Election administration: acceptance or use of private resources by state agency or political subdivision or officer or employee of prohibited; only election officials designated by law may perform tasks. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - AJR134
Election administration: acceptance or use of private resources by state agency or political subdivision or officer or employee of prohibited; only election officials designated by law may perform tasks. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] - SJR101
Election and voting law changes: automatic voter registration, deceptive election practices, voter intimidation and suppression, polling place posting and language requirements, election manual, and withholding of voluntarily provided elector information; voter bill of rights; JRCCP may report - AB1068
Election and voting law changes: automatic voter registration, deceptive election practices, voter intimidation and suppression, polling place posting and language requirements, election manual, and withholding of voluntarily provided elector information; voter bill of rights; JRCCP may report - SB988
Election fraud by election official and defects on absentee ballot certificates revisions; penalty provisions; JRCCP may report - AB198
Election fraud by election official and defects on absentee ballot certificates revisions; penalty provisions; JRCCP may report [S.Amdt.1: further revisions] - SB212
Election fraud or misconduct reports to municipal clerks or board of election commissioners: reports required and DA duties - AB1046
Election fraud or misconduct reports to municipal clerks or board of election commissioners: reports required and DA duties - SB978
Election inspector: pupils enrolled in a home-based private educational program may serve as; conditions specified - AB94
Election inspector: pupils enrolled in a home-based private educational program may serve as; conditions specified - SB102
Election official qualifications: persons convicted of treason, felony, or bribery my serve as poll workers; conditions set - AB1198
Election prohibitions: use of private resources for election administration, nonresidents counting or tabulating votes, and poll workers who are employees of candidate groups, political organization, or issue advocacy group; JRCCP may report [A.Amdt.2: further revisions] - AB173
Election prohibitions: use of private resources for election administration, nonresidents counting or tabulating votes, and poll workers who are employees of candidate groups, political organization, or issue advocacy group; JRCCP may report - SB207
Election revisions: voter registration list when a voter moves, DOT and Elections Commission data sharing, electronic voting equipment, municipal clerk training and vacancies, polling place incident reports, default dates in the official registration list, and regular review of forms - AB1005
Election revisions: voter registration list when a voter moves, DOT and Elections Commission data sharing, electronic voting equipment, municipal clerk training and vacancies, polling place incident reports, default dates in the official registration list, and regular review of forms - SB934
Municipal live broadcast of canvassing proceeding in any election must be recorded - AB271
Municipal live broadcast of canvassing proceeding in any election must be recorded - SB292
Non-judicial elective state officials required to serve as election officials; Senate, Assembly, and legislative committees prohibited from meeting on election days - AB359
Non-judicial elective state officials required to serve as election officials; Senate, Assembly, and legislative committees prohibited from meeting on election days - SB363
Recount: compensation of election officials - AB264
Recount: compensation of election officials - SB268
Special voting deputies visiting residential care facilities or qualified retirement homes: administrator notification to occupants’ relatives and penalty for influencing an occupant’s decision to cast a ballot - AB179
Special voting deputies visiting residential care facilities or qualified retirement homes: administrator notification to occupants’ relatives and penalty for influencing an occupant’s decision to cast a ballot [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, appointment by municipal clerk and conditions for the visit provisions added; S.Amdt.1: dispatch deputy for 1 registered voter provision removed] - SB205
Voter registration at high schools and certain tribal schools: provisions prior to 2011 WisAct 240 reinstated; qualified voter provision - AB459
Voter registration at high schools and certain tribal schools: provisions prior to 2011 WisAct 240 reinstated; qualified voter provision - SB446
Voting at retirement homes and residential care facilities during public health emergency or infectious disease incident; use of private resources for election administration; election fraud committed by election officials; appointment of poll workers prohibitions; recess of municipal board of canvassers; JRCCP may report - AB1004
Voting at retirement homes and residential care facilities during public health emergency or infectious disease incident; use of private resources for election administration; election fraud committed by election officials; appointment of poll workers prohibitions; recess of municipal board of canvassers; JRCCP may report - SB935
elections _ registrationElections — Registration
Absentee ballot changes: applications, automatic receipt, photo ID, unsolicited mailing or transmission, and secure delivery; voter registration provisions; JRCCP may report - AB999
Absentee ballot changes: applications, automatic receipt, photo ID, unsolicited mailing or transmission, and secure delivery; voter registration provisions; JRCCP may report - SB939
