SB98, DOT to mark ID cards of individuals who are not U.S. citizens with “not valid for voting purposes” and share information with the Election Commission (vetoed)

Passed notwithstanding the objections of the Governor

SB139, Wolf population statewide goal, part of the wolf management plan (vetoed)

Passed notwithstanding the objections of the Governor

SB145, Advanced practice RN licensure system created (vetoed)

Passed notwithstanding the objections of the Governor

SB158, Preliminary health care credentials to previously unlicensed individuals under set conditions (vetoed)

SB186, Commercial building plans and plumbing plans review procedures revised (vetoed)

SB187, Commercial building plan review by local government expanded (vetoed)

SB188, Permission to start commercial building construction before plan approval codified (vetoed)

SB216, Whip lights on ATVs and UTVs allowed (vetoed)

SB217, Passenger restrictions on ATVs changed (vetoed)

SB312, PFAS group of substances: requirements created; programs established to address related issues (vetoed)

Passed notwithstanding the objections of the Governor

SB316, Aquatic plant management plans and permit considerations and exemptions (vetoed)

SB335, School boards allowed to employ a school district administrator not licensed by DPI (vetoed)

SB436, Permits authorizing employment of minors: requirements eliminated (vetoed)

SB466, Payment card networks prohibited from using firearm merchant codes for retail payment card transactions (vetoed)

SB517, Court-issued criminal complaint prohibited if DA refuses to issue complaint unless new evidence shows actions were not self-defense (vetoed)

Passed notwithstanding the objections of the Governor

SB518 (Act 250), UW System branch campus redevelopment grants from WEDC to political subdivisions (partial veto)

SB549: Federally chartered youth membership organizations: upon request, public and independent charter schools to allow representatives to provide information to pupils on school property [vetoed]

SB608, DPI to issue nonrenewable Tier 1 license to teach for paraprofessional experience (vetoed)

SB613, Claims against commercial motor vehicle carriers: limiting recovery of noneconomic damages (vetoed)

SB617, Hybrid and nonhybrid electric motor vehicles: issuing decals or distinctive registration plates (vetoed)

SB641, Electric weapons prohibitions eliminated (vetoed)

SB667, Domestic asset preservation trust provisions created (vetoed)

SB688, Competitive bidding threshold for public works projects increased; school boards and MPS required to use (vetoed)

SB736: LAB performance audit of election processes following a general election required; noncompliance and report provisions [vetoed]

Passed notwithstanding the objections of the Governor

SB836, Juvenile court may impose pre-disposition restrictions on a juvenile that submits a denial at a plea hearing (vetoed)

SB916, Federal refugee resettlement and assistance program (vetoed)

SB917, Teacher preparatory program must require one to four semesters of student teaching (vetoed)

Passed notwithstanding the objections of the Governor

SB932, Building program revisions (vetoed)

Passed notwithstanding the objections of the Governor

SB933, Anatomical gift, organ transplant, and related services: discrimination based on vaccination status prohibited (vetoed)

SB971, Early literacy programs funding structure (Act 100) (partial veto)

SB1014, Hospital emergency department services grants created (vetoed)

Passed notwithstanding the objections of the Governor

SB1015, State building trust fund transfer to the general fund; hospital emergency department services grants funding (Act 97) (partial veto)
