Allowances, reimbursements and payments not computed as a percentage of premiums (see Allowances to Managers and Agents).
Expenses involved in transactions between insurance companies (see Joint Expenses; Commission and Brokerage-Reinsurance Assumed and Ceded; Expenses for Account of Another; and Income from Special Services).
Contingent commission (see Commission and Brokerage-Contingent).
Fees of investment counsel (see Legal and Auditing).
Expenses includable in Boards, Bureaus and Associations.
Taxes on premiums (see Taxes, Licenses and Fees).
Commission received for special services such as loss adjustment and inspection not related to policies issued by the company (see Income from Special Services).
Ins 6.30(1)(b)2.b. b. Reinsurance Assumed
Commission and allowances of every nature on reinsurance assumed including tax and board allowances and reinsurance brokerage, except contingent commission, shall be included in Commission and Brokerage-Reinsurance Assumed.
Exception: Where commission and allowances under reinsurance assumed take the form of accurate proportions of actual expenses incurred, as in some quota share and pooling agreements, entries shall be made to the actual expenses.
Ins 6.30(1)(b)2.c. c. Reinsurance Ceded
Commission and allowances of every nature on reinsurance ceded including tax and board allowances and reinsurance brokerage, except contingent commission, shall be included in Commission and Brokerage-Reinsurance Ceded.
Exception: Where commission and allowances under reinsurance ceded take the form of accurate proportions of actual expenses incurred, as in some quota share and pooling agreements, entries shall be made to the actual expenses.
Ins 6.30 Note Note: Examples Relating to the Treatment of Commission on Reinsurance Assumed and Reinsurance Ceded:
Ins 6.30 Note 1. Company A cedes business to Company B under a treaty specifying a commission of 35% and an allowance for taxes and board fees of 5%. On the statement filed by Company A, both the 35% and the 5% shall be entered in Commission and Brokerage-Reinsurance Ceded. On the statement filed by Company B, both the 35% and the 5% shall be entered in Commission and Brokerage-Reinsurance Assumed.
Ins 6.30 Note 2. Company A cedes 10% of all its business to Company B under an agreement whereby Company B pays 10% of all actual expenses, on such business, incurred by Company A. Assume the expenses of Company A on the business reinsured as follows: - See PDF for table PDF
Ins 6.30 Note Note: These are not intended to show the complete list of expenses involved but are given only for illustration purposes.
Ins 6.30 Note On the statement filed by Company A the commission and allowances by Company B shall be credited as follows: - See PDF for table PDF
Ins 6.30 Note On the statement filed by Company B the commission and allowances made to Company A shall be debited as follows: - See PDF for table PDF
Ins 6.30(1)(b)2.d. d. Contingent — Net
Contingent or profit commission paid.
Contingent or profit commission received.
Contingent commission to employees when the activities for which the contingent commission is paid are not a part of their duties as employees.
Ins 6.30(1)(b)2.e. e. Policy and Membership Fees
Policy and membership fees retained by, or paid to, agents.
Policy and membership fees to employees when the activities for which the policy and membership fees are paid are not a part of their duties as employees.
Ins 6.30(1)(b)3. 3. Allowances to Managers and Agents
Net allowances, reimbursements and payments for expenses of every nature, not computed as a percentage of premiums, to managers, agents, brokers, solicitors, and other producers.
Compensation to employees (see Salaries).
Expenses of salaried employees (see Travel and Travel Items).
Expenses of management where one insurance company has been appointed manager for another (see Joint Expenses; Commission and Brokerage-Reinsurance Assumed and Ceded; and Expenses for Account of Another).
Contingent commission (see Commission and Brokerage-Contingent).
Policy and membership fees (see Commission and Brokerage-Policy and Membership Fees).
Expenses in connection with owned real estate (see Real Estate Expenses).
Amounts representing exact reimbursements for Losses; Taxes, Licenses and Fees; Boards, Bureaus and Associations; and Advertising; where only the minimum space required by law is taken.
Amounts representing exact reimbursements for Claim Adjustment Services, Surveys and Underwriting Reports and Audit of Assureds' Records when these services are performed by others than employees of managers, agents, brokers, solicitors or other producers.
