Council on Offender Reentry’s annual report per s. 301.095 (11), Wis.Stats.
A 522; S 698

Inmates considered violent and total numbers of inmates per s. 301.03 (6r), Wis.Stats.
A 28, 634; S 88, 771

Overtime use in adult correctional institutions per s. 301.03 (6t), Wis.Stats.
A 523; S 18, 699

Prisoner statistics involving mental health transfers and services per s. 301.03 (6m), Wis.Stats.
A 28, 634; S 771

Restitution report per s. 973.20 (11)(e), Wis.Stats.
A 250, 849

Restitution report per s. 973.20 (11)(e), Wis.Stats.
S 393, 1005

Distance Learning Authorization Board

Annual report per s. 39.87 (3), Wis.Stats.
A 28, 634; S 88, 771

District Attorneys, Department of

Biennial report per s. 15.04 (1)(d), Wis.Stats.
S 566

Educational Communications Board

Biennial report per s. 15.04 (1)(d), Wis.Stats.
A 405; S 566

Elections Commission

Agency review of administrative rules biennial report per s. 227.29 (1), Wis.Stats.
A 94; S 190

Barriers faced by elderly voters and voters with disabilities: report per s. 5.25 (4)(d), Wis.Stats.
A 238; S 373

Biennial report per s. 15.04 (1)(d), Wis.Stats.
A 405; S 566

Internal control plan per s. 5.05 (16)(a), Wis.Stats.
A 826; S 955

Suspected election fraud, irregularities, or violations report per s. 7.15 (1)(g), Wis.Stats.

Employee Trust Funds, Department of

Biennial report per s. 15.04 (1)(d), Wis.Stats.
A 405; S 566

Employment Relations Commission, Wisconsin

Biennial report per s. 15.04 (1)(d), Wis.Stats.
A 405; S 566

Ethics Commission

Agency review of administrative rules biennial report per s. 227.29 (1), Wis.Stats.
A 94; S 190

Annual report per s. 19.47 (5), Wis.Stats.
A 406

Biennial report per s. 15.04 (1)(d), Wis.Stats.
S 567

Financial Institutions, Department of

Biennial report per s. 15.04 (1)(d), Wis.Stats.
A 405; S 567

Payday lending report per s. 138.14 (7)(e), Wis.Stats.
A 27, 634

Payday lending report per s. 138.14 (7)(e), Wis.Stats.

Year-end banking annual report per s. 220.14, Wis.Stats.
A 93, 826

Year-end banking annual report per s. 220.14, Wis.Stats.
S 188, 955

Year-end credit union bulletin per s. 186.235 (12), Wis.Stats.
A 93, 826; S 188, 955

Governor, Office of

Pardon report per Article V, Section 6, Wisconsin Constitution

Great Lakes Commission, see Natural Resources, Department of

Groundwater Coordinating Council, see Natural Resources, Department of

Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Wisconsin

Annual report per s. 15.04 (1)(d), Wis.Stats.
S 566

Annual report per s. 231.19 (1), Wis.Stats.
A 405, 634

Health Services, Department of

Agency review of administrative rules biennial report per s. 227.29 (1), Wis.Stats.
A 94; S 190

Biennial report per s. 15.04 (1)(d), Wis.Stats.
A 405; S 567

Birth to 3 Program annual performance report per s. 51.44 (5)(c), Wis.Stats.
A 270; S 423

Class A violations committed by nursing homes per s. 50.04 (5)(fr), Wis.Stats.
A 238, 847; S 373, 996

Competitive integrated employment annual report and biennial plan per s. 47.05 (4)(b)1., Wis.Stats.
S 374, 997

Costs to certain prevailing parties per ss. 227.485 (9) and 814.245 (10), Wis.Stats.
A 321; S 486

Data processing projects report per s. 46.03 (26), Wis.Stats.

Impact of CIP 1A on state employees per s. 46.275 (5m), Wis.Stats.
A 136, 826; S 215, 955

Involuntary administration of psychotropic medication orders per s. 55.14 (12), Wis.Stats.
A 322; S 486

Medicaid dental pilot program evaluation per s. 49.45 (24k)(a) and (c), Wis.Stats.
A 851

Mental health services by county per s. 51.42 (7)(d), Wis.Stats.

Rehabilitation review requests: annual report per s. 50.065 (5g), Wis.Stats.
A 53, 826; S 125, 955

Report on hunger prevention (Mandate 23-12) per s. 49.76, Wis.Stats.
A 847; S 996

State emergency medical services plan per s. 256.08 (1)(c), Wis.Stats.
A 634; S 770

Statewide immunization report per s. 252.04 (11), Wis.Stats.
A 250, 850; S 393, 1006

Tobacco use cessation report per s. 255.15 (4), Wis.Stats.
A 238, 846

Tobacco use cessation report per s. 255.15 (4), Wis.Stats.
S 373, 991

Wisconsin diabetes action plan per s. 255.085, Wis.Stats.
A 846

Wisconsin diabetes action plan per s. 255.085, Wis.Stats.

Wisconsin Environmental Policy Act per s. 1.11(2)(j), Wis.Stats.
A 321; S 486

Wisconsin Hospital Association Information Center report per s. 153.05 (2m)(c), Wis.Stats.
A 238, 841; S 373, 978

Higher Educational Aids Board

Biennial report per s. 15.04 (1)(d), Wis.Stats.
S 567

Housing and Economic Development Authority

Annual activity report per s. 234.65 (4), Wis.Stats.
A 322; S 18, 486

Annual report of guarantee fund per s. 234.93 (5), Wis.Stats.
A 322, 851

Dividends for Wisconsin per s. 234.165 (2)(b), Wis.Stats.
S 423

Housing tax credit program annual report per s. 234.45 (6), Wis.Stats.
A 523; S 18, 770

Insurance, Office of the Commissioner of

Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund annual functional and progress report per s. 655.27 (4)(f), Wis.Stats.
A 53, 789; S 125, 886

Social and financial impact report on AB117 per s. 601.423 (2)(a), Wis.Stats.
A 135

Social and financial impact report on AB159/SB152 per s. 601.423 (2)(a), Wis.Stats.
A 135

Social and financial impact report on AB311/SB317 per s. 601.423 (2)(a), Wis.Stats.
A 237

Social and financial impact report on AB340/SB341 per s. 601.423 (2)(a), Wis.Stats.
A 250

Social and financial impact report on AB378 per s. 601.423 (2)(a), Wis.Stats.
A 522

Social and financial impact report on AB507 per s. 601.423 (2)(a), Wis.Stats.
A 406

Social and financial impact report on AB584 per s. 601.423 (2)(a), Wis.Stats.

Social and financial impact report on AB766 per s. 601.423 (2)(a), Wis.Stats.
A 522

Social and financial impact report on AB784 per s. 601.423 (2)(a), Wis.Stats.
A 522

Social and financial impact report on AB790 per s. 601.423 (2)(a), Wis.Stats.
A 522

Social and financial impact report on AB1014 per s. 601.423 (2)(a), Wis.Stats.

Social and financial impact report on SB70/AB43 per s. 601.423 (2)(a), Wis.Stats.

Social and financial impact report on SB121 per s. 601.423 (2)(a), Wis.Stats.

Wisconsin Insurance Report per s. 601.46 (3), Wis.Stats.
A 270, 850; S 423, 566, 1009

Investment Board

Biennial report per s. 15.04 (1)(d), Wis.Stats.
A 322

Goals for investing in Wisconsin report per s. 25.17 (70), Wis.Stats.

Goals, strategies and performance report per s. 25.17 (14m), Wis.Stats.
A 94, 826; S 190, 955
