AB1220,39,107 (b) Before initiating operations under par. (a), the board shall submit to the
8governor and to the chief clerk of each house of the legislature, for distribution to the
9appropriate standing committees under s. 13.172 (3), an implementation plan,
10including a proposal for any necessary legislation, that includes all of the following:
AB1220,39,1211 1. Identification of the public infrastructure systems that the Bank plans to
12initially target.
AB1220,39,1413 2. Identification of any existing state programs that the Bank recommends be
14transferred under its authority, and the steps and timelines for the transitions.
AB1220,39,1615 3. A description of additional financing products and services the Bank plans
16to offer, the target markets, and anticipated rates, terms, and conditions.
AB1220,39,1917 4. A demonstration of how Bank products and services will increase access to
18capital for public infrastructure systems and complement those of existing public
19and private sources.
AB1220,39,2020 5. A demonstration of how the Bank plans to maximize public benefit.
AB1220,39,25 21(6) (a) The Public Bank of Wisconsin, in partnership with independent
22community banks, credit unions, or community development corporations, may
23administer a state guarantee loan program to assist students in need of low-cost
24student loans and related loan benefits to address educational needs as necessary to
25support student success, including the refinancing of existing student loan debt.
1(b) The board shall develop an implementation plan for the program under par.
2(a). The implementation plan shall include all of the following:
AB1220,40,43 1. Identification of the needs and benefits to selected students that the program
4will initially target.
AB1220,40,65 2. The policies and criteria that the Bank will use to balance public benefit and
6public risk.
AB1220,40,87 3. Identification of the ways that the program will address all of the following
8issues related to loans:
AB1220,40,99 a. Qualification criteria for students.
AB1220,40,1010 b. Obligations and options for loan repayment.
AB1220,40,1111 c. Requirements for loan guarantees and reserves.
AB1220,40,1212 d. Establishing criteria for refinancing existing debt.
AB1220,40,1313 e. Fee and interest rate structures.
AB1220,40,1414 f. Maximum loan amounts.
AB1220,40,1615 g. Ensuring student awareness of grants, federal loans, and other financial aid
AB1220,40,20 17(7) (a) The Public Bank of Wisconsin, in partnership with independent
18community banks, credit unions, community development authorities,
19redevelopment authorities, housing authorities, or community development
20corporations, may do any of the following:
AB1220,41,221 1. Leverage at least 30 percent of public deposits as financial capital and
22resources to provide access to low-cost capital or credit or both to small businesses,
23minority-owned and women-owned business enterprises, entrepreneurs, start-up
24businesses, farmers, and communities and individuals of this state having below
25average income, to further economic growth, create jobs, reduce greenhouse gases,

1and build and sustain affordable housing for this state's residents, as provided under
2this subsection.
AB1220,41,53 2. Leverage the Bank's financial capital and resources to provide access to
4low-cost capital to bring fiscally sound and financially successful businesses into
5this state, as provided under this subsection.
AB1220,41,96 3. Leverage the Bank's financial capital and resources to provide access to
7low-cost capital or credit or both to established businesses in this state for the
8purpose of providing financial stability for the Bank, as provided under this
AB1220,41,1510 (b) The Public Bank of Wisconsin may make loans in the form of participation
11loans with community banks, credit unions, community development authorities,
12redevelopment authorities, housing authorities, and community development
13corporations in this state, to qualified individuals and businesses residing or doing
14business in this state if the originator of the loan is a financial institution chartered
15under ch. 186, 214, 215, or 221.
AB1220,41,2116 (c) The Public Bank of Wisconsin may serve as a banker's bank for this state's
17state-chartered financial institutions by providing correspondent banking services
18and other related services for these financial institutions in unbanked and
19underserved communities. The Bank may not compete with this state's
20state-chartered financial institutions, particularly in unbanked and underserved
AB1220,41,2322 (d) The Public Bank of Wisconsin may accept deposits related to transactions
23under par. (c) from this state's state-chartered financial institutions.
AB1220,42,2 24(8) (a) 1. For financial institutions that make the Public Bank of Wisconsin a
25reserve depository, the Bank may serve as a clearinghouse, including all facilities for

1providing domestic and foreign exchange, and may rediscount paper, on terms the
2board provides.
