NR 440.642(6)(b)9. 9. Agree to comply with reporting and recordkeeping requirements that affect testing laboratories.
NR 440.642(6)(b)10. 10. Agree to accept the reasonable cost of a random compliance audit test (as determined by the administrator) if it is selected to conduct the random compliance audit test of a model line originally tested for certification at another laboratory.
NR 440.642(6)(e)1.1. The administrator may revoke the U.S. environmental protection agency laboratory accreditation if he or she determines that the laboratory:
NR 440.642(6)(e)1.a. a. No longer satisfies the requirements for accreditation in par. (b),
NR 440.642(6)(e)1.b. b. Does not follow required procedures or practices,
NR 440.642(6)(e)1.c. c. Had falsified data or otherwise misrepresented emission data,
NR 440.642(6)(e)1.e. e. Failed to participate in a proficiency testing program, in accordance with its commitment under par. (b) 5., or
NR 440.642(6)(e)1.f. f. Failed to seal the wood heater in accordance with par. (g).
NR 440.642(6)(e)2. 2. Revocation of accreditation under this paragraph may not take effect until the laboratory concerned has been given written notice by the administrator setting forth the basis for the proposed determination and an opportunity for a hearing under sub. (10). However, if revocation is ultimately upheld, all tests conducted by the laboratory after written notice was given may, at the discretion of the administrator, be declared invalid.
NR 440.642(6)(f) (f) Unless revoked sooner, a certificate of accreditation granted by the administrator shall be valid for 5 years from the date of issuance, for certificates issued under par. (b).
NR 440.642(6)(g) (g) A laboratory accredited by the administrator shall seal any wood heater on which it performed certification tests, immediately upon completion or suspension of certification testing, by using a laboratory-specific seal.
NR 440.642(7) (7)Permanent label, temporary label and owner's manual.
NR 440.642(7)(a)1.1. Each affected facility manufactured on or after July 1, 1988, or offered for sale at retail on or after July 1, 1990, shall have a permanent label affixed to it that meets the requirements of this subsection.
NR 440.642(7)(a)2. 2. Except for wood heaters subject to sub. (1) (e), (f) or (g), the permanent label shall contain the following information:
NR 440.642(7)(a)2.a. a. Month and year of manufacture,
NR 440.642(7)(a)2.b. b. Model name or number, and
NR 440.642(7)(a)2.c. c. Serial number.
NR 440.642(7)(a)3. 3. The permanent label shall:
NR 440.642(7)(a)3.a. a. Be affixed in a readily visible or accessible location,
NR 440.642(7)(a)3.b. b. Be at least 8.9 cm long and 5.1 cm wide (3½ inches long and 2 inches wide).
NR 440.642(7)(a)3.c. c. Be made of a material expected to last the lifetime of the wood heater,
NR 440.642(7)(a)3.d. d. Present required information in a manner so that it is likely to remain legible for the lifetime of the wood heater.
NR 440.642(7)(a)3.e. e. Be affixed in such a manner that it cannot be removed from the appliance without damage to the label.
NR 440.642(7)(a)4. 4. The permanent label may be combined with any other label, as long as the required information is displayed, and the integrity of the permanent label is not compromised.
NR 440.642(7)(b) (b) If the wood heater belongs to a model line certified under sub. (4) and has not been found to exceed the applicable emission limits or tolerances through quality assurance testing, one of the following statements, as appropriate, shall appear on the permanent label:
State of Wisconsin
Certified to comply with July, 1988, particulate emission standards
Not approved for sale after June 30, 1992,
State of Wisconsin
Certified to comply with July, 1990, particulate emission standards.
NR 440.642(7)(d) (d) Any label statement under par. (b) constitutes a representation by the manufacturer as to any wood heater that bears it that:
NR 440.642(7)(d)1. 1. Certification was in effect at the time the wood heater left the possession of the manufacturer,
NR 440.642(7)(d)2. 2. The manufacturer was, at the time the label was affixed, conducting a quality assurance program in conformity with sub. (4) (o),
NR 440.642(7)(d)3. 3. As to any wood heater individually tested for emissions by the manufacturer under sub. (4) (o) 3., that it met the applicable emissions limits, and
NR 440.642(7)(d)4. 4. As to any wood heater individually inspected for tolerances under sub. (4) (o) 2., that the wood heater is within applicable tolerances.
