Child and dependent care: individual income tax credit created [Sec. 1260, 1311, 1313, 9337 (5); A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, Sec. 244, 258, 259] - AB68
Child and dependent care: individual income tax credit created [Sec. 1260, 1311, 1313, 9337 (5)] - SB111
Child runaway’s presence at a foster home, group home, or shelter: deadline to notify child welfare agency and parent, guardian, or legal custodian revised; best interest of the child provision - AB284
Child runaway’s presence at a foster home, group home, or shelter: deadline to notify child welfare agency and parent, guardian, or legal custodian revised; best interest of the child provision - SB331
Complaint filed with Elections Commission: adult child or parent of a voter may file on behalf of the voter - AB1163
DOJ address confidentiality program, Safe at Home, expanded to include parent, guardian, or legal custodian of victim of child abduction - AB1037
DOJ address confidentiality program, Safe at Home, expanded to include parent, guardian, or legal custodian of victim of child abduction - SB975
DOJ address confidentiality program, Safe at Home, funding - AB989
DOJ address confidentiality program, Safe at Home, funding - SB926
Domestic violence protection orders prohibiting a person from possessing a firearm: copy to sheriff when person is released on bail or bond - AB1014
EITC increase for families with fewer than 3 children - AB494
EITC increase for families with fewer than 3 children - SB465
Emergency assistance for families with needy children: definition of "domestic abuse" replaced with evidence [Sec. 954] [original bill only] - AB68
Emergency assistance for families with needy children: definition of "domestic abuse" replaced with evidence [Sec. 954] - SB111
Family and medical leave law changes [Sec. 1617-1629, 1631-1654, 9150 (4), 9350 (13)] [original bill only] - AB68
Family and medical leave law changes [Sec. 1617-1629, 1631-1654, 9150 (4), 9350 (13)] - SB111
Family and medical leave law expanded and family and medical leave insurance program created; trust fund, income tax deduction, ordinance, and employer provisions; JSCTE appendix report - AB1098
Family and medical leave law expanded and family and medical leave insurance program created; trust fund, income tax deduction, ordinance, and employer provisions; JSCTE appendix report - SB1066
Family caregiver income tax credit for qualified expenses created [Sec. 1307, 1316] [original bill only] - AB68
Family caregiver income tax credit for qualified expenses created [Sec. 1307, 1316] - SB111
Family leave after miscarriage or stillbirth covered by state’s family and medical leave law - AB1196
Gender identity and sexual orientation programs: independent charter schools and school boards required to notify pupils’ parents or guardians - AB562
Gender identity and sexual orientation programs: independent charter schools and school boards required to notify pupils’ parents or guardians - SB598
Gender-neutral terminology and gender-neutral marriage and parental rights adopted; JSCTE appendix report - AB484
Gender-neutral terminology and gender-neutral marriage and parental rights adopted; JSCTE appendix report - SB464
Gold Star families: free state park vehicle admission - AB770
Gold Star families: free state park vehicle admission - SB801
Guardian ad litem appointed in actions affecting the family re visitation rights of grandparent, stepparent, or person with similar parent-child relationship - AB418
Guardian ad litem appointed in actions affecting the family re visitation rights of grandparent, stepparent, or person with similar parent-child relationship - SB414
Hazard pay and paid medical leave for frontline health care workers during public health emergency; uninsured health care worker coverage re COVID-19 or communicable disease; Medicaid expanded and BadgerCare Plus Core eliminated - AB955
Hazard pay and paid medical leave for frontline health care workers during public health emergency; uninsured health care worker coverage re COVID-19 or communicable disease; Medicaid expanded and BadgerCare Plus Core eliminated - SB918
Homeless youth and children: DPI report on number in public schools; WHEDA pilot program prioritizing such families for federal Housing Choice Voucher Program [Sec. 1904, 9122 (1)] [original bill only] - AB68
Homeless youth and children: DPI report on number in public schools; WHEDA pilot program prioritizing such families for federal Housing Choice Voucher Program [Sec. 1904, 9122 (1)] - SB111
Intentional bodily harm to a probation, extended supervision, parole, community supervision, or aftercare agent: crime expanded to include family member of the agent, comparable programs by American Indian tribes or bands, and threats of harm; JRCCP may report - AB90
Intentional bodily harm to a probation, extended supervision, parole, community supervision, or aftercare agent: crime expanded to include family member of the agent, comparable programs by American Indian tribes or bands, and threats of harm; JRCCP may report - SB100
Intestate inheritance by a parent who abandons a child: prohibition expanded - SB249
Investigations of officer-involved deaths: conflict of interest provision expanded and immediate family member provision added - AB453
Investigations of officer-involved deaths: conflict of interest provision expanded and immediate family member provision added - SB478
Judicial notice of court records re domestic violence or child abuse in a family law action - AB102
Judicial notice of court records re domestic violence or child abuse in a family law action - SB106
Local family and medical leave ordinances: prohibition eliminated - AB1149
Local family and medical leave ordinances: prohibition eliminated - SB1080
