Aid for transporting pupils between school districts with shared services agreements - SB181
Book bans or restrictions on access to books and other media by state agencies, local governmental units, library, school, or institution of higher education: prohibition on funding for entities that enforce - AB657
Book bans or restrictions on access to books and other media by state agencies, local governmental units, library, school, or institution of higher education: prohibition on funding for entities that enforce - SB615
Campaign finance reports: all committees, political parties, and conduits to register with and submit reports to Ethics Commission [S.Amdt.1: school board candidate provision added, Ethics Commission funding and positions removed; A.Amdt.1: adds election official personal information, battery against election officials, and whistleblower protections for clerks and election officials re fraud and irregularities] - SB822
Commencement of public school term: prohibition changed from September 1 to the Monday before Labor Day - AB435
Commencement of public school term: prohibition changed from September 1 to the Monday before Labor Day - SB429
Community approach to four-year-old kindergarten required; school board and provider contracts and teacher license provisions - AB1035
Community approach to four-year-old kindergarten required; school board and provider contracts and teacher license provisions - SB973
Competitive bidding: threshold for public works projects increased and school boards and MPS required to use; exceptions provided - AB723
Competitive bidding: threshold for public works projects increased and school boards and MPS required to use; exceptions provided [S.Amdt.1: metropolitan sewerage district provision added; S.Amdt.2: further revisions, highways specified] - SB688
Consolidated school district: reducing the number of school board members - AB191
Consolidated school district: reducing the number of school board members - SB180
Critical incident mapping data: DOJ grants to school board or governing body of private school modified [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 9127 (1)] - SB70
Grade promotion prohibited if pupil was absent more than 30 days, exceptions specified; school boards, private schools participating in a parental choice program, and independent charter schools required to adopt written policy - AB1026
Grade promotion prohibited if pupil was absent more than 30 days, exceptions specified; school boards, private schools participating in a parental choice program, and independent charter schools required to adopt written policy - SB969
Grow Your Own programs re encouraging careers in teaching: new grant program [Sec. 317, 2059, 2199] - AB43
Grow Your Own programs re encouraging careers in teaching: new grant program - AB521
Grow Your Own programs re encouraging careers in teaching: new grant program [Sec. 317, 2059, 2199] [original bill only] - SB70
Grow Your Own programs re encouraging careers in teaching: new grant program - SB498
Grow Your Own programs re encouraging careers in teaching: new grant program [original bill only] - Se3 SB1
Guaranteed admission program to UW System institutions and technical colleges created; school boards, charter school operators, and governing bodies of private schools and tribal schools requirements - AB370
Guaranteed admission program to UW System institutions and technical colleges created; school boards, charter school operators, and governing bodies of private schools and tribal schools requirements [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, technical colleges removed] - SB367
Harmful materials on computers: public libraries and public and charter schools required to limit pupils and minors from accessing; definition and instructional materials provisions - AB15
Harmful materials on computers: public libraries and public and charter schools required to limit pupils and minors from accessing; definition and instructional materials provisions - SB10
Higher education institutions in this state required to collect and report data related to student costs and outcomes; Superintendent of Public Instruction to make data available to high school juniors and seniors as part of the academic and career planning services - AB891
Higher education institutions in this state required to collect and report data related to student costs and outcomes; Superintendent of Public Instruction to make data available to high school juniors and seniors as part of the academic and career planning services - SB889
LESB reimbursement to political subdivisions for law enforcement training increased; Office of School Safety to develop school resource officer standards, provide training, and maintain a database - SB209
LGBTQIA+ rights training grants: DPI to award to school boards - AB1203
LGBTQIA+ rights training grants: DPI to award to school boards - SB1103
LLC articles of organization: filing fee exception for student entrepreneurs expanded to include high school students - AB951
LLC articles of organization: filing fee exception for student entrepreneurs expanded to include high school students - SB881
Mental health training provided by DPI to school districts and independent charter schools: adding social and emotional learning to evidence-based strategies - AB590
Mental health training provided by DPI to school districts and independent charter schools: adding social and emotional learning to evidence-based strategies - SB534
Minimum salaries for public school teachers established - AB517
Minimum salaries for public school teachers established - SB511
Nomination papers required for all town and village elective offices and candidates for school board - AB1067
Nonclassroom teacher time: compensation requirements - AB524
Nonclassroom teacher time: compensation requirements - SB495
Opioid antagonist supply available in public schools and independent charter schools required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, provisions changed to civil liability exemption for administering an opioid antagonist re elementary and secondary schools] - AB223
Out-of-school-time program grants [Sec. 324, 2066] - AB43
