TID number 1 in the Village of Marathon City: life, expenditure period, and allocation period extended - AB377
TID number 1 in the Village of Marathon City: life, expenditure period, and allocation period extended - SB391
TID number 1 in the Village of Withee: life and allocation period increased - AB991
TID number 1 in the Village of Withee: life and allocation period increased - SB933
TID number 13 in the City of Wausau: 12 percent rule does not apply - AB1019
TID number 3 in the City of Westby: expenditure period extended - AB730
TID number 3 in the City of Westby: expenditure period extended - SB698
TID number 5 in the City of Middleton: expenditure period, allocation period, and maximum life extended, and number of allowed amendments increased - AB913
TID numbers 2 and 3 in the City of Wisconsin Dells: allocation and expenditure periods extended - AB227
TID numbers 2 and 3 in the City of Wisconsin Dells: allocation and expenditure periods extended [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, TID number 2 removed, TID annual reports to include value of net new construction] - SB252
TID numbers 2 and 3 in the City of Wisconsin Dells: expenditure periods extended [Sec. 1191, 1192] [original bill only] - AB68
TID numbers 2 and 3 in the City of Wisconsin Dells: expenditure periods extended [Sec. 1191, 1192] - SB111
Veterans and surviving spouses income tax credit for property taxes: provision for renters created [Sec. 1301-1303, 9337 (1)] [original bill only] - AB68
Veterans and surviving spouses income tax credit for property taxes: provision for renters created [Sec. 1301-1303, 9337 (1)] - SB111
Workforce housing initiative by political subdivision authorized; mixed-use development TID changes; TID project plan requirement and other changes re extending the life and impact fees [Sec. 1166, 1183, 1186-1190, 1193-1195] [original bill only] - AB68
Workforce housing initiative by political subdivision authorized; mixed-use development TID changes; TID project plan requirement and other changes re extending the life and impact fees [Sec. 1166, 1183, 1186-1190, 1193-1195] - SB111
property tax _ assessmentProperty tax — Assessment, see also Income tax, and its subheadings
Assessment of leased property and assessor requirements; property assessed at highest and best use; "dark property" defined [Sec. 1225, 1227-1229, 9337 (6)] [original bill only] - AB68
Assessment of leased property and assessor requirements; property assessed at highest and best use; "dark property" defined - SB1107
Assessment of leased property and assessor requirements; property assessed at highest and best use; "dark property" defined [Sec. 1225, 1227-1229, 9337 (6)] - SB111
Claim to recover property taxes: exception to timely payment requirement for taxes due and payable in 2021 [removed by S.Sub.Amdt.1 and restored by A.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1] - AB1
Laws administered by DOR: revisions re shared revenue, property assessment, income taxes, sales tax, and payments from counties to towns; JSCTE appendix report [A.Sub.Amdt.3: further revisions, allocations from the coronavirus relief fund excluded from taxable income; A.Amdt.3 to A.Sub.Amdt.3: income from grants issued by a state agency or WEDC re COVID-19 are not taxable; A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.3 to A.Sub.Amdt.3: removes state agency grants] - AB2
Laws administered by DOR: revisions re shared revenue, property assessment, income taxes, sales tax, and payments from counties to towns; JSCTE appendix report - SB2
Manufacturing property tax assessment: fees DOR charges municipalities [Sec. 1230] [original bill only] - AB68
Manufacturing property tax assessment: fees DOR charges municipalities [Sec. 1230] - SB111
Property tax assessment: certain practices prohibited - AB610
Property tax assessment: certain practices prohibited - SB630
Property taxes: municipalities allowed to waive interest and penalties on late payments, county provision; timely filing requirement temporarily waived for claims to recover property taxes; 2021 conditions - SB142
Unlawful property taxes: interest rate on claims modified; taxation district collection from underlying taxing jurisdiction provision - AB399
Unlawful property taxes: interest rate on claims modified; taxation district collection from underlying taxing jurisdiction provision - SB396
property tax _ exemptionProperty tax — Exemption
Community health center: property tax exemption; JSCTE appendix report - AB736
Community health center: property tax exemption; JSCTE appendix report - SB694
Community health centers: property tax exemption [Sec. 1226, 9137 (1), 9337 (7)] [original bill only] - AB68
Community health centers: property tax exemption [Sec. 1226, 9137 (1), 9337 (7)] - SB111
Decommissioned power production plant: phase out of utility aid payments to counties and municipalities - AB489
Decommissioned power production plant: phase out of utility aid payments to counties and municipalities - SB468
Milwaukee Regional Medical Center: property tax exemption created; JSCTE appendix report - AB851