Loss of society and companionship of parent in medical malpractice cases: claim by minor or adult child; disability and dependent provisions - AB923
Loss of society and companionship of parent in medical malpractice cases: claim by minor or adult child; disability and dependent provisions - SB954
National Infertility Awareness Week: April 18-24, 2021 proclaimed as - SJR39
Parental choice program: family income limits and pupil participation limits eliminated; threshold for private school to charge tuition increased; education expense reimbursement program - AB970
Parental choice program: family income limits and pupil participation limits eliminated; threshold for private school to charge tuition increased; education expense reimbursement program - SB974
Parental opt-out re face covering requirement in schools and on school grounds; school boards required to offer full-time, in-person instruction option to all enrolled pupils - AB995
Parental opt-out re face covering requirement in schools and on school grounds; school boards required to offer full-time, in-person instruction option to all enrolled pupils - SB1011
Representation of parents in CHIPS proceedings: five-county pilot program extended, report required [Sec. 823-825; A.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 192-194] - AB68
Representation of parents in CHIPS proceedings: five-county pilot program extended, report required [Sec. 823-825] - SB111
Rights reserved to a parent or guardian of a child; civil cause of action provision - AB963
Rights reserved to a parent or guardian of a child; civil cause of action provision - SB962
State park annual vehicle admission fee waiver for parent or guardian of student with an Every Kid Outdoors pass from the U.S. National Park Service - AB375
State park annual vehicle admission fee waiver for parent or guardian of student with an Every Kid Outdoors pass from the U.S. National Park Service - SB376
Tailored Caregiver Assessment and Referral (TCARE) pilot program [Sec. 9119 (8)] [original bill only] - AB68
Tailored Caregiver Assessment and Referral (TCARE) pilot program [Sec. 9119 (8)] - SB111
UW System in-person commencement ceremonies in 2021: required to allow parent or guardian to attend - AB291
UW System in-person commencement ceremonies in 2021: required to allow parent or guardian to attend - SB319
WPCP family income requirement for 2021-22 school year and full-time open enrollment applications for 2020-21 and 2021-22 school years modified - AB59
WPCP family income requirement for 2021-22 school year and full-time open enrollment applications for 2020-21 and 2021-22 school years modified - SB41
Youth apprenticeship program: schools to include in educational options information provided to parents and guardians - AB220
Youth apprenticeship program: schools to include in educational options information provided to parents and guardians - SB231
Certification of new child support debt for the child support lien docket: DCF prohibited from preventing by suspending threshold for certification (introduced per s. 227.19 (5)(e), Wis.Stats.) - AB10
Certification of new child support debt for the child support lien docket: DCF prohibited from preventing by suspending threshold for certification (introduced per s. 227.19 (5)(e), Wis.Stats.) - SB36
Child of a service member: legal custody and physical placement factors revised - AB313
Child of a service member: legal custody and physical placement factors revised - SB197
Child support: excluding certain military allowances in determining gross income [Admin.Code DCF 150.02] - AB105
Child support: excluding certain military allowances in determining gross income [Admin.Code DCF 150.02] - SB104
De novo review in actions affecting the family: procedures and parameters established - AB723
De novo review in actions affecting the family: procedures and parameters established - SB738
Employed inmate’s salary or wages: adding child or family support, restitution, and certain fees to withholdings - AB1151
Employed inmate’s salary or wages: adding child or family support, restitution, and certain fees to withholdings - SB1069
Family support repealed and child support formulas [Admin.Code DCF 150 (title), 150.02, 150.03, 150.035, 150.04] - AB104
Family support repealed and child support formulas changed [Admin.Code DCF 150 (title), 150.02, 150.03, 150.035, 150.04] - SB105
Legal custody or physical placement of a child: approval of stipulation for modifications contingent on a future event, exceptions noted - AB113
Legal custody or physical placement of a child: approval of stipulation for modifications contingent on a future event, exceptions noted - SB116
Order for child support, family support, or maintenance: annual exchange of financial information specifics - AB633
Order for child support, family support, or maintenance: annual exchange of financial information specifics - SB604
Parenting classes: in actions affecting the family involving minor children or paternity determination, court may order parties to attend - AB323
Parenting classes: in actions affecting the family involving minor children or paternity determination, court may order parties to attend - SB333
Parenting plan filed with court re legal custody and physical placement of child: requirements modified - AB101
Parenting plan filed with court re legal custody and physical placement of child: requirements modified - SB107
Physical placement of child: factors modified - AB107
Physical placement of child: factors modified - SB112
Recovery of birth expenses: state cannot seek recovery if paid through MA for unmarried persons and court cannot include in judgment or order relating to paternity - AB701
Recovery of birth expenses: state cannot seek recovery if paid through MA for unmarried persons and court cannot include in judgment or order relating to paternity - SB665