Election law changes: temporary orders on conduct, recounts, domestic abuse and sexual assault victim service providers, recall petition, notice of a referendum, delivery of certified statements, election inspectors for canvassing absentee ballots, write-in candidates for city office, independent candidates on partisan primary ballot, maintaining poll lists, notice of ballot when using electronic voting system, paper copies of registration list, counting write-in votes, rules on forms of election notices, and establishing ward lines - AB304
Election law changes: temporary orders on conduct, recounts, domestic abuse and sexual assault victim service providers, recall petition, notice of a referendum, delivery of certified statements, election inspectors for canvassing absentee ballots, write-in candidates for city office, independent candidates on partisan primary ballot, maintaining poll lists, notice of ballot when using electronic voting system, paper copies of registration list, counting write-in votes, rules on forms of election notices, and establishing ward lines - SB178
Individuals 17 years of age may vote in a primary election if the individual will be 18 years of age by the election following the primary; statewide referendum required - AB464
Individuals 17 years of age may vote in a primary election if the individual will be 18 years of age by the election following the primary; statewide referendum required - SB458
Primary elections: voting for more than one political party authorized - AB1091
Primary elections: voting for more than one political party authorized - SB1006
Ranked-choice voting for the election of all federal, state, and local officials; recall elections excluded - AB150
Ranked-choice voting for the election of all federal, state, and local officials; recall elections excluded - SB240
U.S. senator and representative in Congress: top-five candidates in primary election appear on general election ballot and instant runoff voting in general election via ranked-choice voting ballot - AB244
U.S. senator and representative in Congress: top-five candidates in primary election appear on general election ballot and instant runoff voting in general election via ranked-choice voting ballot - SB250
Baccalaureate degree program for prisoners [Sec. 324, 656, 2682] [original bill only] - AB68
Baccalaureate degree program for prisoners [Sec. 324, 656, 2682] - SB111
Battery against correctional officer or teacher by a prisoner: each correctional institution required to record - AB825
Battery against correctional officer or teacher by a prisoner: each correctional institution required to record - SB846
Contract for inmate telecommunications and video communication services must comply with DOC rules; emergency rules provision - AB821
Contract for inmate telecommunications and video communication services must comply with DOC rules; emergency rules provision - SB800
Correctional officers and correctional sergeants: supplemental pay under set conditions [A.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 9101 (5)] - AB68
COVID-19 vaccine distribution: DHS directed to not prioritize incarcerated persons within an allocation phase - SB8
Criminal justice changes re firearm transfers and possession; crime victims and witnesses; law enforcement recruitment, retention, and training; obstructing justice; hate crime reporting; DNA evidence; and fraud scheme crime; funding for mental health and substance use services, DPI special education aid, and UW System; JRCCP may report - AB1140
Criminal justice changes re firearm transfers and possession; crime victims and witnesses; law enforcement recruitment, retention, and training; obstructing justice; hate crime reporting; DNA evidence; and fraud scheme crime; funding for mental health and substance use services, DPI special education aid, and UW System; JRCCP may report - SB1091
Death of inmate diagnosed with COVID-19: limited examination by coroner or medical examiner permitted - AB1
Employed inmate’s salary or wages: adding child or family support, restitution, and certain fees to withholdings - AB1151
Employed inmate’s salary or wages: adding child or family support, restitution, and certain fees to withholdings - SB1069
Federal COVID recovery rebates received by incarcerated persons used to pay restitution - AB219
Federal COVID recovery rebates received by incarcerated persons used to pay restitution - SB236
Law enforcement investigative services provided by local government re incidents in a state prison or juvenile correctional facility: DOC to reimburse certain expenses [A.Amdt.1: in transit to prison or facility added, appropriation removed] - AB569
Law enforcement investigative services provided by local government re incidents in a state prison or juvenile correctional facility: DOC to reimburse certain expenses - SB558
Offender reentry demonstration project extended [Sec. 1004, 1005] [original bill only] - AB68
Offender reentry demonstration project extended [Sec. 1004, 1005] - SB111
Official oath and bond requirement of wardens and superintendents of state prisons (remedial legislation suggested by DOC) - AB1029
Official oath and bond requirement of wardens and superintendents of state prisons (remedial legislation suggested by DOC) - SB998
Operation of drones over correctional institutions prohibition exception re authorization of the DOC Secretary - AB211
Operation of drones over correctional institutions prohibition exception re authorization of the DOC Secretary [S.Amdt.1: adds county facilities and sheriff's authorization] - SB237
Overtime in state correctional institutions: DOC biennial report changed to annual - AB758
Overtime in state correctional institutions: DOC biennial report changed to annual - SB724
Persons who die of COVID-19: limited examination of inmates by coroner or medical examiner permitted; 2019 WisAct 185 cremation permits and electronic signature of death certificates provisions modified - SB145
