Environmental trust bonds to finance retiring electric generating facilities; integrated resource and reliability planning by electric utilities and cooperatives; closure of large electric generating facilities - SB651
Nonprofit agricultural organizations allowed to provide health benefit coverage to members - AB860
Nonprofit agricultural organizations allowed to provide health benefit coverage to members - SB811
PSC to require retail electric utilities and cooperatives to survey customers about broadband service availability and Internet service providers to disclose certain information to improve broadband mapping - AB1175
PSC to require retail electric utilities and cooperatives to survey customers about broadband service availability and Internet service providers to disclose certain information to improve broadband mapping - SB1085
Regulation of utility services based on type or source of energy: political subdivision prohibition created [S.Amdt.1: further revisions, state agencies and electric cooperative provisions added] - SB49
Warning lights on public utility, telecommunications carrier, or cooperative vehicles modified - AB354
Warning lights on public utility, telecommunications carrier, or cooperative vehicles modified - SB355
Best practices of coroners and medical examiners re completing medical certifications and investigations of reportable deaths: DHS to establish - AB187
Best practices of coroners and medical examiners re completing medical certifications and investigations of reportable deaths: DHS to establish - SB176
Cremation permit application form: DHS to design, issuance of permit provision - AB443
Cremation permit application form: DHS to design, issuance of permit provision - SB440
Death of individual within 24 hours of presentment at or admission to hospital or similar facilities: notifying the medical examiner or coroner required - AB189
Death of individual within 24 hours of presentment at or admission to hospital or similar facilities: notifying the medical examiner or coroner required [S.Amdt.1: hospice exception added] - SB178
PTSD in emergency medical responders, EMS practitioners, volunteer fire fighters, correctional officers, emergency dispatchers, coroners and staff, and medical examiners and staff: WC claims revisions [Sec. 1762-1767, 9150 (3), 9350 (5)] - AB43
PTSD in emergency medical responders, EMS practitioners, volunteer fire fighters, correctional officers, emergency dispatchers, coroners and staff, and medical examiners and staff: WC claims revisions - AB115
PTSD in emergency medical responders, EMS practitioners, volunteer fire fighters, correctional officers, emergency dispatchers, coroners and staff, and medical examiners and staff: WC claims revisions [Sec. 1762-1767, 9150 (3), 9350 (5)] [original bill only] - SB70
PTSD in emergency medical responders, EMS practitioners, volunteer fire fighters, correctional officers, emergency dispatchers, coroners and staff, and medical examiners and staff: WC claims revisions - SB113
corporationCorporation, see also Business
Advisory referendum for November 2024 ballot re should Congress propose an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to overturn Citizens United v. F.E.C. and related cases - AJR92
Advisory referendum for November 2024 ballot re should Congress propose an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to overturn Citizens United v. F.E.C. and related cases - SJR82
Contributions by corporations, cooperative associations, or federally recognized American Indian Tribes to a segregated fund established by a political party or legislative campaign committee prohibited - AB663
Contributions by corporations, cooperative associations, or federally recognized American Indian Tribes to a segregated fund established by a political party or legislative campaign committee prohibited - SB601
LLC articles of organization: filing fee exception for student entrepreneurs expanded to include high school students - AB951
LLC articles of organization: filing fee exception for student entrepreneurs expanded to include high school students - SB881
corporation _ taxationCorporation — Taxation, see also Income tax — Deduction
Business development tax credit: energy efficiency or renewable energy project expenditures made eligible [Sec. 1405, 1473, 1511, 2573, 9349 (1)] - AB43
Business development tax credit: energy efficiency or renewable energy project expenditures made eligible [Sec. 1405, 1473, 1511, 2573, 9349 (1)] [original bill only] - SB70
Business development tax credit program revisions [Sec. 1403, 1404, 1471, 1472, 1509, 1510, 2571, 2572] - AB43
Business development tax credit program revisions [Sec. 1403, 1404, 1471, 1472, 1509, 1510, 2571, 2572] [original bill only] - SB70
College savings account individual tax treatment and employee college savings account contribution credit revisions; JSCTE appendix report - AB793
College savings account individual tax treatment and employee college savings account contribution credit revisions; JSCTE appendix report - SB752
Dividends received from related corporations: income and franchise tax deduction revised; JSCTE appendix report [Sec. 1454, 1455, 1496, 9337 (7)] - AB43
Dividends received from related corporations: income and franchise tax deduction revised; JSCTE appendix report [Sec. 1454, 1455, 1496, 9337 (7)] [original bill only] - SB70
Federal Internal Revenue Code changes adopted re depreciation and amortization - AB922
Film production services tax credit and film production company investment credit created; State Film Office created in the Tour.Dept; reports and LAB audit provisions - AB1125
Film production services tax credit and film production company investment credit created; State Film Office created in the Tour.Dept; reports and LAB audit provisions - SB1026
Income tax deduction for interest on commercial loans [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 325, 341, 9337 (2)] - SB70
Lead hazard in a dwelling: nonrefundable individual and corporate income tax credit created re costs for eliminating exposure to - AB888
Lead hazard in a dwelling: nonrefundable individual and corporate income tax credit created re costs for eliminating exposure to - SB861
Manufacturing and agricultural tax credit: manufacturing income limit [Sec. 1417, 1418, 1481-1483] - AB43
Manufacturing and agricultural tax credit: manufacturing income limit [Sec. 1417, 1418, 1481-1483] [original bill only] - SB70
