State trust fund, bonding payments, 25.315
Pedigree for drugs distributed, 450.073
Prohibited actions, enforcement, penalties, 450.074
Restrictions on transactions, 450.072
Drug disposal programs:
Authorization, 165.65
Authorized activities and who may act, 450.115
Controlled substance law exemption, 961.337
County and municipal operation, 66.0437
Drug pricing, unfair discrimination, 100.31
Drugs, see Prescription drugs, under this head
Emergency volunteer health care practitioners:
Definitions, 257.01
Health care facilities, 257.04
Volunteers, 257.03
Registry of volunteers, 257.02
Examinations, 450.04
Examining board:
Books, registers and records, 450.02 (1)
Controlled substances rules, 961.31
Creation, membership, 15.405 (9)
Public members, 15.08 (1m)
Disputes with department secretary, arbitration, 440.045
General provisions, 15.08, 440.035
Inspection of controlled substances premises, 961.52 (2)
Powers to enforce controlled substances act, 961.51
Rules, 450.02 (2) to (4)
Generics, filling prescriptions with, 450.13
Health maintenance organization, coverage of pharmaceutical services, 628.36 (2m)
Law enforcement reporting duties, 961.37
Continuing education, 450.085
Delinquent support, unemployment contribution, and tax obligors, denial or suspension, 49.857, 73.0301, 440.12, 440.13
Distributors, wholesale, 450.071
Fee, 440.05
Home medical oxygen provider, 450.076
Manufacturers, 450.07
Pharmacist, 450.03, 450.05
In-state, 450.06
Out-of-state, 450.065
Renewal, 450.08
Renewal date, 440.08 (2) (a)
Third-party logistics providers, 450.075
Voluntary surrender, 440.19
Managing pharmacist, 450.09 (1)
Marijuana, investigational drug permit, distribution by prescription, 961.34
Medical assistance program:
Beneficiary has free choice, 49.45 (9)
Prescription drug cost controls, 49.45 (6m)
Patient health care records and confidentiality, see Medical Records
Penalties, 450.18
Pharmaceutical experiment station, university, 36.25 (10)
Pharmacy benefit managers, 632.865
Pharmacy operation requirements, 450.09
Physician delegation of patient services to pharmacists, 450.033
Poisons, delivery, labels, 450.14
Prescription devices, 450.11
Prescription drugs:
Antimicrobial drugs for expedited sexually transmitted disease treatment, 450.11 (1g)
Cancer and chronic disease drug repository program for donated drugs, 255.056
Dextromethorphan, sale to minor without prescription prohibited, 134.91
Dispensing requirements, 450.11
Drug product equivalent, using in dispensing prescriptions, 450.13
Labels, 450.12
Monitoring program, 961.385
Opioid antagonists, dispensing and delivery, 448.037
Penalties and enforcement proceedings, 450.11 (9)
Placing without consent prohibited, 450.15
Pricing, unfair discrimination, 100.31
Prohibited acts, 450.11 (7)
Regulation, 961.38
Report required, unusual increase in prescriptions, potential health emergency, 450.145
Sales in bankruptcy or public auction, 450.11 (6)
Remote dispensing, 450.09 (2) (b)
Step therapy protocols, 632.866
Registration, 450.068
Registration renewal, 440.08 (2) (a)
Third-party logistics providers, 450.075
Violations, 450.17
Whistleblower protection, 146.997
phosphates PHOSPHATES
Cleaning agents and water conditioners containing, sale restricted, 100.28
physical injuries PHYSICAL INJURIES
physical therapy PHYSICAL THERAPY