Town sanitary districts, 60.70 to 60.79
Natural resources department:
Powers and duties, 289.06, 289.07
Imminent danger, action authorized, 289.94
Orders, 289.93
Research, 289.07 (4)
Negotiation and arbitration, 289.33
Operators, certification, 289.42
PCB, disposal and storage:
Facilities, see Disposal facilities, under this subhead
Out-of-state disposal, reimbursement of costs, 292.68
Recycling and resource recovery policy of state, 287.05
Recycling or resource recovery facilities:
City acquisition, 62.155
County acquisition, 59.70 (11)
Donated materials, liability immunity for donor, 895.517
Recycling fee collection and payment, 289.645, 289.675
Reports required, 287.27
Village acquisition, 61.57
Review of alleged violations, 289.92
Storage of waste, 289.45
Tires, 289.55
Transportation permit, 348.27 (12)
Transportation through town, 60.54
Violation of law, enforcement, 289.95, 289.97
Waters, disposal in prohibited, 29.601 (3)
Whistleblower protection, 289.42 (2)
Yard waste:
Prohibitions, 287.07, 287.08
Publicity, 287.215
water carriers WATER CARRIERS
Generally, Ch. 195
Accidents, reports, 195.34
Commissioner of railroads authority:
Generally, 195.03
Complaints and investigations; procedure:
Complaints, investigation, hearings, notice, 195.04
Freight charges, 195.37
Freight bills, 195.38
Depositions, 195.045
Incriminating evidence, 195.048
Judicial review, 195.055
Office orders prima facie lawful, 195.06
Procedure after summary investigation, 195.043
Record, 195.046
Separate rate hearings; absence of direct damage, 195.041
Summary investigations, 195.042
Transcripts as evidence, 195.047
Witness fees and mileage, 195.044
Costs of commissioner, collection, 195.60
Law enforcement, 195.07
Definitions, 195.001, 195.02
Freight facilities, 195.19
Pass lists, 195.16
Penalties, 195.36
Treble damages, 195.35
Commodity rates, 195.09
Discriminations prohibited, 195.11
Emergency rates, 195.10
Free transportation; reduced rates, passes, limitations, 195.14, XIII, 11
Preference by carriers prohibited, 195.12
Rebates and concessions, unlawful to accept, 195.13
Regulation, 195.05
Schedules, service, 195.08
Records and information, failure to file, 195.50
Safety devices, 195.26
Scope of regulation, 195.02 (3)
Transportation contracts, filed, 195.15
Warehouses, 195.21
water, drinking WATER, DRINKING
Aquifer recovery system:
Exemption from rules, 160.257
Report required, 280.25
Bottled, standards, sampling and analysis, 97.34
Definitions, 280.01
Drinking water loan guarantee program, 234.86, 281.625
Natural resources department powers:
Generally, 280.11, 280.13, 281.12 to 281.17
Inspection, 281.97
Rules, 281.17 (8), (9)
Violations, forfeitures, 281.99
Safe drinking water loan program, 281.59, 281.61
Water conservation, reporting and supply regulation, 281.344, 281.346
Water quality loans and activities, 281.62
Water supply service area plans for public water supply systems, 281.348