164,13 Section 13. 218.10 (8m) of the statutes is amended to read:
218.10 (8m) “Recreational vehicle" has the meaning given in s. 340.01 (48r) means a vehicle that is designed to be towed upon a highway by a motor vehicle, that is equipped and used, or intended to be used, primarily for temporary or recreational human habitation, and that does not exceed 46 feet in length. “Recreational vehicle” includes a camping trailer, 5th-wheel recreational vehicle, park model recreational vehicle, and travel trailer.
164,14 Section 14. 218.10 (8u) of the statutes is created to read:
218.10 (8u) “Transient customer” means a customer who is temporarily traveling through a dealer's area of sales responsibility.
164,15 Section 15. 218.10 (8v) of the statutes is created to read:
218.10 (8v) “Travel trailer” means a vehicle that is mounted on wheels, that is designed to provide temporary living quarters for recreational, camping, or travel use, and that is of a size or weight that a special highway movement permit is not required when towed by a motor vehicle.
164,16 Section 16. 218.10 (10) of the statutes is created to read:
218.10 (10) “Warrantor” means a person, firm, corporation, or business entity that gives a warranty in connection with a new recreational vehicle or parts, accessories, or components of a new recreational vehicle.
164,17 Section 17. 218.10 (11) of the statutes is created to read:
218.10 (11) “Warranty” does not include service contracts, mechanical or other insurance, or extended warranties sold for separate consideration by a dealer or other person not controlled by a manufacturer.
164,18 Section 18. 218.11 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
218.11 (title) Recreational vehicle dealers, manufacturers, and distributors regulated.
164,19 Section 19. 218.11 (2) (e) of the statutes is created to read:
218.11 (2) (e) A recreational vehicle dealer or an applicant for a recreational vehicle dealer license shall provide and maintain in force a bond or irrevocable letter of credit of not less than $50,000. The bond or letter of credit shall be executed in the name of the department of transportation for the benefit of any person who sustains a loss because of an act of a recreational vehicle dealer that constitutes grounds for the suspension or revocation of a license under sub. (6).
164,20 Section 20. 218.11 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
218.11 (4) (a) No manufacturer or distributor may engage in business as a manufacturer or distributor in this state without a license.
(b) No manufacturers' or distributors' recreational vehicles may be sold in this state unless either the manufacturer on direct dealerships of domestic vehicles or the distributor on indirect dealerships of either domestic or foreign vehicles are licensed under par. (a). The obtaining of a license under par. (a) shall conclusively establish that a manufacturer or distributor is doing business in this state and shall subject the licensee to all provisions of the Wisconsin statutes regulating manufacturers and distributors.
164,21 Section 21. 218.11 (6) (o) of the statutes is created to read:
218.11 (6) (o) Being a dealer, manufacturer, or distributor that violates any provision of ss. 218.161 to 218.167.
164,22 Section 22. 218.11 (7) (b) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
218.11 (7) (b) The provisions of s. 218.0116 (4) relating to the suspension and revocation of a license applies to the suspension and revocation of the license of a recreational vehicle dealer, manufacturer, or distributor, except that the provisions s. 218.0116 (4) do not apply to the suspension or revocation of a license under sub. (6m) and that no suspension or revocation under this paragraph may be predicated on conduct related to mileage disclosure.
164,23 Section 23. 218.15 of the statutes is amended to read:
218.15 Sale or lease of used recreational vehicles. In the sale or lease of any used recreational vehicle, the sales invoice or lease agreement shall contain the point of manufacture of the used recreational vehicle, and the name of the manufacturer and the name and address of the previous owner.
164,24 Section 24. 218.161 of the statutes is created to read:
218.161 Dealer agreement requirement. (1) A manufacturer or distributor may not sell a new recreational vehicle in this state to or through a dealer without having first entered into a written dealer agreement with a dealer that has been signed by both parties.
