Mobile or online software applications and electronic devices deemed cybersecurity threats: state and local governmental use of prohibited; specific products listed - SB250
Moratorium on evictions: repealing prohibition on political subdivisions from enacting or enforcing ordinances - AB707
Moratorium on evictions: repealing prohibition on political subdivisions from enacting or enforcing ordinances - SB670
Municipal solid waste facilities alternate method for proof of financial responsibility; provisions for payment of closure, long-term care, and corrective action costs by DNR, JCF approval - AB492
Municipal solid waste facilities alternate method for proof of financial responsibility; provisions for payment of closure, long-term care, and corrective action costs by DNR, JCF approval - SB624
Nonmetallic quarries: local regulations limited [A.Amdt.2: further revisions, conditional use permits and zoning ordinance provisions added] - AB245
Nonmetallic quarries: local regulations limited - SB301
Nonmetallic quarry hours of operation: political subdivision prohibited from limiting, public works provision [Sec. 1190] - AB43
Nonmetallic quarry hours of operation: political subdivision prohibited from limiting, public works provision [Sec. 1190] [original bill only] - SB70
Pay for performance requirement for grant programs to alleviate homelessness; DOA and political subdivisions my designate certain public property as structured camping facilities for the homeless - AB689
Pay for performance requirement for grant programs to alleviate homelessness; DOA and political subdivisions my designate certain public property as structured camping facilities for the homeless - SB669
Planting trees to address urban heat islands: urban forestry grants program revisions to include; emergency rule provision - AB819
Preemption on local government regulation of firearms eliminated - AB1199
Preemption on local government regulation of firearms eliminated - SB1100
Public contract with persons engaged in certain boycotts: state agencies and local units of government prohibited from entering into - AB719
Public contract with persons engaged in certain boycotts: state agencies and local units of government prohibited from entering into - SB681
Public records law: extends nondisclosure requirement re personally identifiable information of confidential law enforcement informants - AB118
Public records law: extends nondisclosure requirement re personally identifiable information of confidential law enforcement informants - SB119
Public records law: recovery of attorney fees and costs when authority releases contested record after action is filed in court - AB145
Public records law: recovery of attorney fees and costs when authority releases contested record after action is filed in court - SB117
Refrigerants that are acceptable alternatives to ozone-depleting substances: state agencies and local governments cannot prohibit or limit use of - AB339
Refrigerants that are acceptable alternatives to ozone-depleting substances: state agencies and local governments cannot prohibit or limit use of [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, DSPS cannot promulgate a rule and local governments cannot enact or enforce an ordinance prohibiting or limiting refrigerants the EPA designates acceptable for use] - SB324
Regulation of fowl: political subdivisions and sewerage districts cannot prohibit keeping four or fewer fowl on residential property - AB685
Regulation of fowl: political subdivisions and sewerage districts cannot prohibit keeping four or fewer fowl on residential property - SB912
Regulation of utility services based on type or source of energy: political subdivision prohibition created - AB45
Regulation of utility services based on type or source of energy: political subdivision prohibition created [S.Amdt.1: further revisions, state agencies and electric cooperative provisions added] - SB49
Restricting the use or sale of devices based on energy source: state agencies and local governmental units may not impose - AB141
Restricting the use or sale of devices based on energy source: state agencies and local governmental units may not impose - SB213
Restricting the use or sale of motor vehicles based on power source: state agencies and local governmental units may not impose - AB142
Restricting the use or sale of motor vehicles based on power source: state agencies and local governmental units may not impose - SB212
Retail liquor licenses transferred from one municipality to another - AB304
Retail liquor licenses transferred from one municipality to another - SB332
Safe ride program surcharge increased; municipalities to provide information about the program to retailers - AB304
Safe ride program surcharge increased; municipalities to provide information about the program to retailers - SB332
Stewardship Program activities or projects: affected local governments required to adopt resolution in support before DNR can submit to JCF for passive review [A.Amdt.2: further revisions] - AB245
Stewardship Program activities or projects: affected local governments required to adopt resolution in support before DNR can submit to JCF for passive review - SB301
Suicide by firearm prevention: DHS grants for prevention materials and training firearm retailer or range; matching funds or in-kind services provision - AB173
Suicide by firearm prevention: DHS grants for prevention materials and training firearm retailer or range; matching funds or in-kind services provision - SB205
Vegetable and flower gardens on residential property: political subdivision prohibited from requiring a permit - AB379
Vegetable and flower gardens on residential property: political subdivision prohibited from requiring a permit - SB376
Violence Prevention, Office of, created in DHS, duties specified; community violence intervention competitive grants for cities and counties - AB931
