Agency review of administrative rules biennial report per s. 227.29 (1), Wis.Stats.
S 189

Biennial report per s. 15.04 (1)(d), Wis.Stats.
A 405; S 566

Legislative Audit Bureau

Administration of professional credentials
S 699

Biennial report per s. 13.94 (1)(j), Wis.Stats.

Community corrections program
A 135; S 215

Decisions about the use of supplemental federal funds
S 16

Department of Employee Trust Funds per s. 13.94 (1)(dd), Wis.Stats.
A 2, 634; S 88, 770

DOJ timeliness of State Crime Laboratories in analyzing evidence
A 849

DSPS administration of professional credentials
A 522

Electronics and information technology manufacturing zone program, per s. 13.94 (1)(u), Wis.Stats.
S 17

Employees Retirement System of the County of Milwaukee per s. 13.94 (1)(x), Wis.Stats.
A 849; S 1005

Fraud, waste, and mismanagement hotline per s. 13.94 (1)(br), Wis.Stats.
A 27, 250, 634, 849; S 87, 392, 771, 1006

Local retiree life insurance reporting for participating employers
A 322, 851; S 486

Retiree life insurance programs
A 321, 851; S 486

Retirement funds investment activity per ss. 13.94 (1)(df) and 25.17 (51), Wis.Stats.
A 321, 847; S 485, 996

State investment fund per ss. 13.94 (1)(df) and 25.17 (51), Wis.Stats.
A 522; S 15, 697

State of Wisconsin financial statements
A 523; S 17

State of Wisconsin single audit
A 94, 826; S 189, 699, 955

State retiree health insurance reporting for the State of Wisconsin
A 270, 850; S 423, 1009

State retiree life insurance reporting for the State of Wisconsin
A 321, 851; S 486

Supplemental health insurance conversion credit program
A 322, 851; S 486

Supplemental health insurance conversion credit program reporting for participating employers
A 322, 851; S 486

Telework, space management, and risk management of 39 executive branch agencies
A 522; S 698

Telework, space management, and risk management of 14 University of Wisconsin institutions
A 522; S 699

Timeliness of State Crime Laboratories in analyzing evidence
S 997

Unemployment reserve fund per s. 13.94, Wis.Stats.
A 238; S 373

UW System per s. 13.94 (1)(t), Wis.Stats.
A 523; S 17, 699

Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation per s. 13.94 (1)(dr), Wis.Stats.
A 270; S 423

Wisconsin lottery per s. 13.94 (1)(em), Wis.Stats.
A 238, 849

Wisconsin lottery per s. 13.94 (1)(em), Wis.Stats.
S 373, 1006

Wisconsin Retirement System
A 321, 851; S 486

Wisconsin Retirement System reporting for participating employers
A 321, 851; S 486

Wisconsin State Capitol Police

Legislative Council, see Joint Legislative Council

Legislative Reference Bureau

Rules published

Rules published [continued]
A 522, 615, 785, 825, 841, 845, 847,

Rules published [continued]
A 848, 850, 851

Rules published

Rules published [continued]

Rules published [continued]

Medical College of Wisconsin

Cancer research tax check-off program annual report per s. 255.055 (2), Wis.Stats.
A 523; S 17, 700

Medical Examining Board

Annual report per s. 448.14, Wis.Stats.

Military Affairs, Department of

Biennial report per s. 15.04 (1)(d), Wis.Stats.
A 405; S 566

Environmental Policy Act report per s. 1.11 (2)(j), Wis.Stats.
A 270, 851; S 423

National Multiple Sclerosis Society

Multiple sclerosis tax check-off program per s. 71.10 (5m)(L), Wis.Stats.
S 17

Natural Resources, Department of

Agency review of administrative rules biennial report per s. 227.29 (1), Wis.Stats.
A 94; S 189

Battery recycling and disposal legislation : Council on Recycling per s. 287.22 (2)(i), Wis.Stats.

Biennial report on operation of Clean Water Fund and Safe Drinking Water Loan Program per s. 281.59 (3)(j), Wis.Stats.
A 490; S649

Biennial report on the status of hunter, trapper and angler recruitment, retention and reactivation per s. 29.036 (2), Wis.Stats.
S 15

Biennial report per s. 15.04 (1)(d), Wis.Stats.
A 405; S 567

Biennial wetland mitigation report per s. 281.36 (13m), Wis.Stats.

Concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) revenue report per s. 283.31 (8), Wis.Stats.
A 852; S 486

Council on Forestry biennial report per s. 26.02 (2)(b), Wis.Stats.
A 237; S 373

Council on Recycling annual report per s. 287.22 (2)(i), Wis.Stats.
A 847; S 996

Economic development and green environment pilot program report per s. 285.675 (5), Wis.Stats.

E-Cycle Wisconsin annual report per s. 287.17 (10)(d), Wis.Stats.
A 846; S 991

Environmental Improvement Fund Biennial Finance Plan per s. 281.59 (3)(bm), Wis.Stats.
A 93, 270; S 189, 422

Great Lakes Commission biennial report per s. 15.04 (1)(d)
A 322; S 486

Groundwater Coordinating Council report per s. 15.347 (13)(g), Wis.Stats.
A 270, 850; S 423, 1009

Invasive species report per s. 23.22 (6), Wis.Stats.
A 322; S 486

Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program report per s. 23.0916 (6), Wis.Stats.
A 490; S 649

Land acquisitions report per s. 23.0913, Wis.Stats.
A 490; S 649

Promotional activities report per s. 23.165 (6), Wis.Stats.
A 406

Sporting Heritage Council biennial report per s. 29.036 (2), Wis.Stats.
A 850; S 1009

State lands in-lieu fee (ILF) mitigation grant program report per s. 281.37 (8), Wis.Stats.
A 522; S 697

Voluntary party liability exemption environmental cleanup program report per s. 292.25, Wis.Stats.
A 852

Wildlife damage abatement and claims program report per s. 29.889 (11), Wis.Stats.
A 847; S 996

Wisconsin Environmental Policy Act per s. 1.11 (2)(j), Wis.Stats.
A 321, 852; S 486

People with Developmental Disabilities, Board for

Biennial report per s. 15.04 (1)(d), Wis.Stats.
A 405; S 566

Public Instruction, Department of

Agency review of administrative rules biennial report per s. 227.29 (1), Wis.Stats.
A 94; S 190

Alcohol and other drug abuse grant distribution, training, and education programs report per s. 115.36, Wis.Stats.
S 997

Alcohol and other drug abuse report per s. 115.28 (39), Wis.Stats.
A 849

Biennial report per s. 15.04 (1)(d), Wis.Stats.
A 405; S 567

Bilingual-bicultural education programs report per s. 115.996, Wis.Stats.
A 27, 523; S 87, 700

Charter School Authorizer annual report per s. 118.40 (3m)(f), Wis.Stats.:

Algoma School District
S 16, 698

Appleton Area School District

Augusta School District
S 649

Barron Area School District
S 17

Belgium School District