(2) The manufacturer shall designate the area of sales responsibility exclusively assigned to a dealer in the dealer agreement and may not change the area of sales responsibility or contract with another dealer for sale of the same model or line-make, as specified in the agreement, in the designated area of sales responsibility during the duration of the agreement.
(3) The terms of the dealer agreement, including the area of sales responsibility, may not be reviewed or changed during the duration of the dealer agreement without the written mutual consent of the parties. The duration of the dealer agreement shall be stated in the dealer agreement.
(4) A dealer may not sell a new recreational vehicle in this state without having first entered into a dealer agreement with a manufacturer or distributor and may not sell outside the area of sales responsibility designated in the agreement under sub. (2).
(5) A manufacturer may not unilaterally issue a policy or procedure that violates or substantially alters a provision of the dealer agreement during the duration of the agreement.
(6) A manufacturer shall distribute new recreational vehicles to its dealers in a fair and equitable manner. If requested, a manufacturer shall provide information on its manner of distribution.
(7) A manufacturer shall provide its dealer with adequate technical data to perform proper service and repairs.
164,25 Section 25. 218.162 of the statutes is created to read:
218.162 Termination of dealer agreement. (1) (a) A manufacturer or distributor, directly or through any officer, agent, or employee, may terminate, cancel, or fail to renew a model, line-make, or entire dealer agreement only with good cause, and, upon renewal, may not require additional inventory stocking requirements or increased retail sales targets in excess of the market growth in the dealer's area of sales responsibility.
(b) A manufacturer or distributor has the burden of showing good cause for terminating, canceling, or failing to renew a model, line-make, or dealer agreement with a dealer. For purposes of determining whether there is good cause for the proposed action, any of the following factors may be considered:
1. The extent of the affected dealer's penetration in the relevant market area for the relevant model or line-make.
2. The nature and extent of the dealer's investment in its business.
3. The adequacy of the dealer's service facilities, equipment, parts, supplies, and personnel.
4. The effect of the proposed action on the community.
5. The extent and quality of the dealer's service under recreational vehicle warranties.
6. The failure to follow agreed-upon, reasonable procedures or standards related to the overall operation of the dealership consistent with the law and the dealer agreement.
7. The dealer's performance under the terms of its dealer agreement.
(c) 1. Except as provided in this paragraph, a manufacturer or distributor shall provide a dealer with at least 120 days' prior written notice of termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal of a model, line-make, or entire dealer agreement.
2. The notice under subd. 1. shall state all reasons for the proposed termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal and shall state that if, within 30 days following receipt of the notice, the dealer provides to the manufacturer or distributor a written notice of intent to cure all claimed deficiencies, the dealer will then have 120 days following receipt of the notice to rectify the deficiencies. If the deficiencies are rectified within 120 days, the manufacturer's or distributor's notice is voided. If the dealer fails to provide the notice of intent to cure the deficiencies in the prescribed period, the termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal takes effect 30 days after the dealer's receipt of the notice unless the dealer has new and untitled inventory on hand that may be disposed of as provided under sub. (3).
3. The notice period under subd. 1. may be reduced to 30 days if the grounds for termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal are due to any of the following:
a. A dealer or one of its owners being convicted of a felony.
b. The abandonment or closing of the business operations of the dealer for 10 consecutive business days unless the closing is due to an act of God, strike, labor difficulty, or other cause over which the dealer has no control.
c. A significant misrepresentation by the dealer materially affecting the business relationship.
d. A suspension of, revocation of, or refusal to renew the dealer's license by the department.
4. The notice provisions of this paragraph do not apply if the reason for termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal is insolvency, the occurrence of an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or bankruptcy.
(2) A dealer may terminate, cancel, or fail to renew a model, line-make, or entire dealer agreement with a manufacturer or distributor with or without good cause at any time by giving 30 days' written notice to the manufacturer. If the termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal is for good cause, the dealer has the burden of showing good cause. Any of the following items, among others, may be deemed good cause for the proposed action by a dealer:
(a) A manufacturer being convicted of a felony.
