Subject Index to Legislation
Period ending September 5, 2024
Table of Contents
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
abandoned propertyAbandoned property, see Personal property
Abortion if postfertilization age of the unborn child is 14 or more weeks prohibited; medical emergency and referendum provisions - AB975
Abortion if postfertilization age of the unborn child is 14 or more weeks prohibited; medical emergency and referendum provisions - SB1011
Abortion prohibition with criminal penalties eliminated - AB218
Abortion prohibition with criminal penalties eliminated - SB298
Abortion-related regulations: certain provisions and criminal penalties repealed - AB777
Abortion-related regulations: certain provisions and criminal penalties repealed - SB734
Advisory referendum on the question of repealing Wisconsin’s 1849 abortion law and restoring constitutional rights guaranteed under Roe v. Wade - AJR10
Advisory referendum on the question of repealing Wisconsin’s 1849 abortion law and restoring constitutional rights guaranteed under Roe v. Wade - SJR10
Child born alive after abortion: requirements of health care providers present and criminal penalties created, damage provisions; JRCCP may report - AB63
Child born alive after abortion: requirements of health care providers present and criminal penalties created, damage provisions; JRCCP may report - SB61
Compensation information of employees and prospective employees: employer conduct re requiring or soliciting information; disclosing compensation details discrimination prohibitions created; notice required [Sec. 1828, 1830, 1895, 1930, 1932, 3203, 9350 (6), 9450 (3)] - AB43
Definition of abortion changed re voluntary and informed consent requirements; therapeutic abortion performed by a physician exemption to certain felonies changed to medical procedure to prevent death of pregnant woman and not intended to kill the unborn child - AB357
Definition of abortion changed re voluntary and informed consent requirements; therapeutic abortion performed by a physician exemption to certain felonies changed to medical procedure to prevent death of pregnant woman and not intended to kill the unborn child - SB343
Medical necessity for abortion and exceptions in cases of rape or incest: statutes clarified - AB175
Medical necessity for abortion and exceptions in cases of rape or incest: statutes clarified - SB299
Pregnancy counseling services: public funding provisions - AB776
Pregnancy counseling services: public funding provisions - SB732
Use of public employees and public property for activities related to abortion prohibited - AB247
Use of public employees and public property for activities related to abortion prohibited - SB300
actions against the stateActions against the state, see Claims
adjustment service companyAdjustment service company, see Debt and debtors
adjutant generalAdjutant General
Adjutant General report on sexual assault and sexual harassment reported by Wisconsin National Guard members; DMA report on substantive changes to the federal Uniform Code of Military Justice required - AB178
Adjutant General report on sexual assault and sexual harassment reported by Wisconsin National Guard members; DMA report on substantive changes to the federal Uniform Code of Military Justice required - SB167
Wisconsin Code of Military Justice changes re sexual assault and sexual harassment; Wisconsin National Guard training provision; reports required [Sec. 2706, 2707, 2709-2711, 2714-2726, 9331 (1), (2)] - AB43
Wisconsin Code of Military Justice changes re sexual assault and sexual harassment; Wisconsin National Guard training provision; reports required [Sec. 2706, 2707, 2709-2711, 2714-2726, 9331 (1), (2)] [original bill only] - SB70
administration department of _ agency and general functionsAdministration, Department of — Agency and general functions
Architects and engineers: selection by committee for state projects modified - AB42
Architects and engineers: selection by committee for state projects modified - SB45
Building program revisions: budget modifications and report requirement, selection of architects and engineers, single prime contracting exception, bidding procedures, cooperation with energy conservation contractors, and utilities costs; Claims Board timeline to hear and determine certain claims; general fund transfer to building trust fund - AB956
Building program revisions: budget modifications and report requirement, selection of architects and engineers, single prime contracting exception, bidding procedures, cooperation with energy conservation contractors, and utilities costs; Claims Board timeline to hear and determine certain claims; general fund transfer to building trust fund - SB932
Certification of certain businesses for preference in state contracting: fee eliminated; expanded to include lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and disability-owned businesses [Sec. 86-105, 130-151, 157-167, 190-249, 492, 581-583, 587-597, 761, 1674-1683, 1694-1696, 2440-2446, 2459-2463, 2486-2497, 2502-2512, 2514-2518, 2545, 2556] - AB43
Certification of certain businesses for preference in state contracting: fee eliminated; expanded to include lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and disability-owned businesses [Sec. 86-105, 130-151, 157-167, 190-249, 492, 581-583, 587-597, 761, 1674-1683, 1694-1696, 2440-2446, 2459-2463, 2486-2497, 2502-2512, 2514-2518, 2545, 2556] [original bill only] - SB70
Chief equity officer: unclassified position created in DOA [Sec. 563, 2525] - AB43
Chief equity officer: unclassified position created in DOA [Sec. 563, 2525] [original bill only] - SB70
Clearinghouse of information for small businesses: DOA to coordinate with other agencies to publish specified information on the Internet - AB487
Clearinghouse of information for small businesses: DOA to coordinate with other agencies to publish specified information on the Internet - SB463
Commercial building plans and plumbing plans: procedures for DSPS review revised; DOA appendix report - AB197
Commercial building plans and plumbing plans: procedures for DSPS review revised; DOA appendix report - SB186
Commercial buildings: permission to start construction before plan approval codified - AB199
Commercial buildings: permission to start construction before plan approval codified - SB188
Commercial-to-housing revolving loan fund and loan program established; reports required; DOA appendix report [A.Amdt.1: further revisions; A.Amdt.3: confidentiality provision added] - AB268
Commercial-to-housing revolving loan fund and loan program established; reports required; DOA appendix report - SB295
DPI required to provide a land information integration plan to DOA; digital mapping file of boundaries of each school district and assignment of each lot in a subdivision to a school district provision; Superintendent of Public Instruction duty - AB1108
DPI required to provide a land information integration plan to DOA; digital mapping file of boundaries of each school district and assignment of each lot in a subdivision to a school district provision; Superintendent of Public Instruction duty - SB1002
Employee misclassification: education, outreach, and penalties - AB474
Index of discovery for DAs and public defenders re automated justice information systems: DOA required to maintain - AB460
Index of discovery for DAs and public defenders re automated justice information systems: DOA required to maintain - SB458
Judicial review of local governmental decisions re certain land development, local approval of residential housing development, and zoning ordinance amendments; DOA appendix report [A.Amdt.2: further revisions] - AB266
Judicial review of local governmental decisions re certain land development, local approval of residential housing development, and zoning ordinance amendments; DOA appendix report - SB296
Main street housing rehabilitation revolving loan fund and loan program established re owners of rental housing; reports required; DOA appendix report [A.Amdt.1: program revisions; A.Amdt.2: confidentiality provision added] - AB265
Main street housing rehabilitation revolving loan fund and loan program established re owners of rental housing; reports required; DOA appendix report - SB294
Mass transit operating assistance, DOT and DOA duties [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 85-89, 368-375, 9144 (10)] - SB70
Materials manufactured in the United States: preference for in state and local government public contracts and purchases; conditions specified - AB1145