Zheng, Edward
S 89

Zillmer, Stephen
S 1010

Zimdars, Delanie
S 219

Zimmerman, Keith
S 490

Zinthefer, Ed
S 998

Chaplain — Assembly

Allen, Rev. Dr. Marcus

Beresford, Rev. Michael

Booker, Pastor James

Butler, Pastor Joe

Hurd, Rep. Karen

Kargus, Rev. Cody

Listecki, Jerome E., Archbishop of Milwaukee
A 1

Lingle, Dave

Matusof, Rabbi Yona

McArdell, Rev. Carol

McLean, Pastor Andrew

Mueller, Pastor Zach

Ni’A, Pastor Ernest

Rice, Pastor William

Rozar, Rep. Donna

Saeed, Dr. Ibrahim
A 38

Schaefer, Rev. Tim

Shawano, Eugene, Sr.

Shoup, Rev. Timothy J.

Slotten, Pastor John

Steinberger, Rabbi Andrea

Tittl, Rep. Paul

Valliere, Leon

Vant Hul, Rev. Kent

Vining, Rev. Dr. Jim

Yang, Pastor Yauo
A 73

Zimmer, Father Tony

Zuberbier, Pastor Ben

Chaplain — Senate

Ballweg, Sen. Joan

Degner, Daniel

Dralle, Pastor Perrie
S 1

Hutton, Sen. Rob

Kapenga, Sen. Chris

Knodl, Sen. Daniel

Malpica, Bishop Felix

Marklein, Sen. Howard

Marriott, Pastor Dave

Quinn, Sen. Romaine

Raasch, Pastor Randy

Reehoff, Pastor Daniel

Wanggaard, Sen. Van

Whitworth, Pastor Shawn

Chief Clerk — Assembly

Blazel, Edward A.: elected
A 4

Veserat, Jeryn, designated Assistant Chief Clerk

Chief Clerk — Senate

Champagne, Richard: appointed Acting Senate Chief Clerk

Hale, Lynsay: appointed Acting Senate Chief Clerk

Queensland, Michael J.: elected

Resigned effective 9/22/23

Claims Board

Arndt, Jennifer: $567.59 vehicle damage claim
S 476

Benson, Corey: $18.65 lost property claim
S 476

Beulen, Sandra: $2,414.14 vehicle damage claim
S 473

Brasch, Stephen: $1,510.56 property damage claim
S 211

Budget Dumpster, LLC: $88,518.58 claim for refund of sales/use taxes
S 473, 864

C&C Services, LLC: $58,000.00 damages claim re roof replacement project for DOT
S 864

Carter, De’Angelo: $467.60 lost property claim
S 476

Cherry, Eugene: $162.39 claim for allegedly mishandled property
S 475

Fowler, Patrick: $242.02 lost property claim
S 475

Harrell, Jacquese, Sr.: $1,778.83 claim for money deducted from inmate account
S 213, 474

Holschbach, Anthony C.: $1,694.70 vehicle damage claim
S 477

Ingenthron, Brendan: $274.99 property damage claim
S 474

Keller, Phil: $110.86 lost property claim
S 213

Mudler, Michael: $3,026.45 vehicle damage claim

Remington Oil Co., Inc.: $785.21 claim re error by DATCP Bureau of Weights and Measures
S 865

Rodac, LLC: $705,025.20 claim for excess construction costs at UW-Whitewater
S 212

Vazquez, Martha: $17,064.89 vehicle damage and injuries claim
S 474

Vukotich, George: $300,000.00 breach of contract by UW-Parkside claim
S 212

Walker, Jerome: $364.95 personal property loss claim
S 865

Washington, Vonaire: innocent convict compensation claim to be issued in a separate decision
S 212

Committees — Appointment to — Assembly

Administrative Rules

Administrative Rules, Joint Committee for Review of
A 237


Artificial Intelligence, Speaker’s Taskforce on

Assembly Organization


Audit Committee, Joint Legislative
A 237

Building Commission

Campaigns and Elections

Childhood Obesity, Speaker’s Taskforce on