(b) The business operations of the manufacturer have been abandoned or closed for 10 consecutive business days, unless the closing is due to an act of God, strike, labor difficulty, or other cause over which the manufacturer has no control.
(c) A significant misrepresentation by the manufacturer materially affecting the business relationship.
(d) A material violation of this subchapter that is not cured within 30 days after written notice by the dealer.
(e) A declaration by the manufacturer of insolvency, the occurrence of an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or bankruptcy.
(f) A manufacturer's material violation of the dealer agreement that is not cured within 120 days after written notice by the dealer.
(g) Manufacturer coercion of the dealer under s. 218.166.
(h) Manufacturer violation of area of sales responsibility protections or allowing other dealers to violate these protections.
(3) If the dealer agreement is terminated, canceled, or not renewed by the dealer for good cause, the manufacturer shall, at the election of the dealer and within 45 days after termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal, repurchase all of the following:
(a) All new, untitled recreational vehicles that were acquired from the manufacturer or distributor within 18 months before the date of the notice of termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal that have not been used, except for demonstration purposes, and that have not been altered or damaged, at 100 percent of the net invoice cost, including transportation, less applicable rebates and discounts to the dealer. If any of the recreational vehicles repurchased is damaged, the amount due to the dealer shall be reduced by the cost to repair the damaged recreational vehicle. Damage prior to delivery to the dealer will not disqualify repurchase under this subsection. Any repurchased recreational vehicle must be paid for in full before the recreational vehicle is removed from the dealer's premises. Upon payment under this paragraph, recreational vehicles must be immediately surrendered to the manufacturer.
(b) All undamaged accessories or proprietary parts sold to the dealer for resale within the 12 months prior to termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal, if accompanied by the original invoice, at 105 percent of the original net price paid to the manufacturer or distributor to compensate the dealer for handling, packing, and shipping the parts.
(c) Any properly functioning diagnostic equipment, special tools, current signage, or other equipment and machinery at 100 percent of the dealer's net cost plus freight, destination, delivery, and distribution charges and sales taxes, if any, if the equipment, tools, signage, or machinery was purchased by the dealer within 5 years before termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal and upon the manufacturer's or distributor's request and can no longer be used in the normal course of the dealer's ongoing business.
(4) If a dealer agreement is terminated, canceled, or not renewed by the manufacturer or distributor without good cause in violation of sub. (1), the manufacturer or distributor shall repurchase dealer recreational vehicles, accessories, and other equipment in the manner provided in sub. (3).
(5) (a) A dealer is not prohibited from selling any remaining in-stock inventory of a particular model or line-make after a dealer agreement has been terminated, cancelled, or not renewed by the manufacturer.
(b) If recreational vehicles of a model or line-make subject to a terminated agreement are not repurchased or required to be repurchased by the manufacturer or distributor, the dealer may continue to sell recreational vehicles that are subject to the terminated dealer agreement and are currently in stock until those recreational vehicles are no longer in the dealer's inventory.
(6) When taking on an additional line-make, a dealer shall notify in writing any manufacturer with whom the dealer has a dealer agreement of the same line-make at least 30 days prior to entering into a dealer agreement with the manufacturer of the additional line-make.
164,26 Section 26. 218.163 of the statutes is created to read:
218.163 Transfer of ownership. (1) If a dealer desires to make a change in ownership by the sale of business assets, stock transfer, or otherwise, the dealer shall give the manufacturer or distributor written notice at least 10 business days before the closing, along with all supporting documentation as may be reasonably required by the manufacturer or distributor to determine if an objection to the sale may be made. In the absence of a breach by the selling dealer of its dealer agreement or this subchapter, the manufacturer or distributor may not object to the proposed change in ownership unless any of the following applies to the prospective transferee:
(a) The transferee has previously been terminated for cause by the manufacturer.