Milwaukee Regional Medical Center: property tax exemption created; JSCTE appendix report - SB807
Property owned by regional planning commissions: property tax exemption - AB575
Property owned by regional planning commissions: property tax exemption - SB560
Property tax exemption form: notice to property owner if not received by certain date by email or phone allowed - AB1101
Property tax exemption form: notice to property owner if not received by certain date by email or phone allowed - SB1028
Vacant parcel owned by a church or religious association: property tax exemption, conditions set [A.Amdt.10 to A.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 238x, 9337 (3a)] - AB68
Veterans and surviving spouses’ property tax credit: eligibility threshold modified re service-connected disability rating - AB245
Veterans and surviving spouses’ property tax credit: eligibility threshold modified re service-connected disability rating - SB243
Veterans and surviving spouses’ property tax credit: renters allowed to claim, conditions specified - AB802
Veterans and surviving spouses’ property tax credit: renters allowed to claim, conditions specified - SB754
prostitutionProstitution, see also Sex crimes
Prostitution crime surcharge created; use of moneys specified - AB139
Prostitution crime surcharge created; use of moneys specified - SB26
Prostitution: prosecuting or adjudicating delinquent a person under age 18 prohibited - AB185
Prostitution: prosecuting or adjudicating delinquent a person under age 18 prohibited - SB245
psychiatristPsychiatrist, see Physician
psychologyPsychology, see also Counselor
Practice of psychology: laws revised and Psychology Examining Board provisions - AB63
Practice of psychology: laws revised and Psychology Examining Board provisions - SB77
Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact ratified [A.Amdt.1: further revisions] - AB537
Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact ratified - SB534
State aid for school mental health programs expanded to include pupil wellness and pupil services professionals; UW System funding provision - AB750
State aid for school mental health programs expanded to include pupil wellness and pupil services professionals; UW System funding provision - SB731
psychology examining boardPsychology Examining Board, see Psychology
ptsd _post traumatic stress disorder_PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder), see Mental health
Civil legal services grants modified [Sec. 964-970] [original bill only] - AB68
Civil legal services grants modified [Sec. 964-970] - SB111
Earned income from employment disregarded re eligibility for certain public assistance programs, conditions specified - AB930
Earned income from employment disregarded re eligibility for certain public assistance programs, conditions specified - SB882
Emergency assistance for families with needy children: definition of "domestic abuse" replaced with evidence [Sec. 954] [original bill only] - AB68
Emergency assistance for families with needy children: definition of "domestic abuse" replaced with evidence [Sec. 954] - SB111
Emergency assistance for needy families: program revisions [Sec. 408, 951-953, 955, 3474-3481] [original bill only] - AB68
Emergency assistance for needy families: program revisions [Sec. 408, 951-953, 955, 3474-3481] - SB111
Employment grant program: matching funds modified [A.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 15] - AB68
Employment grants program re connecting homeless with employment repealed [Sec. 120, 476] [original bill only] - AB68
Employment grants program re connecting homeless with employment repealed [Sec. 120, 476] - SB111
Homeless individuals and families: grants for housing costs and diversion programming, housing navigators, and case management services - AB146
Homeless individuals and families: grants for housing costs and diversion programming, housing navigators, and case management services - SB185
Homeless shelter facilities grants [Sec. 119] [original bill only] - AB68
Homeless shelter facilities grants [Sec. 119] - SB111
Homeless youth and children: DPI report on number in public schools; WHEDA pilot program prioritizing such families for federal Housing Choice Voucher Program [Sec. 1904, 9122 (1)] [original bill only] - AB68
Homeless youth and children: DPI report on number in public schools; WHEDA pilot program prioritizing such families for federal Housing Choice Voucher Program [Sec. 1904, 9122 (1)] - SB111
Homelessness: pay for performance grant requirements; structured camping facilities on public property; housing navigator grants; JRCCP may report and Governor to allocate certain federal moneys - AB604
Office of Inspector General in DHS duties to identify and prevent fraud, waste, and abuse in public assistance programs, report and audit provisions; DOA biennial report re enrollment in and availability of public benefits - AB942
Paid interns employed by Senate and Assembly offices, conditions specified - AB1175
Public assistance applicants provided with opportunity to or information on registering to vote - AB1168