Soda water beverage equipment and coin-operated vending machines: DATCP prohibited from regulating terms of sale or rental of - AB155
Soda water beverage equipment and coin-operated vending machines: DATCP prohibited from regulating terms of sale or rental of - SB148
Bicycle purchases, including electric bicycles: individual, refundable income tax credit created - AB276
Bicycle purchases, including electric bicycles: individual, refundable income tax credit created - SB272
Bikeways and pedestrian ways established in highway projects [Sec. 1670-1673] - AB43
Bikeways and pedestrian ways established in highway projects [Sec. 1670-1673] [original bill only] - SB70
Bikeways and pedestrian ways establishment to be considered re highway construction and reconstruction projects - AB843
Bikeways and pedestrian ways establishment to be considered re highway construction and reconstruction projects - SB793
Condemnation authority used to acquire land to establish or extend recreational trails, bicycle ways or lanes, or pedestrian ways: prohibition eliminated - AB863
Condemnation authority used to acquire land to establish or extend recreational trails, bicycle ways or lanes, or pedestrian ways: prohibition eliminated - SB816
Condemnation authority used to establish or extend recreational trails, pedestrian ways, or bicycle ways or lanes restored [Sec. 571, 606, 609-613, 637, 641, 1155, 1159, 1165, 1166, 1169-1172, 1690, 3387, 9351 (5)] - AB43
Condemnation authority used to establish or extend recreational trails, pedestrian ways, or bicycle ways or lanes restored [Sec. 571, 606, 609-613, 637, 641, 1155, 1159, 1165, 1166, 1169-1172, 1690, 3387, 9351 (5)] [original bill only] - SB70
Motorists required to stop and remain stopped until pedestrian, bicyclist, personal delivery device, or rider of electric scooter or EPAMD has crossed certain highway crosswalks - AB1193
Motorists required to stop and remain stopped until pedestrian, bicyclist, personal delivery device, or rider of electric scooter or EPAMD has crossed certain highway crosswalks - SB1097
National Bike to School Day: May 3, 2023 recognized as - AJR48
bill of rightsBill of rights, see Civil right; Voting
Outdoor advertising signs that do not conform to local ordinances and are affected by certain transportation-related state projects: provisions revised - AB486
Outdoor advertising signs that do not conform to local ordinances and are affected by certain transportation-related state projects: provisions revised - SB467
bills legislativeBills, Legislative, see also Budget bills and process
Bill increasing the sales, franchise, or income tax rate: supermajority in each house required for passage. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - AJR66
Bill increasing the sales, franchise, or income tax rate: supermajority in each house required for passage. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - SJR63
Bills introduced that create a crime or revise a penalty: referral to JRCCP for a report required; no further action on the bill until report is prepared [Sec. 54-56, 9351 (4)] - AB43
Bills introduced that create a crime or revise a penalty: referral to JRCCP for a report required; no further action on the bill until report is prepared [Sec. 54-56, 9351 (4)] [original bill only] - SB70
Occupational and business licenses: DOA to report on proposed legislation requiring [S.Sub.Amdt.1] - Se3 SB1
Public hearing required on bills with one third of members of either house as cosponsors - AB598
Public hearing required on bills with one third of members of either house as cosponsors - SB547
State to use GAAP to account for and report on funds and expenditures; budgetary basis of accounting established; once deficit is eliminated, prohibiting legislature from passing a bill resulting in a deficit. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - AJR117
State to use GAAP to account for and report on funds and expenditures; budgetary basis of accounting established; once deficit is eliminated, prohibiting legislature from passing a bill resulting in a deficit. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - SJR106
Bingo account: allowable cash withdrawal for paying cash prizes - AB113
Bingo account: allowable cash withdrawal for paying cash prizes - SB54
biodiesel fuelBiodiesel fuel, see Fuel
Hunting, trapping, and fishing approvals: nonresident approval fee changes - AB1036
Hunting, trapping, and fishing approvals: nonresident approval fee changes - SB993
National Wild Turkey Federation: 50th anniversary commemorated - AJR26
National Wild Turkey Federation: 50th anniversary commemorated - SJR28
Old Abe, the eagle mascot of the 8th Regiment of the Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War: lasting legacy commemorated - AJR63
