
Record of Committee Proceedings

Committee on Family Law

Assembly Bill 628

Relating to: elimination of a jury trial in a proceeding under the Children's Code.

By Representatives Dittrich, Gundrum, Penterman, Mursau, Wichgers, Tusler, Snyder and Doyle; cosponsored by Senator Jacque.

October 21, 2021        Referred to Committee on Family Law

December 01, 2021     Public Hearing Held

Present:       (7)        Representative Magnafici; Representatives James, Snyder, Edming, Duchow, Doyle and Conley.

Absent:       (0)        None.

Excused:     (2)        Representatives Plumer and Drake.

Appearances For

·      Rep. Barbara Dittrich - Assembly District 38

Appearances Against

·      Araclli Esdoetg

·      Shadayra Flores

·      Jeff Pertl - DCF

·      Wendy Henderson - DCF

·      Amanda Merkwae - DCF

·      Rachel Nili - DCF

·      Alex Plotkin - State Public Defender

·      Matt Giesfeldt - State Public Defender

·      Christol Arroyo Roman

·      Tai Renfrom

·      Nicole Homer - Ho-Chunk Nation

·      Hiny Smith - Ho-Chunk Nation

Appearances for Information Only

·      Henry Plum - State Bar of WI

·      Deannna Weiss - State Bar of WI

Registrations For

·      Sen. Andre Jacque - Senate District 1

Registrations Against

·      James Penczykowski

·      Brittany Moes

·      Aaron Hicks

·      Carrie Springer

·      Joan Duerst

·      Molly Clarc-Barol

·      Pamela Gates

·      Rosemary Russ

·      Peggy West-Schroder

·      Jane Smith

·      Latoyl Greer-El

·      Rev Jerry Hancock - First Con. Church Madison

·      Tamra Oman

·      JenAnn Bauer

Registrations for Information Only

·      None.

March 10, 2022           Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1


Jensen Vendette

Committee Clerk