Absentee ballot changes re application, automatic receipt, photo ID requirement, unsolicited mailing or transmission of application or ballot, and canvassing; completed electronic voter registration applications retained; JRCCP may report - AB201
Absentee ballot changes re application, automatic receipt, photo ID requirement, unsolicited mailing or transmission of application or ballot, and canvassing; completed electronic voter registration applications retained; JRCCP may report [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, indefinitely confined voter and photo ID requirements for absentee voter provisions modified] - SB204
Deceased individuals removed from voter registration list: requirement transferred to Elections Commission; election fraud penalty provision; JRCCP may report - AB761
Deceased individuals removed from voter registration list: requirement transferred to Elections Commission; election fraud penalty provision; JRCCP may report - SB730
Driver’s license or state ID card applicants: DOT required to facilitate voter registration - AB1167
Election and voting law changes: automatic voter registration, deceptive election practices, voter intimidation and suppression, polling place posting and language requirements, election manual, and withholding of voluntarily provided elector information; voter bill of rights; JRCCP may report - AB1068
Election and voting law changes: automatic voter registration, deceptive election practices, voter intimidation and suppression, polling place posting and language requirements, election manual, and withholding of voluntarily provided elector information; voter bill of rights; JRCCP may report - SB988
Election law changes: temporary orders on conduct, recounts, domestic abuse and sexual assault victim service providers, recall petition, notice of a referendum, delivery of certified statements, election inspectors for canvassing absentee ballots, write-in candidates for city office, independent candidates on partisan primary ballot, maintaining poll lists, notice of ballot when using electronic voting system, paper copies of registration list, counting write-in votes, rules on forms of election notices, and establishing ward lines - AB304
Election law changes: temporary orders on conduct, recounts, domestic abuse and sexual assault victim service providers, recall petition, notice of a referendum, delivery of certified statements, election inspectors for canvassing absentee ballots, write-in candidates for city office, independent candidates on partisan primary ballot, maintaining poll lists, notice of ballot when using electronic voting system, paper copies of registration list, counting write-in votes, rules on forms of election notices, and establishing ward lines - SB178
Election laws: automatic voter registration, residency requirement, proof of ID, voting absentee in person, early canvassing of absentee ballots, special elections for U.S. senator and representative vacancies, reimbursing counties and municipalities for certain costs, voter bill of rights, and recount fees appropriation; report required [Sec. 2-41, 169, 192, 492 , 493, 1502, 2785, 2804, 9112 (1), (2), 9142 (1), 9147 (1)] [original bill only] - AB68
Election laws: automatic voter registration, residency requirement, proof of ID, voting absentee in person, early canvassing of absentee ballots, special elections for U.S. senator and representative vacancies, reimbursing counties and municipalities for certain costs, voter bill of rights, and recount fees appropriation; report required [Sec. 2-41, 169, 192, 492 , 493, 1502, 2785, 2804, 9112 (1), (2), 9142 (1), 9147 (1)] - SB111
Election revisions: voter registration list when a voter moves, DOT and Elections Commission data sharing, electronic voting equipment, municipal clerk training and vacancies, polling place incident reports, default dates in the official registration list, and regular review of forms - AB1005
Election revisions: voter registration list when a voter moves, DOT and Elections Commission data sharing, electronic voting equipment, municipal clerk training and vacancies, polling place incident reports, default dates in the official registration list, and regular review of forms - SB934
Elections Commission and DOT agreement re matching personally identifiable information: verification of U.S. citizenship requirement; DOT to add “Not valid for voting purposes” on operator’s licenses and ID cards of noncitizens - AB998
Elections Commission and DOT agreement re matching personally identifiable information: verification of U.S. citizenship requirement; DOT to add “Not valid for voting purposes” on operator’s licenses and ID cards of noncitizens - SB938
Elections Commission and DOT agreement to match personally identifiable information: checking voter registration changes and resolving discrepancies - AB997
Elections Commission and DOT agreement to match personally identifiable information: checking voter registration changes and resolving discrepancies - SB940
Ineligible voters removed from official voter registration list - AB847
Ineligible voters removed from official voter registration list - SB804
Oversight of elections in this state: changes re federal funds, federal election guidance, registration and voting statistics, Elections Commission legal counsel, and archived copy of the registration list; reports and LAB duties - AB996
Oversight of elections in this state: changes re federal funds, federal election guidance, registration and voting statistics, Elections Commission legal counsel, and archived copy of the registration list; reports and LAB duties - SB941
Proof of residence for voter registration expanded - AB1087
Proof of residence for voter registration expanded - SB1009