Population for redistricting purposes: counting individuals confined in state prisons - AB1069
Pregnant and postpartum people in the custody of a correctional facility: use of physical restraints limited; testing for pregnancy and STDs and access to certain health services related to pregnancy provisions - AB1150
Pregnant and postpartum persons in the custody of a correctional facility: use of physical restraints limited; testing for pregnancy and STDs and access to certain health services related to pregnancy provisions [Sec. 2716] [original bill only] - AB68
Pregnant and postpartum persons in the custody of a correctional facility: use of physical restraints limited; testing for pregnancy and STDs and access to certain health services related to pregnancy provisions [Sec. 2716] - SB111
Reimbursement rate for holding individuals in jail, county facility, or tribal jail awaiting transfer to state prison - AB187
Reimbursement rate for holding individuals in jail, county facility, or tribal jail awaiting transfer to state prison - SB223
TPR based on parental incarceration: grounds established - AB627
TPR based on parental incarceration: grounds established - SB595
Vaccination of certain incarcerated persons: DHS distribution to - AB145
Vendors of personal property items at state correctional institutions: DOC to contract with no fewer than 3, allow purchase on behalf of an inmate, and at least one vendor offers a storefront in the City of Milwaukee - AB565
Vendors of personal property items at state correctional institutions: DOC to contract with no fewer than 3, allow purchase on behalf of an inmate, and at least one vendor offers a storefront in the City of Milwaukee [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, changed to 2 or 3 vendors, "storefront" changed to "location"; S.Amdt.1: 1st class city provision removed] - SB564
prisoner _ work programPrisoner — Work program
Huber release for individuals on probation, parole, or extended supervision [Sec. 2738, 2743] [original bill only] - AB68
Huber release for individuals on probation, parole, or extended supervision [Sec. 2738, 2743] - SB111
DOJ address confidentiality program, Safe at Home, expanded to include parent, guardian, or legal custodian of victim of child abduction - AB1037
DOJ address confidentiality program, Safe at Home, expanded to include parent, guardian, or legal custodian of victim of child abduction - SB975
DOJ address confidentiality program, Safe at Home, funding - AB989
DOJ address confidentiality program, Safe at Home, funding - SB926
Emergency contact information maintained by DOT re application for operator’s license or vehicle registration - AB951
Emergency contact information maintained by DOT re application for operator’s license or vehicle registration - SB919
Health care data aggregator creates de-identified health information from MA data provided by DHS; confidentiality provision [removed by S.Sub.Amdt.1 and restored by S.Amdt.2 to S.Sub.Amdt.1] - AB1
Immunization-related mail: government entities, schools, health care providers, and childcare centers required to ensure mail is sealed and no information is visible on the outside - AB132
Immunization-related mail: government entities, schools, health care providers, and childcare centers required to ensure mail is sealed and no information is visible on the outside - SB150
private securityPrivate security, see Detective
Nonprobate transfers of farming implements at death - AB948
Nonprobate transfers of farming implements at death - SB893
propane gasPropane gas, see Fuel
Aids in lieu of property taxes [A.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 239-242, 9337 (2)] - AB68
Assistance to households and property owners from certain federal moneys based on property taxes - AB232
Assistance to households and property owners from certain federal moneys based on property taxes - SB279
BCPL payments in lieu of taxes: specific appropriation created [Sec. 489, 490] [original bill only] - AB68
BCPL payments in lieu of taxes: specific appropriation created [Sec. 489, 490] - SB111
BCPL payments in lieu of taxes sum sufficient appropriation [A.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 87, 164] - AB68
Claim to recover property taxes: exception to timely payment requirement for taxes due and payable in 2021 [removed by S.Sub.Amdt.1 and restored by A.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1] - AB1
“Environmental pollution” definition modified for purposes of an ERTID - AB517
“Environmental pollution” definition modified for purposes of an ERTID [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] - SB518
Extension of certain approvals for construction projects and plats or certified survey maps; uniform dwelling code and occupancy permit provisions; waiving interest and penalties on late property tax installment payments - AB247
Extension of certain approvals for construction projects and plats or certified survey maps; uniform dwelling code and occupancy permit provisions; waiving interest and penalties on late property tax installment payments [S.Sub.Amdt.3: further revisions, uniform dwelling code provisions removed] - SB254
Flood loss grant program created re loss of property tax revenue to cities and villages, FEMA provision - AB866
Flood loss grant program created re loss of property tax revenue to cities and villages, FEMA provision - SB813
Gibraltar, Town of, authorized to create TIDs in the same manner as a city or village [A.Amdt.1: conditions added] - AB914
Gibraltar, Town of, authorized to create TIDs in the same manner as a city or village - SB907
Late property tax payments: municipalities allowed to waive interest and penalties on taxes payable in 2021; conditions and county provisions [removed by S.Sub.Amdt.1 and restored by A.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1] - AB1
Local housing investment fund program: municipalities allowed to establish; DOA appendix report - AB609