(b) The transferee has been convicted of a felony or any crime of fraud, deceit, or moral turpitude.
(c) The transferee lacks any license required by law.
(d) The transferee does not have an active line of credit sufficient to purchase a manufacturer's product.
(e) The transferee has undergone in the last 10 years bankruptcy, insolvency, a general assignment for the benefit of creditors, or the appointment of a receiver, trustee, or conservator to take possession of the transferee's business or property.
(2) If a manufacturer or distributor objects to a proposed change in ownership, the manufacturer or distributor shall give written notice of its reasons to the dealer within 7 business days after receipt of the dealer's notification and complete documentation. The manufacturer or distributor has the burden of proof with regard to its objection. If the manufacturer or distributor does not give timely notice of its objection, the change, sale, or transfer shall be approved.
(3) (a) A manufacturer or distributor shall provide a dealer an opportunity to designate, in writing, a family member as a successor to the dealership in the event of the death, incapacity, or retirement of the dealer. A manufacturer or distributor may not prevent or refuse to honor the succession unless the manufacturer or distributor has provided to the dealer written notice of its objections within 10 business days after receipt of the dealer's modification of the dealer's succession plan. In the absence of a breach of the dealer agreement, the manufacturer may object to the succession only for any of the following reasons:
1. Conviction of the successor of a felony or any crime of fraud, deceit, or moral turpitude.
2. Bankruptcy or insolvency of the successor during the past 10 years.
3. Prior termination by the manufacturer of the successor for breach of a dealer agreement.
4. The lack of an active line of credit for the successor sufficient to purchase the manufacturer's product.
5. The lack of any license for the successor required by law.
(b) The manufacturer or distributor has the burden of proof regarding its objection. A family member may not succeed to a dealership if the succession involves, without the manufacturer's or distributor's consent, a relocation of the business or an alteration of the terms and conditions of the dealer agreement.
164,27 Section 27. 218.164 of the statutes is created to read:
218.164 Warranty obligation. (1) Each warrantor shall do all of the following:
(a) Specify, in writing, to each of the warrantor's dealers, the dealer's obligations, if any, for preparation, delivery, and warranty service on the warrantor's products.
(b) Compensate the dealer for warranty service performed by the dealer that is covered by the warrantor's own warranty.
(c) Provide the dealer with the schedule of compensation to be paid and the time allowances for the performance of any work and service. The schedule of compensation shall include reasonable compensation for diagnostic work as well as warranty labor. If the schedule of compensation required by this paragraph does not include a particular repair, the warrantor shall reimburse the dealer for warranty service for the actual time expended unless the warrantor demonstrates that the actual time was not reasonable. If the warrantor demonstrates that the actual time was not reasonable, the dealer shall be paid a reasonable sum.
(2) Time allowances for the diagnosis and performance of warranty labor shall be reasonable for the work to be performed. The compensation of a dealer for warranty labor may not be less than the lowest retail labor rate actually charged by the dealer in the ordinary course of business for like nonwarranty labor as long as the rate is reasonable.
(3) The warrantor shall reimburse the dealer for any warranty part at actual wholesale cost plus a minimum 30 percent handling charge and the cost, if any, of freight to return such part to the warrantor. If a part is sent to the dealer at no cost, the dealer is entitled to payment of 30 percent of the wholesale cost of the part from warrantor as a handling charge. The maximum handling charge for a part shall not exceed $300. If the warrantor requires the dealer to return a warranty part, accessory, or complete component, the warrantor shall reimburse the dealer the cost of freight to return the part, accessory, or component.
(4) Warranty audits of dealer records may be conducted by the warrantor on a reasonable basis, and dealer claims for warranty compensation may not be denied except for cause, including performance of nonwarranty repairs, material noncompliance with the warrantor's published policies and procedures, lack of material documentation, fraud, or misrepresentation.