Public assistance applicants provided with opportunity to or information on registering to vote - AB1168
Qualified electors detained in jail or house of correction: sheriff to establish plan for voter registration and voting by absentee ballot - AB1070
Right to vote of persons barred from voting re certain felony convictions restored after incarceration period ends; voter registration forms and voting procedure provisions - AB1071
Voter preregistration provisions for 16 and 17 year olds - AB463
Voter preregistration provisions for 16 and 17 year olds - SB445
Voter registration at high schools and certain tribal schools: provisions prior to 2011 WisAct 240 reinstated; qualified voter provision - AB459
Voter registration at high schools and certain tribal schools: provisions prior to 2011 WisAct 240 reinstated; qualified voter provision - SB446
Voter registration changes re change of name, proof of residence provisions, and registration verification letter or postcard - AB305
Voter registration changes re change of name, proof of residence provisions, and registration verification letter or postcard - SB179
Voter registration forms and information provided to high school students eligible to register to vote - AB462
Voter registration forms and information provided to high school students eligible to register to vote - SB447
Voter registration list: appropriation for money from sales [Sec. 494, 611, 9212 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 89, 166, 9212 (1)] - AB68
Voter registration list: appropriation for money from sales [Sec. 494, 611, 9212 (1)] - SB111
Voting rights restored to person convicted of a felon: DOC or jailer required to provide voter registration assistance - AB1166
elections commissionElections Commission
Absentee ballot application: Elections Commission to prescribe form and instructions, conditions set - AB178
Absentee ballot application: Elections Commission to prescribe form and instructions, conditions set - SB211
Absentee ballot changes: applications, automatic receipt, photo ID, unsolicited mailing or transmission, and secure delivery; voter registration provisions; JRCCP may report - AB999
Absentee ballot changes: applications, automatic receipt, photo ID, unsolicited mailing or transmission, and secure delivery; voter registration provisions; JRCCP may report - SB939
Absentee ballot changes re application, automatic receipt, photo ID requirement, unsolicited mailing or transmission of application or ballot, and canvassing; completed electronic voter registration applications retained; JRCCP may report - AB201
Absentee ballot changes re application, automatic receipt, photo ID requirement, unsolicited mailing or transmission of application or ballot, and canvassing; completed electronic voter registration applications retained; JRCCP may report [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, indefinitely confined voter and photo ID requirements for absentee voter provisions modified] - SB204
Absentee voting and voting procedure changes re special voting deputies, provisional ballots, former qualified Wisconsin electors, curbside voting, absentee ballots sent automatically, adjudicated incompetent, marked absentee ballots, and list of eligible military electors; JRCCP may report - AB306
Absentee voting and voting procedure changes re special voting deputies, provisional ballots, former qualified Wisconsin electors, curbside voting, absentee ballots sent automatically, adjudicated incompetent, marked absentee ballots, and list of eligible military electors; JRCCP may report - SB180
Actions for violations of election laws revisions re venue and filing a complaint - AB194
Actions for violations of election laws revisions re venue and filing a complaint [S.Amdt.2 and A.Amdt.1: further revisions] - SB213
Adding a member to the Elections Commission; per diem for Elections Commission and Ethics Commission members increased - SB1077
Complaint filed with Elections Commission: adult child or parent of a voter may file on behalf of the voter - AB1163
Complaints filed with the Elections Commission re election law violations: resolution, report to the legislature and Governor; postelection audits of electronic voting systems; printing absentee ballot applications for recounts - AB1003
Complaints filed with the Elections Commission re election law violations: resolution, report to the legislature and Governor; postelection audits of electronic voting systems; printing absentee ballot applications for recounts - SB936
Complaints filed with the Elections Commission: representative and senator of the district where the alleged violation occurred to receive copies and documentation on how it was resolved - AB433
Complaints filed with the Elections Commission: representative and senator of the district where the alleged violation occurred to receive copies and documentation on how it was resolved - SB432
Deceased individuals removed from voter registration list: requirement transferred to Elections Commission; election fraud penalty provision; JRCCP may report - AB761
Deceased individuals removed from voter registration list: requirement transferred to Elections Commission; election fraud penalty provision; JRCCP may report - SB730
Disqualified prospective jurors: notification to election officials and Elections Commission when person does not live in the circuit court jurisdiction or is not a U.S. citizen - AB1001
Disqualified prospective jurors: notification to election officials and Elections Commission when person does not live in the circuit court jurisdiction or is not a U.S. citizen [S.Amdt.1: “municipal clerk or board of election commissioners” changed to "county clerk”] - SB945
Driver’s license or state ID card applicants: DOT required to facilitate voter registration - AB1167