NR 440.642(7)(j)2.f. f. Have wording, presentation of the graphic data, and typography as presented in 40 CFR part 60, Appendix I, incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17.
NR 440.642(7)(k)1.1. Each affected facility offered for sale by a commercial owner shall be accompanied by an owner's manual that shall contain the information listed in subds. 2. (pertaining to installation) and 3. (pertaining to operation and maintenance). The information shall be adequate to enable consumers to achieve optimal emissions performance. The information shall also be consistent with the operating instructions provided by the manufacturer to the laboratory for operating the wood heater during certification testing, except for details of the certification test that would not be relevant to the ultimate purchaser.
NR 440.642(7)(k)2. 2. Installation information in the owner's manual shall state the requirements for achieving proper draft.
NR 440.642(7)(k)3. 3. Operation and maintenance information in the owner's manual shall include:
NR 440.642(7)(k)3.a. a. Wood loading procedures, recommendations on wood selection, and warnings on what fuels not to use, such as treated wood, colored paper, cardboard, solvents, trash and garbage,
NR 440.642(7)(k)3.b. b. Fire starting procedures,
NR 440.642(7)(k)3.c. c. Proper use of air controls,
NR 440.642(7)(k)3.d. d. Ash removal procedures,
NR 440.642(7)(k)3.e. e. Instructions on gasket replacement,
NR 440.642(7)(k)3.f. f. For catalytic models, information on the following pertaining to the catalytic combustor:
1) Procedures for achieving and maintaining catalyst activity,
2) Maintenance procedures,
3) Procedures for determining deterioration or failure,
4) Procedures for replacement, and
5) Information on how to exercise warranty rights, and
NR 440.642(7)(k)3.g. g. For catalytic models, the following statement:
This wood heater contains a catalytic combustor, which needs periodic inspection and replacement for proper operation. It is against the law to operate this wood heater in a manner inconsistent with operating instructions in this manual, or if the catalytic element is deactivated or removed.
NR 440.642(7)(k)4. 4. Any manufacturer using the model language contained in 40 CFR part 60, Appendix I, incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17, to satisfy any requirement of this paragraph shall be in compliance with that requirement, provided that the particular model language is printed in full, with only such changes as are necessary to ensure accuracy for the particular model line.
NR 440.642(7)(L) (L) Wood heaters that are affected by this section but that have been owned and operated by a noncommercial owner, are not subject to pars. (j) and (k) when offered for resale.
NR 440.642(8) (8)Reporting and recordkeeping.
NR 440.642(8)(a)(a) Each manufacturer who holds a certificate of compliance under sub. (4) (e) for a model line shall maintain records containing the information required by this paragraph with respect to that model line. The records and information maintained shall include:
NR 440.642(8)(a)1. 1. For certification tests:
NR 440.642(8)(a)1.a. a. All documentation pertaining to the certification test used to obtain certification, including the full test report and raw data sheets, laboratory technician notes, calculations, and the test results for all test runs.
NR 440.642(8)(a)1.b. b. Where a model line was certified under a previous requirement and later certified under sub. (4) (e), all documentation pertaining to the certification test used to obtain certification in each instance.
NR 440.642(8)(a)2. 2. For parameter inspections conducted pursuant to sub. (4) (o) 2., information indicating the extent to which tolerances for components that affect emissions as listed in sub. (4) (k) 2. were inspected, and at what frequency, the results of such inspections, remedial actions taken, if any, and any follow-up actions such as additional inspections.
NR 440.642(8)(a)3. 3. For emissions tests conducted pursuant to sub. (4) (o) 3., all test reports, data sheets, laboratory technician notes, calculations, and test results for all test runs, the remedial actions taken, if any, and any follow-up actions such as additional testing.
NR 440.642(8)(a)4. 4. The number of affected facilities that are sold each year, by certified model line.
NR 440.642(8)(b)1.1. Each accredited laboratory shall maintain records consisting of all documentation pertaining to each certification test, including the full test report and raw data sheets, technician notes, calculations, and the test results for all test runs.
NR 440.642(8)(b)2. 2. Each accredited laboratory shall report to the administrator by the 8th day of each month prior to July 1, 1990:
NR 440.642(8)(b)2.a. a. The number and identification of wood heaters scheduled for testing and the type of testing (e.g., U.S. environmental protection agency certification, Oregon certification, research and development testing),
NR 440.642(8)(b)2.b. b. The estimated date on which certification testing could commence for a wood heater, if such a test were requested on the first day of that month,
NR 440.642(8)(b)2.c. c. The identification of the wood heaters tested during the previous month.
