An Act to create 234.661 of the statutes; Relating to: a main street housing rehabilitation revolving loan fund and loan program. (FE)
Date / House | Action | Journal |
5/15/2023 Sen. | Introduced by Senators Jagler, Quinn, Feyen, Jacque, Stroebel and Stafsholt; cosponsored by Representatives Hurd, Brooks, Emerson, Snyder, Steffen, Rozar, Allen, C. Anderson, Behnke, Brandtjen, Dittrich, Donovan, Doyle, Duchow, Edming, Green, Gundrum, Joers, Kitchens, Murphy, O'Connor, Ortiz-Velez, Penterman, Petryk, Plumer, Rettinger, Schmidt, Schraa, Shankland, Sinicki, Swearingen and Wichgers | |
5/15/2023 Sen. | Read first time and referred to Committee on Housing, Rural Issues and Forestry | |
5/16/2023 Sen. | Representative Krug added as a cosponsor | |
5/18/2023 Sen. | Public hearing held | |
5/30/2023 Sen. | Representative Magnafici added as a cosponsor | |
6/7/2023 Sen. | Senate Amendment 1 offered by Senator Jagler | |
6/8/2023 Sen. | Representative Snodgrass added as a cosponsor | |
6/9/2023 Sen. | Executive action taken | |
6/9/2023 Sen. | Report adoption of Senate Amendment 1 recommended by Committee on Housing, Rural Issues and Forestry, Ayes 5, Noes 0 | |
6/9/2023 Sen. | Report passage as amended recommended by Committee on Housing, Rural Issues and Forestry, Ayes 5, Noes 0 | |
6/9/2023 Sen. | Available for scheduling | |
6/12/2023 Sen. | Senate Amendment 2 offered by Senator Quinn | |
6/12/2023 Sen. | Representative Bare added as a cosponsor | |
6/13/2023 Sen. | Fiscal estimate requested from the Legislative Fiscal Bureau, pursuant to Senate Rule 96 (1) | |
6/13/2023 Sen. | Placed on calendar 6-14-2023 pursuant to Senate Rule 18(1) | |
6/14/2023 Sen. | Representatives Jacobson, Cabrera, Conley and Haywood added as cosponsors | |
6/14/2023 Sen. | Fiscal estimate received | |
6/14/2023 Sen. | Placed on the foot of the 11th order of business on the calendar of 6-14-2023 | |
6/14/2023 Sen. | Senator Spreitzer added as a coauthor | |
6/14/2023 Sen. | Laid on table | |
6/16/2023 Sen. | Representative Subeck added as a cosponsor | |
6/19/2023 Sen. | Fiscal estimate received | |
4/15/2024 Sen. | Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1 |