Labor relations, see Faculty and staff, labor relations, under this head
Lapse, 36.21
Limited, 36.17
Other, 36.19
Appropriations, 20.285
Capital improvement debt authorizations, 20.866 (2) (s), (t)
Reimbursement, when required, 36.52
Aquaculture demonstration facility, 36.11 (36)
Archives as depositories for records, 16.61 (13)
Athletic events:
Body passing, alcohol consumption prohibited, 59.54 (11), 167.32, 778.25 (1) (a), 938.17 (3)
Ticket selling regulation, restrictions, 66.0410
Biostar initiative, attracting funds for biological sciences, 13.48 (25p)
Biotechnology education, 36.25 (31)
Building commission general fund borrowing prohibition, parking facilities, 13.48 (45)
Building projects:
Designation of projects, 36.11 (53m)
Administration department to review plans and construction, 16.85 (12), 36.29 (7)
Sale, 36.335
Business plan competition, 36.25 (53)
Business schools, 36.25 (28)
Campus misconduct, 36.35
Career conversations program for students in grades 7-12, 36.25 (49m)
Automobile allowance restrictions, 36.11 (51)
Provost, appointment authorized, 36.09 (3) (b)
Responsibilities, 36.09 (3)
Child care centers, 36.25 (26)
Classified research, 36.11 (55m)
Collective bargaining:
Representatives and elections, 111.83
Research assistants, 111.935
Units, 111.825
College campus facilities, county appropriations, 59.56 (4)
Buildings, bonds to construct, 66.0913
Computer services, purchase from administration department, 16.78
Condemnation, 32.02, 36.11 (9)
Conflict of interests, prohibition, 36.23
Controlled substances:
Discipline, 36.11 (21)
Drug abuse prevention and intervention program, 36.48
Cooperation with school districts, 36.11 (19)
Cooperative, center for, 36.11 (40)
Forestry cooperative grants, 36.56
Coordination with other educational agencies, and tribal and private colleges, 36.31
Costs of education, system to provide annual informational letter to students, 39.53
Creation of system, 36.03
Credit transfer from tribal and private colleges, military education, 36.31
Crime laboratories, cooperation with, 15.257, 165.80, 165.81
Definitions, 36.05
Depositions, may require, 887.23
Discrimination against students, 36.12
Accessible educational materials for students with disabilities, 106.57
Physically or developmentally disabled, 106.56
Distinguished chair of military history, 36.25 (42)
Distinguished professorships, 36.14
Downer Woods and buildings preservation on Milwaukee campus, 36.37
Economic development programs:
Goals and accountability measures, 36.09 (1) (am)
Reporting and coordination requirements, 36.11 (29r)
Educational inter-system cooperation, 20.901 (4)
Educational technology projects, 36.25 (38)
Elk, reintroduction feasibility study, 36.25 (29r)
Employee-owned businesses program, 36.25 (24)
Employment relations law, 111.81 to 111.94
Harassment claims, report to legislature, 36.55
Interchange program, 230.047
Notice of negotiations, 19.86
Personnel system, 36.115
Supply and expense quality improvement awards, 36.25 (33)
Travel policies, 36.11 (56)
Entertainment and athletic ticket selling regulation, restrictions, 66.0410
Environmental education, center for, 36.25 (29m)
Establishment, X, 6
Ethics code, shall establish, 19.45 (11) (b)
Expenditures, reimbursement for, 15.07 (5)
Extension program, in cooperation with counties, 59.56 (3)
Eye safety provisions, 255.30
Labor relations, see Faculty and staff, labor relations, under this head
Layoff or termination due to budget or program changes, 36.21, 36.22
Pay adjustments, 20.865 (1) (ci), 230.12 (3) (e)
Responsibilities, 36.09 (4)
Sabbatical leave, conditions, 36.11 (17)