NR 440.642(8)(b)3. 3. Each accredited laboratory shall report to the administrator within 24 hours whenever a manufacturer which has notified the laboratory that it intends to apply for alternative certification for a model line fails to submit on schedule a representative unit of that model line for certification testing.
NR 440.642(8)(c) (c) Any wood heater upon which certification tests were performed based upon which certification was granted under sub. (4) (e) shall be retained (sealed and unaltered) at the manufacturer's facility for as long as the model line in question is manufactured. Any such wood heater shall be made available upon request to the administrator for inspection and testing.
NR 440.642(8)(e) (e) Any manufacturer seeking exemption shall maintain wood heater production records covering the period July 1, 1987 to July 1, 1989.
NR 440.642(8)(f) (f) Each manufacturer of an affected facility certified under sub. (4) shall submit a report to the administrator every 2 years following issuance of a certificate of compliance for each model line. This report shall certify that no changes in the design or manufacture of this model line have been made that require recertification under sub. (4) (k).
NR 440.642(8)(g) (g) Each manufacturer shall maintain records of the model and number of wood heaters exempted under sub. (1) (f).
NR 440.642(8)(h) (h) Each commercial owner of a wood heater previously owned by a noncommercial owner for personal use shall maintain records of the name and address of the previous owner.
NR 440.642(8)(i)1.1. Unless otherwise specified, all records required under this section shall be maintained by the manufacturer or commercial owner of the affected facility for a period of no less than 5 years.
NR 440.642(8)(i)2. 2. Unless otherwise specified, all reports to the administrator required under this section shall be made to: Stationary Source Compliance Division (EN-341), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M Street SW, Washington DC 20460, Attention: Wood Heater Program.
NR 440.642(8)(i)3. 3. A report to the administrator required under this section shall be deemed to have been made when it is properly addressed and mailed, or placed in the possession of a commercial courier service.
NR 440.642(9) (9)Prohibitions.
NR 440.642(9)(a)(a) No person may operate an affected facility that does not have affixed to it a permanent label pursuant to sub. (7) (b), (e), (f) 2. or 3. or (g) 2.
NR 440.642(9)(b) (b) No manufacturer may advertise for sale, offer for sale, or sell an affected facility that:
NR 440.642(9)(b)1. 1. Does not have affixed to it a permanent label pursuant to sub. (7), or
NR 440.642(9)(b)2. 2. Has not been tested when required by sub. (4) (n).
NR 440.642(9)(c) (c) On or after July 1, 1990, no commercial owner may advertise for sale, offer for sale, or sell an affected facility that does not have affixed to it a permanent label pursuant to sub. (7) (b), (e), (f) 1. or 3., or (g) 1. or 2. No person may advertise for sale, offer for sale, or sell an affected facility labeled under sub. (7) (f) 1. except for export.
NR 440.642(9)(d)1.1. No commercial owner may advertise for sale, offer for sale or sell an affected facility permanently labeled under sub. (7) (b) unless:
NR 440.642(9)(d)1.a. a. The affected facility has affixed to it a removable label pursuant to sub. (7),
NR 440.642(9)(d)1.b. b. Any purchaser or transferee is provided with an owner's manual pursuant to sub. (7) (k), and
NR 440.642(9)(d)1.c. c. Any purchaser or transferee is provided with a copy of the catalytic combustor warranty (for affected facilities with catalytic combustors).
NR 440.642(9)(d)2. 2. No commercial owner may advertise for sale, offer for sale, or sell an affected facility permanently labeled under sub. (7) (e), (f) 3., or (g), unless the affected facility has affixed to it a removable label pursuant to sub. (7). This prohibition does not apply to wood heaters affected by this section that have been previously owned and operated by a noncommercial owner.
NR 440.642(9)(d)3. 3. A commercial owner other than a manufacturer complies with the requirements of this paragraph if the commercial owner:
NR 440.642(9)(d)3.a. a. Receives the required documentation from the manufacturer or a previous commercial owner, and
NR 440.642(9)(d)3.b. b. Provides that documentation unaltered to any person to whom the wood heater that it covers is sold or transferred.
NR 440.642(9)(e)1.1. In any case in which the administrator revokes a certificate of compliance either for the knowing submission of false or inaccurate information or other fraudulent acts, or based on a finding under sub. (4) (L) 1. b. that the certification test was not valid, the administrator may give notice of that revocation and the grounds for it to all commercial owners.
NR 440.642(9)(e)2. 2. From and after the date of receipt of the notice given under subd. 1., no commercial owner may sell any wood heater covered by the revoked certificate (other than to the manufacturer) unless one of the following has been met:
NR 440.642(9)(e)2.a. a. The wood heater has been tested as required by sub. (4) (n) and labeled as required by sub. (6) (g).
