Improvement, 62.23 (18)
Main street improvement program, 238.127
Map, adoption, changes, appeals, 62.23 (6)
Master plan, 62.23 (2), (3)
Public land acquisition for, 62.23 (13) to (17)
Mobile communication service tower siting regulation, 66.0404
Moving building, permit, 62.14 (6)
Neighborhood improvement district, 66.1110
Permits and inspections, 62.23 (9)
Wetlands notice requirement, 62.232
Plan commission:
Membership, terms, 62.23 (1)
Powers, 62.23 (2) to (5)
Comprehensive planning, 66.1001
Report on housing element, 66.10013
Grants from state, 16.965
Platting lands:
Approval, 236.10
Assessment plats, 70.27
Replats, 236.26
Regulation, 145.04
Supervision, 145.05
Political signs, regulation, 12.04 (4)
Public buildings, inspection and plan approval, 101.12
Public improvement projects, tax incremental financing, 66.1105
Radio broadcast service facility regulations, 66.0406
Razing buildings, 66.0413
Redevelopment project, modification, 66.1333 (11)
Regional planning commission, 66.0309
Regulation authority limitations, 66.10015
Residential rental limits prohibited, 66.1014
Sex offender residence restrictions, 980.135
Sewer and water:
Laterals or service pipes, 66.0911
Private on-site wastewater treatment system ordinance, 59.70 (5)
Exemption from state nitrate rules, 160.255
Street grades, service pipes, 62.16 (2) (d)
Shooting range exception, 895.527
Streets, widening, effect on building, 62.23 (10)
Subdivision regulation, 236.45
Traditional neighborhood development ordinances, 66.1027
Unsewered property:
Building on, 145.195
Private on-site wastewater treatment system ordinance, 59.70 (5)
Urban redevelopment law, 66.1301 to 66.1329
Wetlands notice requirement at permit issuance, 62.232
Wireless facilities, Small, 66.0414
Zoning, 62.23 (7)
Airport areas, 62.23 (6), (7) (d), 114.136
Board of appeals, 62.23 (6), (7) (e)
Boundary changes under cooperative plan, zoning in town, 66.0307 (7m)
Community living arrangements, location, 59.69 (15), 62.23 (7) (i)
Construction site erosion control and storm water management, 62.234
Extraterritorial, 62.23 (7a)
Family child care homes, 66.1017
Floodplain, 87.30
Historic property, variances, DNR to develop rules, 87.304
Inclusionary zoning prohibition, 66.1015
Payday lender location, 62.23 (7) (hi)
Annexed or incorporated, 62.233
Management ordinances, 92.17
Wetlands in, 62.231
Violations, penalties and remedies, 62.23 (8)
cities_10. manager plan 10. Manager Plan
Abandonment, reorganization, 64.14
Adoption of plan, 64.01
Effect on existing ordinances, obligations and rights, 64.02
Procedure, 64.01, 64.03
Duties, salary, 64.08
Election, who eligible, 64.04
First council, revision of prior appropriations, 64.13
Powers; meetings, quorum, president, 64.07
Optional powers, 64.105
Recall, 64.06
Terms, vacancy, 64.05
Departments, boards, commissions, 64.10
Appointment and removal, 64.09
Powers and duties, 64.11
Optional powers, 64.105
Reports and accounts, 64.12
State commission work continued, 64.13
Villages, 64.01 (3), 64.15
cities_11. officers and employees 11. Officers and Employees
Accounts, examination by council, 62.12 (3)