Violence Prevention, Office of, created in DHS, duties specified; community violence intervention competitive grants for cities and counties - SB901
Wind energy system: political subdivision may impose restriction more restrictive than PSC rules - AB165
Wind energy system: political subdivision may impose restriction more restrictive than PSC rules - SB151
Wind or solar projects: local approval required before the PSC may approve - AB1169
Wind or solar projects: local approval required before the PSC may approve - SB1075
Wine and distilled spirts: municipality or county allowed to sell in public parks without an alcohol beverage license - AB866
Wine and distilled spirts: municipality or county allowed to sell in public parks without an alcohol beverage license - SB848
Wine sales in public parks by county or municipal employees allowed without an alcohol beverage license [Sec. 2262, 2266] - AB43
Wine sales in public parks by county or municipal employees allowed without an alcohol beverage license [Sec. 2262, 2266] [original bill only] - SB70
Workforce housing initiatives by political subdivisions authorized; mixed-use development TID changes; TID project plan requirement and other changes re extending the life and impact fees; definitions and DOA appendix report provisions [Sec. 1214, 1228, 1232-1234, 1237-1239, 1241, 1244, 1247, 9430 (2)] - AB43
Workforce housing initiatives by political subdivisions authorized; mixed-use development TID changes; TID project plan requirement and other changes re extending the life and impact fees; definitions and DOA appendix report provisions [Sec. 1214, 1228, 1232-1234, 1237-1239, 1241, 1244, 1247, 9430 (2)] [original bill only] - SB70
municipality _ annexationMunicipality — Annexation
PFAS group of substances: requirements created and programs established to address issues related to; reports required - AB312
PFAS group of substances: requirements created and programs established to address issues related to; reports and studies [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, rule revisions added [Admin.Code NR 811.12, PSC 184.06]; S.Amdt.1: further revisions] - SB312
“Urban town” designation allowed to limit extraterritorial zoning and plat approval and annexation by other municipalities; connection to their water or sewerage systems by certain other local governments - AB768
“Urban town” designation allowed to limit extraterritorial zoning and plat approval and annexation by other municipalities; connection to their water or sewerage systems by certain other local governments - SB691
municipality _ buildingMunicipality — Building, see Public building
municipality _ councilMunicipality — Council, see also Milwaukee — City council
Highway speed restriction: local highway authorities allowed to reduce without DOT approval, conditions specified - AB720
Highway speed restriction: local highway authorities allowed to reduce without DOT approval, conditions specified - SB684
municipality _ court _ judgeMunicipality — Court — Judge, see Judge
municipality _ electionsMunicipality — Elections
Election supplies and equipment: grants to counties and municipalities [Sec. 5, 521] - AB43
Election supplies and equipment: grants to counties and municipalities [Sec. 5, 521] [original bill only] - SB70
Election supplies and equipment: grants to municipalities - AB1047
Election supplies and equipment: grants to municipalities - SB936
Elections Commission required to reimburse counties and municipalities for certain costs re special primaries and special elections for state office - AB283
Elections Commission required to reimburse counties and municipalities for certain costs re special primaries and special elections for state office - SB278
Municipality broadcasting live election night canvassing proceedings required to record the broadcast - AB282
Poll list numbers marked on certain absentee ballots: requirement eliminated - AB495
Polling place closures: conditions established [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] - AB298
Polling place closures: conditions established - SB366
Presidential or vice-presidential campaigns: local governments may require advance payment for expected public event costs - AB1211
Presidential or vice-presidential campaigns: local governments may require advance payment for expected public event costs - SB1107
municipality _ employeeMunicipality — Employee, see Public employee, and its subheadings
municipality _ financeMunicipality — Finance, see also Road — Finance
Affordable workforce housing grants to municipalities [Sec. 112, 508] - AB43
Affordable workforce housing grants to municipalities [Sec. 112, 508] [original bill only] - SB70
Book bans or restrictions on access to books and other media by state agencies, local governmental units, library, school, or institution of higher education: prohibition on funding for entities that enforce - AB657
Book bans or restrictions on access to books and other media by state agencies, local governmental units, library, school, or institution of higher education: prohibition on funding for entities that enforce - SB615
Comparative local government spending report: DOR to produce annually - AB245
Comparative local government spending report: DOR to produce annually - SB301
Connecting highways: reimbursement to cities, towns, and villages for maintenance [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 384] - SB70
Customer-side water service lines containing lead, replacement of: financial assistance funded from utility rates and municipal grants or loans - AB1060
Expenditure Restraint Incentive Program replaced with Municipality Payment Program - AB854
Expenditure Restraint Incentive Program replaced with Municipality Payment Program - SB818
Fire and emergency medical services provided at state veterans homes: grants to fire districts and local governments [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 133, 236, 322, 323] - SB70
General transportation aids payments [Sec. 1703-1705] - AB43