AB1220,42,43 2. The Bank may provide corporate trust services for the state, including
4trustee, escrow agent, paying agent, bond registrar, and transfer agent.
AB1220,42,85 3. The Bank may buy and sell federal funds; issue letters of credit for public
6deposits; and provide a safekeeping service for United States treasury securities,
7federal agency securities, corporate bonds, tax-free bonds, money market
8investments, and mortgage-backed securities.
AB1220,42,109 (b) The Bank shall provide to the state all reasonable and necessary depository
10services and may charge its cost of services to the state.
AB1220,42,1311 (c) The secretary of administration and the board shall together ensure that the
12Bank maintains at all times cash or demand deposits in an amount needed to meet
13the operational needs of the state.
AB1220,42,21 14239.05 Business plan. (1) The Public Bank of Wisconsin shall develop and
15maintain a business plan that sets forth the Bank's strategy for accomplishing its
16statutory directives through safe and sound operation of the Bank. In developing the
17business plan, the Bank shall give priority to the considerations specified in s. 239.04
18(2) (e). The business plan shall include the method of providing security or insurance
19for the public deposits that the Bank receives. The Bank shall make the business
20plan available to the public. The business plan shall be updated at least once every
214 years.
AB1220,42,24 22(2) (a) The chief executive officer of the Bank is responsible for developing the
23business plan and, upon approval by the board, for implementing the business plan
24and managing the Bank consistently with the business plan.
1(b) The chief executive officer shall send a draft of the business plan to the board
2and, at the same time, to the chairperson of the board of advisors at least 30 days
3before the board of advisors' next scheduled quarterly meeting. The board of advisors
4shall immediately make the draft business plan publicly accessible on the board of
5advisors' website and shall publicly announce that the draft is available for public
6comment through the board of advisors' comments portal. Within 30 days after the
7board of advisors' quarterly meeting, the chairperson of the board of advisors shall
8combine the comments and suggestions of the members of the board of advisors,
9along with any public input that the board of advisors considers pertinent, into a
10concise list of recommended modifications to the business plan and shall distribute
11those recommendations to the members of the board of advisors and to the board.
12The board shall promptly convey these recommendations, together with any
13comments of its own, to the chief executive officer. The chief executive officer shall
14then prepare a new draft business plan taking these recommendations into account
15as the chief executive officer sees fit and shall convey the new draft business plan to
16the board and to the board of advisors within 30 days of the recommendations'
17receipt. The board of advisors' comments and recommendations, together with the
18public's input from the board of advisors' meetings and from the comments portal and
19the business plan approved under sub. (3), shall be made publicly available on the
20board of advisors' website.
AB1220,43,23 21(3) (a) The board is responsible for reviewing and approving the business plan
22developed under sub. (2). Notwithstanding s. 239.03 (8), approval of the business
23plan requires the affirmative vote of at least 8 board members.
AB1220,44,424 (b) Within 30 days of receiving the updated draft business plan under sub. (2)
25(b), the board shall vote upon approval of the business plan at a regularly scheduled

1or special meeting of the board. In approving the business plan, the board shall
2ensure that the business plan pays due attention to the recommendations of the
3Bank's board of advisors. After approving the business plan, the board shall monitor
4the Bank's compliance with the business plan.
AB1220,44,105 (c) If the board holds a vote under par. (b) on a draft business plan and the board
6fails to approve the draft business plan, the process under sub. (2) shall be repeated
7until the board approves a business plan. Upon the 3rd consecutive failure of the
8board to approve a draft business plan in a vote under par. (b), the board shall
9terminate the chief executive officer who developed the failed business plans and
10hire a new chief executive officer to begin the process again.
AB1220,44,13 11(4) (a) After the board's approval of the business plan under sub. (3), the
12business plan may not be overridden by the board except through a declaration of
13emergency under par. (b).
AB1220,44,2314 (b) In the event of a natural or man-made disaster, the board shall declare a
15state of emergency that requires the chief executive officer to override the business
16plan in the manner the board considers necessary to address and recover from the
17disaster. Notwithstanding s. 239.03 (8), the board's declaration of a state of
18emergency requires the affirmative vote of at least 9 board members and may only
19be made after consultation with the chairperson of the board of advisors. The
20declaration of a state of emergency shall specify the duration of the emergency, which
21may not exceed one year. Notwithstanding s. 239.03 (8), at the conclusion of this
22one-year period, the board may extend the declaration of a state of emergency for an
23additional one-year period upon the affirmative vote of at least 9 board members.