Ins 6.30(1)(b)4. 4. Advertising
Cost of the following: Services of advertising agents; public relations counsel; space in newspapers, periodicals, billboards, programs, and other publications; circulars, pamphlets, calendars and literature issued for advertising or promotional purposes; drawings, plates, etchings, etc., in connection with advertising; all charges for printing, paper, etc., in bills covering advertising; radio broadcasts; prospect and mailing lists; signs, frames, medals, etc., for agents; souvenirs for general distribution; directory listings; house organs and similar publications distributed to others than employees; and advertising required by law when more than the minimum space required to comply with the law is taken.
Compensation to employees (see Salaries).
Items includable in Travel and Travel Items, Claim Adjustment Services, and Boards, Bureaus and Associations.
Cost of literature, booklets, placards, signs, etc., issued solely for accident and loss prevention (see Surveys and Underwriting Reports).
Advertising and business development expenses allowed, reimbursed or paid to managers, agents, brokers, solicitors, and other producers (see Allowances to Managers and Agents).
Cost of help wanted advertising (see Employee Relations and Welfare).
Cost of advertising in connection with owned real estate (see Real Estate Expenses).
Cost of house organs and similar publications for the use of employees (see Printing and Stationery).
Donations to organized charities (see Miscellaneous).
Cost of souvenirs not generally distributed (see Travel and Travel Items).
Ins 6.30(1)(b)5. 5. Boards, Bureaus and Associations
Dues, assessments, fees and charges of: underwriters' boards, rating organizations, statistical agencies, inspection and audit bureaus; underwriters' advisory and service organizations including such organizations as Insurance Executives Association, and Association of Casualty and Surety Companies; accident and loss prevention organizations; claim organizations; underwriting syndicates, pools and associations such as Factory Insurance Association, Oil Insurance Association, assigned risk plans (except Commission and Brokerage; Claim Adjustment Services; and Taxes, Licenses and Fees); and specific payments to boards, bureaus and associations for rate manuals, revisions, fillers, rating plans and experience data.
Cost of inspection, engineering or accident and loss prevention billed specifically to individual companies (see Surveys and Underwriting Reports).
Loss adjustment expenses billed specifically to individual companies (see Claim Adjustment Services).
Allowances under reinsurance contracts for board and bureau expenses (see Commission and Brokerage-Reinsurance Assumed and Ceded).
Payments to State Industrial Commissions (see Taxes, Licenses and Fees).
Payments into State Security Funds (see Taxes, Licenses and Fees).
Commission and Brokerage, Claim Adjustment Services, and Taxes, Licenses and Fees of underwriting syndicates, pools, and associations such as Factory Insurance Associations and Oil Insurance Association.
Cost of survey, credit, moral hazard, character and commercial reports obtained for underwriting purposes (see Surveys and Underwriting Reports).
Cost of commercial reporting services (see Surveys and Underwriting Reports).
Dues and subscriptions to social or civic clubs or affairs (see Travel and Travel Items).
Dues and subscriptions to accounting, legal, actuarial or similar societies and associations (see Travel and Travel Items).
Ins 6.30(1)(b)6. 6. Surveys and Underwriting Reports
Dues and subscriptions to accounting, legal, actuarial or similar societies and associations (see Travel and Travel Items).
Include cost of the following:
Survey, credit, moral hazard, character and commercial reports obtained for underwriting purposes.
Commercial reporting services.
Appraisals for underwriting purposes.
Fire records.
Inspection, engineering, and accident and loss prevention billed specifically.
Literature, booklets, placards, signs, etc., issued solely for accident and loss prevention.
Maps and corrections.
Services of medical examiners for underwriting purposes.
Compensation to employees (see Salaries).
Expenses of salaried employees (see Travel and Travel Items).
Items includable in Boards, Bureaus and Associations; Claim Adjustment Services; and Allowances to Managers and Agents.
Cost of character or credit reports on employees or applicants for employment (see Employee Relations and Welfare).
Fees for physical examination of employees or applicants for employment (see Employee Relations and Welfare).
Income from inspections, which shall be classified in accordance with the instruction “Income from Special Services".
Ins 6.30(1)(b)7. 7. Audit of Assureds' Records
Auditing fees and expenses of independent auditors for auditing payrolls and other premium bases.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.