Out-of-school-time program grants [Sec. 324, 2066] [original bill only] - SB70
Peer-to-peer suicide prevention grants to high schools: maximum annual amount increased [Sec. 2052] - AB43
Peer-to-peer suicide prevention grants to high schools: maximum annual amount increased [Sec. 2052] [original bill only] - SB70
Public library and school library materials: conditions on initiating complaints that materials should be removed or restricted - AB783
Public library and school library materials: conditions on initiating complaints that materials should be removed or restricted - SB824
Pupil discipline: school board rules and reintegration process in code of classroom conduct - SB1091
Race-based team names, nicknames, logos, and mascots used by schools: restores law prior to enactment of 2013 WisAct 115; DPI grant to school board that terminates use - AB528
Race-based team names, nicknames, logos, and mascots used by schools: restores law prior to enactment of 2013 WisAct 115; DPI grant to school board that terminates use - SB507
Reading readiness assessments: school board and independent charter school requirements; DPI duties and report required - AB40
Reading readiness assessments: school board and independent charter school requirements; DPI duties and report required - SB41
Recovery high school grant program created; report required - AB271
Recovery high school grant program created; report required [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, grant program changed to operational and planning grants, JCF supplemental appropriation provision] - SB267
Recovery high schools: DPI grants [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 68] - SB70
Safe drinking water in public and private schools: governing bodies to develop drinking water management plan, requirements specified - AB1172
Safe drinking water in public and private schools: governing bodies to develop drinking water management plan, requirements specified - SB1078
School boards allowed to employ a school district administrator not licensed by DPI - AB342
School boards allowed to employ a school district administrator not licensed by DPI - SB335
School boards to provide instruction on human relations re Hmong Americans and Asian Americans - AB232
School boards to provide instruction on human relations re Hmong Americans and Asian Americans - SB240
School library materials: parental notification policy requirements - AB642
School library materials: parental notification policy requirements - SB597
School safety plan: “interactive critical mapping data” term replaces “critical incident mapping data” - AB293
School safety plan: “interactive critical mapping data” term replaces “critical incident mapping data” - SB303
Student teacher hourly wage: school boards required to pay and DPI to reimburse - AB522
Student teacher hourly wage: school boards required to pay and DPI to reimburse - SB497
Teacher preparation time: school board required to provide - AB523
Teacher preparation time: school board required to provide - SB496
Teacher representative added to school boards - AB525
Teacher representative added to school boards - SB494
Teen dating violence prevention education: DPI to work with various groups to adopt a policy, requirements specified; school boards required to adopt and provide age-appropriate instruction; training for school district employees - AB728
Teen dating violence prevention education: DPI to work with various groups to adopt a policy, requirements specified; school boards required to adopt and provide age-appropriate instruction; training for school district employees - SB696
Textbooks, curricula, and instructional materials used in schools: school board required to comply with a district resident’s inspection request in certain time period, adopt policy, and post list to district’s website - AB638
Textbooks, curricula, and instructional materials used in schools: school board required to comply with a district resident’s inspection request in certain time period, adopt policy, and post list to district’s website - SB606
Tribal regalia at graduation ceremonies or school-sponsored events: school boards and charter schools may not prohibit certain pupils from wearing - AB210
Tribal regalia at graduation ceremonies or school-sponsored events: school boards and charter schools may not prohibit certain pupils from wearing - SB199
Volunteer school bus driver: school board member allowed to serve as, conditions set - AB233
Volunteer school bus driver: school board member allowed to serve as, conditions set - SB210
Voter registration at high schools and certain tribal schools: provisions prior to 2011 WisAct 240 reinstated [Sec. 21, 22] - AB43
Voter registration at high schools and certain tribal schools: provisions prior to 2011 WisAct 240 reinstated - AB499
Voter registration at high schools and certain tribal schools: provisions prior to 2011 WisAct 240 reinstated [Sec. 21, 22] [original bill only] - SB70
Voter registration at high schools and certain tribal schools: provisions prior to 2011 WisAct 240 reinstated - SB556
Voter registration at high schools and certain tribal schools: provisions prior to 2011 WisAct 240 reinstated - SB562
Voter registration forms and information provided to high school students eligible to register to vote - AB498
Voter registration forms and information provided to high school students eligible to register to vote - SB551
school _ attendanceSchool — Attendance
Achievement Gap Reduction (AGR) program and former SAGE program eliminated; new SAGE program created; parental choice programs and SNSP phased out - AB518
Achievement Gap Reduction (AGR) program and former SAGE program eliminated; new SAGE program created; parental choice programs and SNSP phased out - SB501
Alternative SNSP per pupil payment and full-time open enrollment program transfer amount based on actual costs repealed [Sec. 308, 316, 2071, 2072, 2100, 2101, 2103-2107, 2158-2164, 2167-2169, 2171-2174, 2235, 2261] - AB43
Alternative SNSP per pupil payment and full-time open enrollment program transfer amount based on actual costs repealed [Sec. 308, 316, 2071, 2072, 2100, 2101, 2103-2107, 2158-2164, 2167-2169, 2171-2174, 2235, 2261] [original bill only] - SB70