AB1220,45,4 24(5) In making its examination of the Public Bank of Wisconsin under s. 220.04
25(1) (a), the division shall assess the Public Bank of Wisconsin's compliance with the

1business plan. Notwithstanding s. 220.06 (3) (a), the division's assessment of the
2Public Bank of Wisconsin's compliance with the business plan shall be made
3available to the public beginning 6 months after the date on which the examination
4is concluded.
AB1220,45,11 5239.06 Board of advisors. (1) (a) At its quarterly meetings, the board of
6advisors shall review the activities of the Public Bank of Wisconsin.
7Notwithstanding any provision in ch. 19, the board of advisors shall provide public
8notice of its meetings at least 30 days before the meeting. The chairperson of the
9board of advisors may attend all meetings of the Bank's board and be recognized to
10speak, except those meetings authorized under ch. 19 to be conducted in closed
AB1220,45,1912 (b) The board of advisors shall maintain a website for the board of advisors and
13shall ensure that the public has an opportunity to provide input to the board of
14advisors on an ongoing basis through an Internet-based comments portal. The
15board of advisors shall make the establishment of the comments portal its first order
16of business and shall provide the Bank's board, as well as the chief executive officer
17and staff of the Bank, full access to the portal. The chairperson of the board of
18advisors is responsible for managing the comments portal and shall ensure that the
19comments on the portal are fully accessible to the public.
AB1220,45,20 20(2) The board of advisors' responsibilities include all of the following:
AB1220,45,2121 (a) Establishing rules of procedure for the board of advisors.
AB1220,45,2322 (b) Scheduling and publicizing the quarterly meetings of the board of advisors
23and providing to the public, on a timely basis, the minutes of these meetings.
1(c) Establishing an Internet-based comments portal for the public to review
2and comment on the activities of the Public Bank of Wisconsin and make proposals
3regarding future initiatives for the Bank's consideration.
AB1220,46,54 (d) Reviewing the Bank's draft business plan and providing feedback as
5described in s. 239.05.
AB1220,46,86 (e) Communicating to the Bank's board and chief executive officer policy
7recommendations and any significant concerns arising from the board of advisors'
8quarterly meetings or from its comments portal.
AB1220,46,12 9(3) The Public Bank of Wisconsin shall pay from its operating budget all
10expenses incurred by the board of advisors in fulfilling its obligations, including the
11expenses related to the comments portal and any stipend or per diem under s. 15.07
12(5) (g).
AB1220,46,14 13239.07 Conflicts of interest. (1) The Public Bank of Wisconsin may not
14transact business with or extend financing to any of the following:
AB1220,46,1515 (a) A member of the board.
AB1220,46,1616 (b) An officer of the Public Bank of Wisconsin.
AB1220,46,1717 (c) A member of the board of advisors.
AB1220,46,1818 (d) An immediate family member of any person under par. (a), (b), or (c).
AB1220,46,1919 (e) An entity in which a person under par. (a) or (b) has an interest.
AB1220,46,21 20(2) The prohibition under sub. (1) shall remain in effect for 4 years after the
21person under sub. (1) (a) or (b) is no longer a board member or officer.
AB1220,46,24 22(3) Subsection (1) does not prohibit the Public Bank of Wisconsin from
23transacting business with or extending financing to an entity with which a member
24of the board of advisors is associated.
1239.08 Reports; confidential information. (1) Annually, on or before April
215, the board shall submit to the governor and to the chief clerk of each house of the
3legislature under s. 13.172 (2) a report that includes all of the following for the prior
4calendar year:
AB1220,47,55 (a) Audited financial statements of the Public Bank of Wisconsin.
AB1220,47,76 (b) A description of the benefits of the Bank's activities to the state, including
7all of the following:
AB1220,47,98 1. Analysis of the extent to which the Bank was able to meet affordable
9financing priorities.
AB1220,47,1210 2. For each type of eligible recipient, the number of recipients to whom the Bank
11extended affordable financing and the total principal amount of financing provided
12to each type of eligible recipient.
