Veteran disability rating changed re certain hunting and fishing authorizations and exemptions from state park and trails fees - SB176
fish and fishing _ commercialFish and fishing — Commercial
Private aquaculture industry and DNR partnership re stocking of sport fish: report required - AB658
Private aquaculture industry and DNR partnership re stocking of sport fish: report required - SB617
Tax revisions re obsolete statutory references, electronic assessment rolls, Internet equipment in the broadband market, property tax assessment objections, and sales tax exemptions for insulin, farm-raised fish, and patient health care records (remedial legislation suggested by DOR) - AB1033
Tax revisions re obsolete statutory references, electronic assessment rolls, Internet equipment in the broadband market, property tax assessment objections, and sales tax exemptions for insulin, farm-raised fish, and patient health care records (remedial legislation suggested by DOR) - SB1020
fish and game wardenFish and game warden
DNR law enforcement radio appropriations changed to law enforcement technology [Sec. 341-343] [original bill only] - AB68
DNR law enforcement radio appropriations changed to law enforcement technology [Sec. 341-343] - SB111
floodplain managementFloodplain management
Flood loss grant program created re loss of property tax revenue to cities and villages, FEMA provision - AB866
Flood loss grant program created re loss of property tax revenue to cities and villages, FEMA provision - SB813
Floodplain and shoreland mapping assistance program: obsolete provisions repealed - AB953
Floodplain and shoreland mapping assistance program: obsolete provisions repealed - SB910
Hydrologic restoration and management advisory council created in DNR; general permit for hydrologic restoration projects authorized, conditions specified [Sec. 81, 635-640] [original bill only] - AB68
Hydrologic restoration and management advisory council created in DNR; general permit for hydrologic restoration projects authorized, conditions specified - AB85
Hydrologic restoration and management advisory council created in DNR; general permit for hydrologic restoration projects authorized, conditions specified [Sec. 81, 635-640] - SB111
Hydrologic restoration and management advisory council created in DNR; general permit for hydrologic restoration projects authorized, conditions specified [S.Amdt.1: advisory council removed] - SB91
Municipal flood control aid grants created [Sec. 353, 9132 (8)] [original bill only] - AB68
Municipal flood control aid grants created [Sec. 353, 9132 (8)] - SB111
Regulation of structures and accessory structures in floodplains: DNR prohibited from imposing restrictions under set conditions - AB521
Regulation of structures and accessory structures in floodplains: DNR prohibited from imposing restrictions under set conditions - SB521
Urban storm water, flood control, and riparian restoration bonding authority [Sec. 507; A.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 99] - AB68
Urban storm water, flood control, and riparian restoration bonding authority [Sec. 507] - SB111
Auxiliary container re merchandise, food, or beverages from a food service or retail facility: political subdivisions may apply to DNR for limited exemption from regulation prohibition [Sec. 1137, 2647] [original bill only] - AB68
Auxiliary container re merchandise, food, or beverages from a food service or retail facility: political subdivisions may apply to DNR for limited exemption from regulation prohibition [Sec. 1137, 2647] - SB111
Auxiliary container re merchandise, food, or beverages from a food service or retail facility: repeal limitation on authority of political subdivisions to regulate - AB342
Auxiliary container re merchandise, food, or beverages from a food service or retail facility: repeal limitation on authority of political subdivisions to regulate - SB349
"Candy" does not include sweetened dried or partially dried fruit for sales tax purposes [Sec. 1416-1418, 9437 (9); A.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 276-278, 9437 (2)] - AB68
"Candy" does not include sweetened dried or partially dried fruit for sales tax purposes [Sec. 1416-1418, 9437 (9)] - SB111
Dogs on the premises of certain retail food establishments: DATCP cannot promulgate rule prohibiting - AB276
Dogs on the premises of certain retail food establishments: DATCP cannot promulgate rule prohibiting - SB298
Farm to Fork Program established and funding to expand farm to school programs; UW System, TCS, and DPI special education aid funding increases - AB663
Farm to Fork Program established and funding to expand farm to school programs; UW System, TCS, and DPI special education aid funding increases - SB649
Food and beverages served in foam polystyrene packaging prohibited, exceptions provided - AB344
Food and beverages served in foam polystyrene packaging prohibited, exceptions provided - SB350
Food security and Wisconsin products grant program created; UW System, TCS, and DPI special education aid funding increases - AB662
Food security and Wisconsin products grant program created; UW System, TCS, and DPI special education aid funding increases - SB648
