Dam safety project cost limits created in 2021 WisAct 58 do not apply to dam removal project - SB140
Decommissioned power production plants: phase-out of utility aid payments to counties and municipalities changed - SB67
Delayed relocation of utilities in a highway right-of-way: process for a highway improvement contractor to seek damages, report required; rules modified [Admin.Code Trans 220.06] - SB270
Developer-financed TID: cities, villages, and certain towns allowed to create - SB103
Electronic waste recycling program changes, fee provision - AB958
Electronic waste recycling program changes, fee provision - SB866
Environmental trust bonds to finance retiring electric generating facilities; integrated resource and reliability planning by electric utilities and cooperatives; closure of large electric generating facilities - AB682
Environmental trust bonds to finance retiring electric generating facilities; integrated resource and reliability planning by electric utilities and cooperatives; closure of large electric generating facilities - SB651
Farmland preservation tax credit disallowed for acres with a photovoltaic solar energy system - SB468
Free fishing weekend in January: designation modified - SB34
Green Bay & De Pere Antiquarian Society Day: October 4, 2023 declared as in honor of its 100th anniversary - AJR52
Green Bay & De Pere Antiquarian Society Day: October 4, 2023 declared as in honor of its 100th anniversary - SJR48
Highway speed restriction: local highway authorities allowed to reduce without DOT approval, conditions specified - AB720
Highway speed restriction: local highway authorities allowed to reduce without DOT approval, conditions specified - SB684
Hunter education for persons under age 18: in-person and online options; in-person field training session required - SB265
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Awareness Day: fourth Wednesday in February recognized as; requesting Governor to issue annual proclamation - SJR45
India Day: August 15, 2023 observed as - SJR66
Indoor air quality inspection and evaluation program for public schools: DHS to establish - AB434
Indoor air quality inspection and evaluation program for public schools: DHS to establish - SB444
Kidney Month: March 2024 proclaimed as - SJR126
Labeling food as a type of dairy product prohibited unless the food is a dairy product; DATCP duties; enactment by other states required - SB947
Land Recycling Loan Program eliminated - AB10
Land Recycling Loan Program eliminated - SB13
Lifetime teaching, administrator, or pupil services license: regularly employed in education includes time employed by DPI - AB99
Lifetime teaching, administrator, or pupil services license: regularly employed in education includes time employed by DPI - SB108
Loyalty Day in Wisconsin: May 1, 2023 proclaimed as - SJR30
Motor vehicle certificate of title transferred to immediate family member upon death of the owner: fees waived - AB66
Motor vehicle certificate of title transferred to immediate family member upon death of the owner: fees waived - SB60
Myasthenia Gravis Awareness Month: June 2023 designated as - AJR13
Myasthenia Gravis Awareness Month: June 2023 designated as - SJR20
National Wild Turkey Federation: 50th anniversary commemorated - SJR28
Next Generation 911: grants for certain costs to incumbent local exchange carriers operating as originating service providers - SB371
Nitrate-contaminated wells: eligibility under the well compensation grant program; report required - AB64
Nitrate-contaminated wells: eligibility under the well compensation grant program; report required - SB58
Nonprofit agricultural organizations allowed to provide health benefit coverage to members - SB811
Nonprofit organizations promoting the operation of ATVs and UTVs: changes to DNR appropriation for communication equipment and producing maps and digital information - SB239
Nuisance wildlife management at airports by designated personnel: exceptions to shining animals, possessing firearms or bow or crossbow, and discharging firearms prohibitions - AB174
Nuisance wildlife management at airports by designated personnel: exceptions to shining animals, possessing firearms or bow or crossbow, and discharging firearms prohibitions - SB208
Online carbon calculator for farmers: DATCP to develop - AB419
Online carbon calculator for farmers: DATCP to develop - SB409
Parking structures: periodic professional engineer inspections required, report provision - SB1043
Petroleum products and storage of dangerous substances: revisions to DATCP regulations - SB746
PFAS group of substances: requirements created and programs established to address issues related to; reports and studies - SB312
PFAS proposed rule that exceeds economic impact analyses: DNR authorized to resume permanent rule-making process (introduced per s. 227.139 (2)(a), Wis.Stats.) - AB1173
PFAS proposed rule that exceeds economic impact analyses: DNR authorized to resume permanent rule-making process (introduced per s. 227.139 (2)(a), Wis.Stats.) - SB1079
Pheifer Brothers Construction Co., Inc.: $201,197.70 payment of a claim against DOT - SB50
Physical therapists authorized to certify to DOT information necessary for a disabled parking plate or card - SB964
Preliminary health care credentials: DSPS to grant to previously unlicensed individuals under set conditions - SB158
Probationary driver’s license exemption for persons enlisted in U.S. armed forces - AB123
Probationary driver’s license exemption for persons enlisted in U.S. armed forces - SB123
Producer-led watershed, lake, and river protection grants: eligibility expanded - AB65
Producer-led watershed, lake, and river protection grants: eligibility expanded - SB59
PSC website and annual report relating to dockets requirements - AB675
PSC website and annual report relating to dockets requirements - SB647
Public utility rate changes: customer notification requirements; PSC provisions - AB676
Public utility rate changes: customer notification requirements; PSC provisions - SB646
Qualified bidder on state projects: criteria modified - SB20
Rate recovery by a public utility of assessments related to a PSC proceeding: amount reduced - AB683
Rate recovery by a public utility of assessments related to a PSC proceeding: amount reduced - SB649
Rechargeable batteries: education about dangers in waste and recycling streams; grants to expand collection and recycling operations and to solid waste and materials recovery facilities to address increased fire risks; JCF provision - SB906
Safe drinking water in public and private schools: governing bodies to develop drinking water management plan, requirements specified - AB1172
Safe drinking water in public and private schools: governing bodies to develop drinking water management plan, requirements specified - SB1078
School psychologist loan program created in HEAB - AB234
School psychologist loan program created in HEAB - SB241
School-based behavioral health services: DHS to submit plan amendment to allow schools to seek MA reimbursement - AB236
School-based behavioral health services: DHS to submit plan amendment to allow schools to seek MA reimbursement - SB242
Social media company requirements created re use by minors; penalty provisions - AB373
Social media company requirements created re use by minors; penalty provisions - SB385
Specialized transportation assistance pilot program created; MA, ADRC, DOT, and report provisions - AB923
Specialized transportation assistance pilot program created; MA, ADRC, DOT, and report provisions - SB856
State agency information technology accessibility standards for individuals with disabilities: DOA to establish - SB831
State park camping sites: reservation process and fees in certain parks modified; rule revised [Admin.Code NR 45.10] - SB770
State parks: free admission for 4th graders; vehicle admission fee waiver and visitor activity guide - AB11
State parks: free admission for 4th graders; vehicle admission fee waiver and visitor activity guide - SB14
Supplemental aid for snowmobile trail maintenance: DNR may modify rule [Admin.Code NR 50.09] - AB130
Supplemental aid for snowmobile trail maintenance: DNR may modify rule [Admin.Code NR 50.09] - SB136
Technical college programs to expand oral health care workforce: funding from JCF supplemental appropriation - SB702
Temporary motor vehicle operation plates issued by DOT to dealers in electronic format required; misuse penalty provision - AB122
Temporary motor vehicle operation plates issued by DOT to dealers in electronic format required; misuse penalty provision - SB124
Tour.Dept annual activities report requirement modified; repeal of certain distribution of donated cheese, use of famous Wisconsin residents in tourism marketing, and audited financial statement from WPGA Junior Foundation - SB36
Traffic violations committed in a railroad maintenance or construction area: penalties created; JRCCP may report - AB463
Traffic violations committed in a railroad maintenance or construction area: penalties created; JRCCP may report - SB460
Transition to grass pilot program created - SB619
Tuition and fee remission program for eligible veterans and their spouses and children at UW System schools and technical colleges: “eligible veteran” definition expanded - AB239
Tuition and fee remission program for eligible veterans and their spouses and children at UW System schools and technical colleges: “eligible veteran” definition expanded - SB238
University of Wisconsin Missing-in-Action Recovery and Identification Project may request funding from JCF, report required - AB26
University of Wisconsin Missing-in-Action Recovery and Identification Project may request funding from JCF, report required - SB8
Vehicle admission receipt to state parks: valid for 1 year from date issued instead of calendar year - AB425
Vehicle admission receipt to state parks: valid for 1 year from date issued instead of calendar year - SB415