AB1220,47,1413 3. A description of the main forms of affordable financing provided by the Bank
14in each county of the state.
AB1220,47,1715 (c) A statement identifying the compensation paid by the Bank to the Bank's
16board members, the Bank's chief executive officer, and the other employees and
17consultants of the Bank.
AB1220,47,22 18(2) Annually, on or before April 15, the secretary of administration shall submit
19to the governor and to the chief clerk of each house of the legislature under s. 13.172
20(2) a report that identifies, for the prior calendar year, each public depository, as
21defined in s. 34.01 (5), used by the state and the current and average amount of cash
22and cash equivalents held by the state in each public depository.
AB1220,47,23 23(3) (a) The board shall make all reports under sub. (1) available to the public.
AB1220,47,2524 (b) The board shall maintain as confidential the identity and financial
25information of all eligible recipients.
1239.09 Liability limited. Neither the state nor any political subdivision of
2the state, nor any officer, employee, or agent of the state or a political subdivision of
3the state who is acting within the scope of employment or agency, is liable for any
4debt, obligation, act, or omission of the Public Bank of Wisconsin.
AB1220,51 5Section 51 . Nonstatutory provisions.
AB1220,48,66 (1) Public Bank of Wisconsin.
AB1220,48,97 (a) Notwithstanding the length of terms specified in s. 239.03 (2) (b), the initial
8members of the governing board of the Public Bank of Wisconsin appointed under s.
9239.03 (2) (a) 5., 7., 9, and 11. shall be appointed for initial terms of 2 years.
AB1220,48,1110 (b) The initial members of the governing board of the Public Bank of Wisconsin
11shall be appointed no later than 120 days after the effective date of this paragraph.
AB1220,48,1412 (c) The governing board of the Public Bank of Wisconsin shall elect the board's
13officers, including the board chairperson, at its first meeting. Initial board meetings
14shall be staffed by an interim board employee acting as secretary.
AB1220,48,1915 (d) The chairperson of the governing board of the Public Bank of Wisconsin
16shall publicly solicit applications for the chief executive officer position immediately
17upon the chairperson's appointment by the board. The board shall expeditiously hire
18the chief executive officer. The chief executive officer shall cause to be drafted the
19initial business plan no later than one year after being hired by the board.
AB1220,48,2020 (2) Board of advisors.
AB1220,48,2321 (a) Notwithstanding the length of terms specified for the members of the board
22of advisors under s. 15.185 (3) (b), the following initial members of the board of
23advisors shall be appointed for initial terms of 2 years:
AB1220,48,24 241. The members appointed under s. 15.185 (3) (a) 3., 8., and 10.
AB1220,48,25 252. One of the members appointed under s. 15.185 (3) (a) 5.
13. One of the members appointed under s. 15.185 (3) (a) 6.
AB1220,49,2 24. One of the members appointed under s. 15.185 (3) (a) 7.
AB1220,49,3 35. One of the members appointed under s. 15.185 (3) (a) 12.
AB1220,49,4 46. One of the members appointed under s. 15.185 (3) (a) 13.
AB1220,49,75 (b) The initial members of the board of advisors shall be appointed no later than
690 days after the appointment of the last appointed member of the governing board
7of the Public Bank of Wisconsin.
AB1220,49,98 (c) The board of advisors shall elect a chairperson at its first meeting, who shall
9serve a term of 2 years as chairperson.
AB1220,49,1010 (3) Existing depository agreements.
AB1220,49,1111 (a) In this subsection:
AB1220,49,12 121. “Public depository” has the meaning given in s. 34.01 (5).
AB1220,49,13 132. “Public moneys” has the meaning given in s. 34.01 (6).
AB1220,49,2114 (b) Notwithstanding s. 34.05 (5), if the deposit of public moneys in the Public
15Bank of Wisconsin would result in the state breaching a contract with a public
16depository that is in effect on the effective date of this paragraph, the state may defer
17the deposit of public moneys under s. 34.05 (5) until the deposit does not result in a
18breach of the state's contract. However, if the existence of such a contract requires
19the state to defer deposits under this paragraph, the state shall take all action
20necessary to rightfully terminate the contract at the earliest date possible and may
21not renew or otherwise extend the contract term.
AB1220,52 22Section 52. Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after publication,
23except as follows: