Computer science course requirement for grades 9 to 12 [Sec. 2148, 2153, 2179, 2203, 2224, 9334 (8)] [original bill only] - SB70
Early literacy instruction and reading readiness assessments and interventions: Office of Literacy and Council on Early Literacy Curricula created, teacher licensing and professional development training, model policy for promoting third graders to fourth grade, school district and school report cards, parental notification, parent or guardian complaint to DPI; reports and sunset provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, third grade promotion and early literacy instruction provisions modified; A.Amdt.1: further revisions re accountability report, reading plans for at-risk pupils, and model policy, and rule-making authority removed] - AB321
Esports participation grants to schools: DPI pilot program established; report required - AB1189
Federally chartered youth membership organizations: upon request, public and independent charter schools to allow representatives to provide information to pupils on school property - AB592
Federally chartered youth membership organizations: upon request, public and independent charter schools to allow representatives to provide information to pupils on school property - SB549
Grade promotion prohibited if pupil was absent more than 30 days, exceptions specified; school boards, private schools participating in a parental choice program, and independent charter schools required to adopt written policy - AB1026
Grade promotion prohibited if pupil was absent more than 30 days, exceptions specified; school boards, private schools participating in a parental choice program, and independent charter schools required to adopt written policy - SB969
Grow Your Own programs re encouraging careers in teaching: new grant program [Sec. 317, 2059, 2199] - AB43
Grow Your Own programs re encouraging careers in teaching: new grant program - AB521
Grow Your Own programs re encouraging careers in teaching: new grant program [Sec. 317, 2059, 2199] [original bill only] - SB70
Grow Your Own programs re encouraging careers in teaching: new grant program - SB498
Grow Your Own programs re encouraging careers in teaching: new grant program [original bill only] - Se3 SB1
Guaranteed admission program to UW System institutions and technical colleges created; school boards, charter school operators, and governing bodies of private schools and tribal schools requirements - AB370
Guaranteed admission program to UW System institutions and technical colleges created; school boards, charter school operators, and governing bodies of private schools and tribal schools requirements [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, technical colleges removed] - SB367
Harmful materials on computers: public libraries and public and charter schools required to limit pupils and minors from accessing; definition and instructional materials provisions - AB15
Harmful materials on computers: public libraries and public and charter schools required to limit pupils and minors from accessing; definition and instructional materials provisions - SB10
High schools required to collect statistics on certain crimes and violations of municipal disorderly conduct occurring on school property or school transportation; DPI duties - AB53
High schools required to collect statistics on certain crimes and violations of municipal disorderly conduct occurring on school property or school transportation; DPI duties [A.Amdt.2: further revisions] - AB245
High schools required to collect statistics on certain crimes and violations of municipal disorderly conduct occurring on school property or school transportation; DPI duties - SB82
High schools required to collect statistics on certain crimes and violations of municipal disorderly conduct occurring on school property or school transportation; DPI duties - SB301
Incidents in a school building or on school grounds: public and charter schools required to report to law enforcement; employment of armed school resource officer (SRO); DPI to reimburse schools with certain federal moneys - AB69
Lakeland STAR Academy: DPI grant; sunset provision [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 65, 66, 9134 (1), 9434 (1)] - SB70
Mental health training programs for staff established by DPI: distributing information requirements - AB575
Mental health training programs for staff established by DPI: distributing information requirements - SB620
Mental health training provided by DPI to school districts and independent charter schools: adding social and emotional learning to evidence-based strategies - AB590
Mental health training provided by DPI to school districts and independent charter schools: adding social and emotional learning to evidence-based strategies - SB534
National motto displayed in every public school and charter school classroom required - AB778
National motto displayed in every public school and charter school classroom required - SB735
Opioid antagonist supply available in public schools and independent charter schools required [Sec. 2121, 2122] - AB43
Opioid antagonist supply available in public schools and independent charter schools required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, provisions changed to civil liability exemption for administering an opioid antagonist re elementary and secondary schools] - AB223
Opioid antagonist supply available in public schools and independent charter schools required [Sec. 2121, 2122] [original bill only] - SB70
Opioid antagonist supply available in public schools and independent charter schools required - SB206
Payments to private schools when a pupil withdraws from a parental choice program, SNSP, or an independent charter school - AB532
Payments to private schools when a pupil withdraws from a parental choice program, SNSP, or an independent charter school - SB502
Personal financial literacy grants [Sec. 327, 2036] - AB43
Personal financial literacy grants [Sec. 327, 2036] [original bill only] - SB70
Physical activity: minimum amount public and charter schools and private schools participating in a parental choice program are required to offer - AB1016
Physical activity: minimum amount public and charter schools and private schools participating in a parental choice program are required to offer - SB951
Police interactions education: model curriculum for grades 5 to 12 required - AB119
Police interactions education: model curriculum for grades 5 to 12 required - SB125
Public school, independent charter school, and private school participating in a parental choice program that operates or sponsors interscholastic or intramural sports: designating team or sport into one of three categories based on the sex of the participating students - AB377
Public school, independent charter school, and private school participating in a parental choice program that operates or sponsors interscholastic or intramural sports: designating team or sport into one of three categories based on the sex of the participating students - SB378
Reading readiness assessments: school board and independent charter school requirements; DPI duties and report required - AB40
Reading readiness assessments: school board and independent charter school requirements; DPI duties and report required - SB41
Reductions in state aid paid to school districts for per pupil payments to and equalization aid payments to certain independent charter schools repealed - AB688
Reductions in state aid paid to school districts for per pupil payments to and equalization aid payments to certain independent charter schools repealed - SB652
Reimbursement rate for special education costs - AB527
Reimbursement rate for special education costs - SB506
School-based mental health services grants: funding increased - AB591
School-based mental health services grants: funding increased - SB536
School-based mental health services grants revised [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 389-392] - SB70
Seclusion and restraint of pupils: conditions changed to include serious emotional distress - AB601
Seclusion and restraint of pupils: conditions changed to include serious emotional distress - SB542
State seal of biliteracy: DPA may establish grants [Sec. 306, 2031, 2037] - AB43
State seal of biliteracy: DPA may establish grants [Sec. 306, 2031, 2037] [original bill only] - SB70
Tribal regalia at graduation ceremonies or school-sponsored events: school boards and charter schools may not prohibit certain pupils from wearing - AB210
Tribal regalia at graduation ceremonies or school-sponsored events: school boards and charter schools may not prohibit certain pupils from wearing - SB199
school _ consolidation or reorganizationSchool — Consolidation or reorganization
Consolidated school district: calculating revenue limit modified - AB195
Consolidated school district: calculating revenue limit modified - SB184
Consolidated school district: reducing the number of school board members - AB191
Consolidated school district: reducing the number of school board members - SB180
DPI required to provide a land information integration plan to DOA; digital mapping file of boundaries of each school district and assignment of each lot in a subdivision to a school district provision; Superintendent of Public Instruction duty - AB1108
DPI required to provide a land information integration plan to DOA; digital mapping file of boundaries of each school district and assignment of each lot in a subdivision to a school district provision; Superintendent of Public Instruction duty - SB1002
School and school district accountability reports for consolidated school districts - AB190
School and school district accountability reports for consolidated school districts - SB179
School district consolidation or whole grade sharing: DPI grants for feasibility studies - AB193
School district consolidation or whole grade sharing: DPI grants for feasibility studies - SB182
School district consolidation: state aid revised - AB194
School district consolidation: state aid revised - SB183
school _ conveyance of pupilSchool — Conveyance of pupil, see also Bus and truck
Aid for transporting pupils between school districts with shared services agreements - AB192
Aid for transporting pupils between school districts with shared services agreements - SB181
High cost transportation aid: stop gap payments modified [Sec. 2229-2234] - AB43
High cost transportation aid: stop gap payments modified [Sec. 2229-2234; S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, Sec. 398, 399; S.Amdt.13: payments sunsetted, 399g, deletes 398, 399] - SB70
High schools required to collect statistics on certain crimes and violations of municipal disorderly conduct occurring on school property or school transportation; DPI duties - AB53
High schools required to collect statistics on certain crimes and violations of municipal disorderly conduct occurring on school property or school transportation; DPI duties [A.Amdt.2: further revisions] - AB245
High schools required to collect statistics on certain crimes and violations of municipal disorderly conduct occurring on school property or school transportation; DPI duties - SB82
High schools required to collect statistics on certain crimes and violations of municipal disorderly conduct occurring on school property or school transportation; DPI duties - SB301
Passing a stopped school bus: penalties increased - AB313
Passing a stopped school bus: penalties increased - SB313
Pupil transportation aid increased re pupils residing more than 12 miles from school [Sec. 2228] - AB43
Pupil transportation aid increased re pupils residing more than 12 miles from school [Sec. 2228; S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, Sec. 397] - SB70
School bus camera grant program created; failure-to-stop violation changes and school bus safety camera surcharge added - AB1071
School bus camera grant program created; failure-to-stop violation changes and school bus safety camera surcharge added - SB998
School bus camera grants appropriation - AB1072
School bus camera grants appropriation - SB997
School bus safety: examination required for operator’s license renewal and included in driver education courses - AB614
School bus safety: examination required for operator’s license renewal and included in driver education courses - SB354