Local projects, notice to department, 84.11 (3)
Private, across navigable waters, permit, supervision, 31.23 (3)
Standards, 84.01 (23)
Chronic wasting disease management, 29.063
Commercial fishing board, 15.345 (2), (3)
Conservation congress, 15.348
Construction and service contracts, 23.41
Councils, 15.347
Creation of department, 15.34
Culverts; permits, exemptions, 30.123
Dams, see Dams
Deer farms, see Fish and Game
Direction and supervision of department by board, 15.34
Disclosure of personal information, 23.45
Economic development programs:
Goals and accountability measures, 23.167
Reporting and coordinating requirements, 23.169
Electric utilities proposals to construct bulk generating facilities:
Permits, procedure, near waterways, 30.025
Permits needed, department to provide listing, 196.491 (3) (a)
Emergencies, disasters, department duties, 23.09 (4)
Employees, injury on duty, 230.36
Environmental compliance audit program, 299.85
Hunter mentorship program for children, 29.592
Hunter safety program, certificate of accomplishment, 29.591, 29.593
Seized; return or disposal, 968.20
Fish and game, see Fish and Game
Forestry education and training, 26.39
Demonstration and education center, 28.015
Grants, 28.085
Geographic powers and duties, 23.25
Acceptance, 23.09 (2) (o), 299.21
Contributions for environmental remediation, 292.51
Deposit in natural resources land endowment fund, 25.293
Facilities on state-owned lands, 23.09 (2) (n)
Land, 23.09 (2p)
Grants and assistance:
Air pollution:
Federal aid; application approval, 285.71
Small business, stationary source compliance assistance, 285.79
Black point estate grant, 23.0962
Brownfields, revolving loan program, 292.72
Conservation grants to nonprofit corporations, 23.0956
Urban land conservation grants, 23.0957
County land acquisition, 23.0953
Dam rehabilitation projects, 31.387
Ducks Unlimited, Inc., payments to, 23.0965
Environmental damage compensation, 283.87 (4)
Florence Wild Rivers Interpretive Center grant, 30.255
Forests and timber, 28.085
Croplands, 23.09 (18)
Education and training, 26.39
Forest grants, 26.38
Inventory of state owned forested areas, 28.042
Gasoline retailers, for vapor recovery systems removal, 285.31
Land acquisitions for outdoor activities, 77.895
Municipalities, aid in lieu of tax on certain state lands, 70.113, 70.114
Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin, voluntary contributions for, 23.09 (23)
Sewerage systems, 281.56
Urban green space, 23.09 (19)
Venison and wild turkey processing and donations program, 29.565, 29.89
Walleye production:
Contracts for, 29.740
Grants, 29.739
Water pollution prevention, 281.55
Water quality, generally, 281.51 to 281.72
Green tier program, 299.83
Harbor improvements:
See also Harbors
Department approval, 30.31 (2)
Horicon marsh education and visitor center programs, 23.426
Hotline for law violations, 23.38
Hunter education and bow hunter safety program, 29.591, 29.593
Hunter mentorship program for children, 29.592
Hunting, see Fish and Game
Ice age trail:
Grants to nonprofit corporations, 23.295
Land dedication, 23.293
Powers and duties, 23.17
Interstate comity, enforcement, 29.043
Laboratory certification program, 299.11
Land acquisition:
Approval required, 23.14
Bong air base, authority to acquire, 23.09 (13)
Canadian Pacific Railway corridor, Racine county, 23.0963
Fund for maintenance of acquired land, 23.0918, 25.293