Minimum wage threshold raised for enterprise zone and business development tax credits [Sec. 1388-1402, 1456-1470, 1497-1508, 2567-2570, 2574, 2578] - AB43
Minimum wage threshold raised for enterprise zone and business development tax credits [Sec. 1388-1402, 1456-1470, 1497-1508, 2567-2570, 2574, 2578] [original bill only] - SB70
Net operating loss carry-back provisions repealed [Sec. 1383-1386, 1532, 1533, 9337 (5)] - AB43
Net operating loss carry-back provisions repealed [Sec. 1383-1386, 1532, 1533, 9337 (5)] [original bill only] - SB70
Qualified new business venture: certification criteria modified re potential for increasing jobs or capital investment [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] - AB932
Qualified new business venture: certification criteria modified re potential for increasing jobs or capital investment - SB883
Tax revisions re road-building equipment sales tax exemption, income tax withholding threshold for nonresidents, and qualified opportunity fund certification; lottery games and farm assets changes; JSCTE appendix report [S.Amdt.1: adds income tax exemption for certain commercial loan income and cigarette, tobacco, and vapor product enforcement positions; A.Amdt.1: common carrier permit for direct wine shipping, local exposition board membership, and DOR positions for shared revenue and municipality sales tax administration provisions added] - SB616
correctional officerCorrectional officer, see Police; Prison
corrections department ofCorrections, Department of
Access to prisons and jails for oversight purposes - AB806
Access to prisons and jails for oversight purposes - SB844
Active psychosis and mental health treatment for prisoners: training correctional officers to recognize and voluntary and emergency transfer to a mental health treatment facility or the Wisconsin Resource Center - AB774
Active psychosis and mental health treatment for prisoners: training correctional officers to recognize and voluntary and emergency transfer to a mental health treatment facility or the Wisconsin Resource Center - SB722
Advisory referendum: DOC required to revoke release if person on extended supervision, parole, or probation is charged with a crime while on release - AJR7
Advisory referendum: DOC required to revoke release if person on extended supervision, parole, or probation is charged with a crime while on release - SJR8
Bathing periods for inmates: DOC and sheriffs to ensure minimum number per week - AB815
Bathing periods for inmates: DOC and sheriffs to ensure minimum number per week - SB745
Certificate of qualification for employment: application fee eliminated [Sec. 531, 3380, 9207 (1), 9307 (1)] - AB43
Certificate of qualification for employment: application fee eliminated [Sec. 531, 3380, 9207 (1), 9307 (1)] [original bill only] - SB70
Climate control (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) in a state correctional institution, county jail, or house of correction: warden or superintendent to ensure working order; temperature requirements; report required - AB757
Climate control (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) in a state correctional institution, county jail, or house of correction: warden or superintendent to ensure working order; temperature requirements; report required - SB729
Community reentry centers appropriation created [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 100] - SB70
Community reentry centers: DOC to contract with entities to operate, conditions specified; report required - AB183
Community reentry centers: DOC to contract with entities to operate, conditions specified; report required [A.Amdt.1: appropriation removed] - SB172
Complaint data for each state correctional institution: DOC to establish and maintain an interactive reporting system - AB813
Complaint data for each state correctional institution: DOC to establish and maintain an interactive reporting system - SB751
Creditable military service under WRS: revisions re DOC employees - AB1147
DOC employees transferred to DHS by 2023 WisAct 19: compensation provisions - AB739
DOC employees transferred to DHS by 2023 WisAct 19: compensation provisions - SB839
DOC performance grants to adult probation and parole office for increases in employment of persons on probation, parole, or extended supervision - AB401
DOC performance grants to adult probation and parole office for increases in employment of persons on probation, parole, or extended supervision - SB392
DOC required to recommend revocation of parole, probation, or extended supervision if person is charged with a crime while on release; expungement of criminal record provisions - AB310
DOC required to recommend revocation of parole, probation, or extended supervision if person is charged with a crime while on release; expungement of criminal record provisions - SB309
DOJ and DOC programs funding and revisions re treatment alternatives and diversion (TAD) programs, community policing and community prosecution, violence prevention, and Becky Young recidivism reduction; DOJ positions increased - AB1192
DOJ and DOC programs funding and revisions re treatment alternatives and diversion (TAD) programs, community policing and community prosecution, violence prevention, and Becky Young recidivism reduction; DOJ positions increased - SB1094
Earned compliance credit created and earned release program expanded to include a vocational readiness program [Sec. 2683-2693, 2695-2700, 2705, 3375, 3377, 9108 (2), (3)] - AB43
Earned compliance credit created and earned release program expanded to include a vocational readiness program [Sec. 2683-2693, 2695-2700, 2705, 3375, 3377, 9108 (2), (3)] [original bill only] - SB70
Earned release program expanded to include inmates who complete an employment readiness training program, report required - AB181
Earned release program expanded to include inmates who complete an employment readiness training program, report required - SB170
Employed inmate’s salary or wages: adding child or family support, restitution, and certain fees to withholdings - AB1131
Feminine hygiene products for inmates: DOC and sheriffs required to provide free of charge - AB770
Feminine hygiene products for inmates: DOC and sheriffs required to provide free of charge - SB796
Immersive work opportunity program for prison inmates created - AB462