NR 440.642(9)(e)2.b. b. The model line has been recertified in accordance with this section.
NR 440.642(9)(f) (f) No person may install or operate an affected facility except in a manner consistent with the instructions on its permanent label and in the owner's manual pursuant to sub. (7) (L).
NR 440.642(9)(g) (g) No person may operate an affected facility which was originally equipped with a catalytic combustor if the catalytic element is deactivated or removed.
NR 440.642(9)(h) (h) No person may operate an affected facility that has been physically altered to exceed the tolerance limits of its certificate of compliance.
NR 440.642(9)(i) (i) No person may alter, deface, or remove any permanent label required to be affixed pursuant to sub. (7).
NR 440.642(10) (10)Hearing and appeal procedures.
NR 440.642(10)(a)1.1. Any manufacturer or laboratory affected by an action listed in this subdivision may request a hearing under this subsection within 30 days following receipt of the required notification of the action when the administrator:
NR 440.642(10)(a)1.a. a. Denies an application under sub. (4) (e),
NR 440.642(10)(a)1.b. b. Issues a notice of revocation of certification under sub. (4) (L),
NR 440.642(10)(a)1.c. c. Denies an application for laboratory accreditation under sub. (6), or
NR 440.642(10)(a)1.d. d. Issues a notice of revocation of laboratory accreditation under sub. (6) (e).
NR 440.642(10)(a)2. 2. When the administrator issues a notice of revocation under sub. (4) (p), the manufacturer may request a hearing under this subsection within the time limits in sub. (4) (p) 5.
NR 440.642(10)(b) (b) Any hearing request shall be in writing, shall be signed by an authorized representative of the petitioning manufacturer or laboratory, and shall include a statement setting forth with particularity the petitioner's objection to the administrator's determination or proposed determination.
NR 440.642(10)(c)1.1. Upon receipt of a request for a hearing under par. (a), the administrator shall request the chief administrative law judge to designate an administrative law judge as presiding officer for the hearing. If the chief administrative law judge replies that no administrative law judge is available to perform this function, the administrator shall designate a presiding officer who has not had any prior responsibility for the matter under review, and who is not subject to the direct control or supervision of someone who has had such responsibility.
NR 440.642(10)(c)2. 2. The hearing shall commence as soon as practicable at a time and place fixed by the presiding officer.
NR 440.642(10)(c)3.a.a. A motion for leave to intervene in any proceeding conducted under this section shall set forth the grounds for the proposed intervention, the position and interest of the movant and the likely impact that intervention will have on the expeditious progress of the proceeding. Any person already a party to the proceeding may file an answer to a motion to intervene, making specific reference to the factors in the foregoing sentence and subd. 3. c. within 10 days after service of the motion for leave to intervene.
NR 440.642(10)(c)3.b. b. A motion for leave to intervene in a proceeding shall ordinarily be filed before the first prehearing conference or in the absence of a prehearing conference, prior to the setting of a time and place for a hearing. Any motion filed after that time shall include, in addition to the information in subd. 3. a., a statement of good cause for the failure to file in a timely manner. The intervenor shall be bound by any agreements, arrangements and other matters previously made in the proceeding.
NR 440.642(10)(c)3.c. c. A motion for leave to intervene may be granted only if the movant demonstrates that his or her presence in the proceeding would not unduly prolong or otherwise prejudice the adjudication of the rights of the original parties, and that movant may be adversely affected by a final order. The intervenor shall become a full party to the proceeding upon the granting of leave to intervene.
NR 440.642(10)(c)3.d. d. Persons not parties to the proceeding may move for leave to file amicus curiae briefs. The movant shall state his or her interest and the reasons why the proposed amicus brief is desirable. If the motion is granted, the presiding officer or administrator shall issue an order setting the time for filing such brief. An amicus curia may participate in any briefing after his or her motion is granted, and shall be served with all briefs, reply briefs, motions and orders relating to issues to be briefed.
NR 440.642(10)(c)4. 4. In computing any period of time prescribed or allowed in this section, the day of the event from which the designated period begins to run may not be included. Saturdays, Sundays, and federal legal holidays shall be included. When a stated time expires on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, the stated time period shall be extended to include the next business day.
NR 440.642(10)(d)1.1. Upon appointment, the presiding officer shall establish a hearing file. The file shall consist of the notice issued by the administrator under sub. (4) (e), (L) or (p), or (6) (a) or (e), together with any accompanying material, the request for a hearing and the supporting data submitted therewith, and all documents relating to the request for certification or accreditation, or the proposed revocation of either.
NR 440.642(10)(d)2. 2. The hearing file shall be available for inspection by any party, to the extent authorized by law, at the office of the presiding officer or other place designated.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.