business in this state
7under this subchapter include all of the following:
SB566,157,98 (a) Maintaining, defending, mediating, arbitrating, or settling an action or
SB566,157,1110 (b) Carrying on any activity concerning its internal affairs, including holding
11meetings of its partners.
SB566,157,1212 (c) Maintaining accounts in financial institutions.
SB566,157,1513 (d) Maintaining offices or agencies for the transfer, exchange, and registration
14of securities of the partnership or maintaining trustees or depositaries with respect
15to those securities.
SB566,157,1616 (e) Selling through independent contractors.
SB566,157,1817 (f) Soliciting or obtaining orders by any means if the orders require acceptance
18outside this state before they become contracts.
SB566,157,2019 (g) Creating or acquiring indebtedness, mortgages, or security interests in
SB566,157,2221 (h) Securing or collecting debts or enforcing mortgages or security interests in
22property securing the debts and holding, protecting, or maintaining property.
SB566,157,2423 (i) Conducting an isolated transaction that is not in the course of similar
SB566,157,2525 (j) Owning, without more, property.
1(k) Doing business in interstate commerce.
SB566,158,3 2(2) A person does not do business in this state solely by being a partner of a
3foreign limited partnership that does business in this state.
SB566,158,6 4(3) This section does not apply in determining the contacts or activities that
5may subject a foreign limited partnership to service of process, taxation, or
6regulation under law of this state other than this chapter.
SB566,158,12 7179.1006 Noncomplying name of foreign limited partnership. (1) A
8foreign limited partnership whose name does not comply with s. 179.0114 may not
9register to do business in this state until it adopts, for the purpose of doing business
10in this state, a fictitious name that complies with s. 179.0114. After registering to
11do business in this state with a fictitious name, the partnership shall only do
12business in this state under the fictitious name.
SB566,158,16 13(2) If a registered foreign limited partnership changes its name to one that does
14not comply with s. 179.0114, it may not do business in this state until it complies with
15sub. (1) by amending its registration to adopt a fictitious name that complies with
16s. 179.0114.
SB566,158,23 17179.1007 Withdrawal deemed on conversion to or merger into
18domestic filing entity or domestic limited liability partnership.
A registered
19foreign limited partnership that converts to, or merges into, a domestic limited
20liability partnership or to or into a domestic entity whose formation requires the
21delivery of a record to the department for filing is deemed to have withdrawn its
22registration on the effective date of the conversion or merger, unless the registration
23is transferred to such partnership pursuant to s. 179.1009.
SB566,159,5 24179.1008 Withdrawal on dissolution or conversion to nonfiling entity
25other than limited liability partnership. (1)
(a) A registered foreign limited

1partnership that has dissolved and completed winding up or has converted to, or
2merged into, a domestic or foreign entity whose formation does not require the
3delivery of a record for filing by the department, other than a limited liability
4partnership, shall deliver a statement of withdrawal to the department for filing, as
5provided in s. 179.1011.
SB566,159,86 (b) In the case of a merger or conversion, the statement under par. (a) must also
7state the name and type of entity to which or into which the partnership has
8converted or merged and the jurisdiction of its governing law.
SB566,159,12 9(2) After a withdrawal under this section is effective, service of process in any
10action or proceeding based on a cause of action arising during the time the foreign
11limited partnership was registered to do business in this state may be made
12pursuant to s. 179.0121, as provided in s. 179.1011 (2).