NR 440.642(7)(e) (e) If an affected facility is exempt from the emission limits in sub. (3), the following statement shall appear on the permanent label:
State of Wisconsin
Not certified. Approved for sale until June 30, 1991.
NR 440.642(7)(f)1.1. If an affected facility is manufactured in the state of Wisconsin for export, the following statement shall appear on the permanent label:
State of Wisconsin
Export stove. May not be operated within the United States.
NR 440.642(7)(f)2. 2. If an affected facility is manufactured for use for research and development purposes as provided in sub. (1) (f), the following statement shall appear on the permanent label:
State of Wisconsin
Not certified. Research Stove.
Not approved for sale.
NR 440.642(7)(f)3. 3. If an appliance is a coal-only heater as defined in sub. (1), the following statement shall appear on the permanent label:
State of Wisconsin
This heater is only for burning coal.
Use of any other solid fuel except for coal ignition purposes is a violation of law.
NR 440.642(7)(g) (g) Any affected facility that does not qualify for labeling under any of pars. (b) through (f), shall bear one of the following labels:
NR 440.642(7)(g)1. 1. If the test conducted under sub. (4) (n) indicates that the facility does not meet applicable emissions limits:
State of Wisconsin
Not certified. Does not meet DNR particulate emission standards.
NR 440.642(7)(g)2. 2. If the test conducted under sub. (4) (n) indicates that the facility does meet applicable emissions limits:
State of Wisconsin
Not certified. Meets DNR particulate emission standards.
NR 440.642(7)(g)3. 3. If the facility has not been tested as required by sub. (4) (e).
State of Wisconsin
Not certified. Not tested. Not approved for sale.
NR 440.642(7)(h) (h) For affected facilities equipped with catalytic combustors, the following statement shall appear on the permanent label:
This wood heater contains a catalytic combustor, which needs periodic inspection and replacement for proper operation. Consult owner's manual for further information. It is against the law to operate this wood heater in a manner inconsistent with operating instructions in the owner's manual or if the catalytic element is deactivated or removed.
NR 440.642(7)(i) (i) An affected facility permanently labeled under par. (b) shall have attached to it a temporary label that shall contain only the following:
NR 440.642(7)(i)1. 1. A statement indicating the compliance status of the model. The statement shall be one of the statements provided in 40 CFR part 60, Appendix I, Section 2.2.1, incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17. Instructions on the statement to select are provided in 40 CFR part 60 in Appendix I, incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17.
NR 440.642(7)(i)2. 2. A graphic presentation of the composite particulate matter emission rate as determined in the certification test. The method for presenting this information is provided in 40 CFR part 60, Appendix I, Section 2.2.2, incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17.
NR 440.642(7)(i)3. 3. A graphic presentation of the overall thermal efficiency of the model. The method for presenting this information is provided in 40 CFR part 60, Appendix I, Section 2.2.3, incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17. At the discretion of the manufacturer, either the actual measured efficiency of the model or its estimated efficiency may be used for purposes of this paragraph. The actual efficiency is the efficiency measured in tests conducted pursuant to 40 CFR 670.534 (d). The estimated efficiency shall be 72% if the model is catalyst-equipped and 63% if the model is not catalyst equipped, and 78% if the model is designed to burn wood pellets for fuel.
NR 440.642(7)(i)4. 4. A numerical expression of the heat output range of the unit, in British thermal units per hour (Btu/hr) rounded to the nearest 100 Btu/hr.
NR 440.642(7)(i)4.a. a. If the manufacturer elects to report the overall efficiency of the model based on test results pursuant to subd. 3., the manufacturer shall report the heat output range measured during the efficiency test. If an accessory device is used in the certification test to achieve any low burn rate criterion specified in this section, and if this accessory device is not sold as a part of the wood heater, the heat output range shall be determined using the formula in subd. 4. b. based upon the lowest sustainable burn rate achieved without the accessory device.
NR 440.642(7)(i)4.b. b. If the manufacturer elects to use the estimated efficiency as provided in subd. 3., the manufacturer shall estimate the heat output of the model as follows:
HOE is the estimated heat output in Btu/hr
HV is the heating value of fuel, 19,140 Btu/kg (8,700 Btu/lb)
BR is the burn rate of dry test fuel, kg/hr (lb/hr)
NR 440.642(7)(i)5. 5. Statements regarding the importance of operation and maintenance. Instructions regarding which statements shall be used are provided in 40 CFR part 60, Appendix I, Section 2., incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17; and
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.