Old Abe, the eagle mascot of the 8th Regiment of the Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War: lasting legacy commemorated - SJR88
Regulation of fowl: political subdivisions and sewerage districts cannot prohibit keeping four or fewer fowl on residential property - AB685
Regulation of fowl: political subdivisions and sewerage districts cannot prohibit keeping four or fewer fowl on residential property - SB912
Contraceptives: dispensing an extended supply required to be covered by health insurers - AB1130
Pharmacists permitted to prescribe contraceptives to persons at least 18 years of age; self-assessment questionnaire, Pharmacy Examining Board, and emergency rules provisions - AB176
Pharmacists permitted to prescribe contraceptives to persons at least 18 years of age; self-assessment questionnaire, Pharmacy Examining Board, and emergency rules provisions - SB211
Sexually protective device: civil cause of action for nonconsensual removal or tampering with - AB732
Sexually protective device: civil cause of action for nonconsensual removal or tampering with - SB700
Statutory right to contraception established - AB366
Statutory right to contraception established - SB365
black americanBlack American, see Minority groups
blind and visually impairedBlind and visually impaired
Deaf, hard of hearing, and deaf-blind behavioral health treatment center grants [Sec. 799] - AB43
Deaf, hard of hearing, and deaf-blind behavioral health treatment center grants [Sec. 799] [original bill only] - SB70
Semesters limit on Wisconsin grants to UW, technical college, and tribal college students extended; changes to talent incentive grants and grants to students with visual or hearing impairments [Sec. 297-301, 645, 671, 680, 681, 683, 685, 686, 688-690] - AB43
Semesters limit on Wisconsin grants to UW, technical college, and tribal college students extended; changes to talent incentive grants and grants to students with visual or hearing impairments [Sec. 297-301, 645, 671, 680, 681, 683, 685, 686, 688-690] [original bill only] - SB70
Transportation services for blind workers: income tax credit created; ABLE account provision - AB408
Transportation services for blind workers: income tax credit created; ABLE account provision - SB398
blue bookBlue Book
Blue Book and highway map distribution revised - AB221
Blue Book and highway map distribution revised - SB138
Henry All-Weather .45-70 designated the state rifle, Blue Book provision - AB168
Henry All-Weather .45-70 designated the state rifle, Blue Book provision - SB165
Lactococcus lactis (bacterium) designated as the state microbe, Blue Book provision - AB800
Lactococcus lactis (bacterium) designated as the state microbe, Blue Book provision - SB779
Monarch designated the state butterfly; Blue Book provision - AB446
Monarch designated the state butterfly; Blue Book provision - SB443
Rusty patched bumble bee designated as the state native insect; Blue Book provision - AB363
boatBoat, see also Harbor
Ballast water discharge permit replaced with fee on commercial vessels subject to the federal Vessel Incidental Discharge Act; DNR memorandum of understanding with U.S. Coast Guard [Sec. 358, 2663, 2675-2677, 9132 (8), 9432 (3)] - AB43
Ballast water discharge permit replaced with fee on commercial vessels subject to the federal Vessel Incidental Discharge Act; DNR memorandum of understanding with U.S. Coast Guard [Sec. 358, 2663, 2675-2677, 9132 (8), 9432 (3)] [original bill only] - SB70
Motorboat causing an amplified wake: operation restrictions - SB1016
Wakeboat study funding request included in UW System proposed 2025-27 biennial budget - AB1171
Wakeboat study funding request included in UW System proposed 2025-27 biennial budget - SB1077
Wakesurfing and wakeboarding regulations created - AB656
Wakesurfing and wakeboarding regulations created - SB680
Environmental trust bonds to finance retiring electric generating facilities; integrated resource and reliability planning by electric utilities and cooperatives; closure of large electric generating facilities - AB682
Environmental trust bonds to finance retiring electric generating facilities; integrated resource and reliability planning by electric utilities and cooperatives; closure of large electric generating facilities - SB651
Recreational vehicles: additional regulations for dealers and the relationship between dealers and manufacturers or distributors; definitions modified for vehicle registration, equipment standards, and certain other vehicle regulations purposes; JRCCP may report [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, fines and forfeitures removed, bond required, more definition revisions, exception to length limits for vehicles operated on highways] - AB230
WHEFA changes to issuing bonds, financing a project outside the state, and executive salary group for the director and employees - AB724