Food waste reduction pilot project grants created; additional funding for DPI special education aid - AB790
Food waste reduction pilot project grants created; additional funding for DPI special education aid - SB771
Food waste reduction pilot project grants created [Sec. 254, 1550] [original bill only] - AB68
Food waste reduction pilot project grants created [Sec. 254, 1550] - SB111
Kratom products made from the leaf of the Mitragyna speciosa plant: manufacture, distribution, delivery, and possession regulated - AB599
Kratom products made from the leaf of the Mitragyna speciosa plant: manufacture, distribution, delivery, and possession regulated - SB958
Labeling a food as a type of dairy product or dairy ingredient: prohibition created, DATCP duties; enactment by other states provision - AB73
Labeling a food as a type of dairy product or dairy ingredient: prohibition created, DATCP duties; enactment by other states provision - SB81
Labeling a food product as meat: prohibition created; DATCP duties - AB75
Labeling a food product as meat: prohibition created; DATCP duties - SB82
Labeling a food product as milk: prohibition created; DATCP duties; enactment by other states provision - AB74
Labeling a food product as milk: prohibition created; DATCP duties; enactment by other states provision - SB83
Local exposition district created by the City of Superior; taxes, bond, and referendum provisions [Sec. 1164, 1165, 2465, 2470] [original bill only] - AB68
Local exposition district created by the City of Superior; taxes, bond, and referendum provisions [Sec. 1164, 1165, 2465, 2470] - SB111
PFAS: groundwater, drinking water, water quality, soil and sediment residual contamination, and air emissions standards; grant programs changes; fire fighting foam regulations; food packaging, financial responsibility, and reports provisions - AB419
PFAS: groundwater, drinking water, water quality, soil and sediment residual contamination, and air emissions standards; grant programs changes; fire fighting foam regulations; food packaging, financial responsibility, and reports provisions - SB361
Special highway weight limits for certain vehicles transporting maple sap or syrup - AB260
Special highway weight limits for certain vehicles transporting maple sap or syrup - SB262
Supermarket Employee Day declared February 22, 2022 - AJR116
Supermarket Employee Day declared February 22, 2022 - SJR94
Third-party food delivery services requirements established - AB901
Third-party food delivery services requirements established - SB861
food pantryFood pantry, see Nutrition
food stamp planFood stamp plan
Able-bodied adults with dependents seeking FoodShare benefits not required to participate in FSET [Sec. 1055] [original bill only] - AB68
Able-bodied adults with dependents seeking FoodShare benefits not required to participate in FSET [Sec. 1055] - SB111
DHS to enforce FoodShare work and FSET requirements and drug testing - AB935
DHS to enforce FoodShare work and FSET requirements and drug testing - SB902
EBT processing equipment for farmer's markets and farmers who sell directly to consumers; healthy eating incentives appropriation modified and sunset eliminated [Sec. 389, 1054] [original bill only] - AB68
EBT processing equipment for farmer's markets and farmers who sell directly to consumers; healthy eating incentives appropriation modified and sunset eliminated [Sec. 389, 1054] - SB111
FSET drug screening, testing, and treatment policy eliminated [Sec. 388, 1056, 1058, 3470] [original bill only] - AB68
FSET drug screening, testing, and treatment policy eliminated [Sec. 388, 1056, 1058, 3470] - SB111
FSET vendors: pay-for-performance system eliminated [Sec. 1057] [original bill only] - AB68
FSET vendors: pay-for-performance system eliminated [Sec. 1057] - SB111
Healthy eating incentive pilot program lapse to general fund [A.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 9219 (1)] - AB68
Ineligibility period for FoodShare and MA created re certain voluntary employment termination - AB1056
Payment processing program for farmers’ markets re EBT and credit and debit card processing equipment and services; additional funding for DPI special education aid, TCS, and UW System - AB1147
Payment processing program for farmers’ markets re EBT and credit and debit card processing equipment and services; additional funding for DPI special education aid, TCS, and UW System - SB1046
footville village ofFootville, Village of, see Rock County
foreclosure of mortgageForeclosure of mortgage, see Mortgage
County forest acreage share payments [A.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 169; A.Amdt.9: further revisions] - AB68
Loan to Timber Professional Cooperative from certain federal moneys for purchase of Verso Paper Mill in the City of Wisconsin Rapids [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, adds loan re Park Falls Pulp and Paper Mill in the City of Park Falls] - AB367
Loan to Timber Professional Cooperative from certain federal moneys for purchase of Verso Paper Mill in the City of Wisconsin Rapids - SB369