Nb = Gb
NR 440.644(4)(f) (f) For each tread end cementing operation and each bead cementing operation that use a VOC emission reduction system with a control device that destroys VOC (e.g., incinerator), the owner or operator shall use the following procedure to determine compliance with the emission limit specified under sub. (3) (a) 3. and 4.
NR 440.644(4)(f)1. 1. Calculate the mass of VOC used per tire cemented at the affected facility for the month (G), as specified under par. (d) 1. to 4., or mass of VOC used per bead cemented at the affected facility for the month (Gb), as specified under par. (e) 1. to 4.
NR 440.644(4)(f)2. 2. Calculate the mass of VOC emitted per tire cemented at the affected facility for the month (N) or mass of VOC emitted per bead cemented for the affected facility for the month (Nb):
N = G(1 - R)
Nb = Gb(1 - R)
For the initial performance test, the overall reduction efficiency (R) shall be determined as prescribed under par. (f) 2. a. to d. After the initial performance test, the owner or operator may use the most recently determined overall reduction efficiency (R) for the performance test. No monthly performance tests are required. The performance test shall be repeated during conditions described under par. (b) 2.
NR 440.644(4)(f)2.a. a. The owner or operator of an affected facility shall construct a temporary enclosure around the application and drying areas during he performance test for the purpose of capturing fugitive VOC emissions. The enclosure shall be maintained at a negative pressure to ensure that all evaporated VOC are measurable. Determine the fraction (Fc) of total VOC used at the affected facility that enter the control device: - See PDF for diagram PDF
“m" is the number of vents from the affected facility to the control device
“n" is the number of vents from the affected facility to the atmosphere and form the temporary enclosure
NR 440.644(4)(f)2.b. b. Determine the destruction efficiency of the control device (E) by using values of the volumetric flow rate of each of the gas streams and the VOC content (as carbon) of each of the gas streams in and out of control device: - See PDF for diagram PDF
“m" is the number of vents from the affected facility to the control device
“p" is the number of vents after the control device
NR 440.644(4)(f)2.c. c. Determine the overall reduction efficiency (R):
R = EFc
NR 440.644(4)(f)2.d. d. The owner or operator of an affected facility may substitute the following procedure as an acceptable alternative to the requirements prescribed under par. (f) 2. a. This alternative procedure is acceptable only in cases where a single VOC is used and is present in the capture system. The average capture efficiency value derived from a minimum of 3 runs shall constitute a test.
1) For each run, ``i", measure the mass of the material containing a single VOC used. This measurement shall be made using a scale that has both a calibration and a readability to within 1% of the mass used during the fun. This measurement may be made by filling the direct supply reservoir, for example, rollers, pumps, hoses, to a marked level at the start of the run and then refilling to the same mark from a more easily weighed container, for example, a separate supply drum, at the end of the fun. The change in mass of the supply drum would equal the mass of the material used in the run. If only the direct supply reservoir is weighed, the amount of material in or on the related application equipment shall be the same at the start and end of the run. All additions of VOC containing material shall be properly accounted for in determining the mass of material used during that run.
2) For each run, “i", measure the mass of the material containing a single VOC which is present in the direct supply reservoir and related application equipment at the start of the run, unless the ending weight fraction VOC in the material is greater than or equal to 98.5% of the starting weight fraction VOC in the material, in which case, this measurement is not required. This measurement may be made directly by emptying the direct supply reservoir and related application equipment and then filling them to a marked level from an easily weighed container, for example, a separate supply drum. The change in mass of the supply drum would equal the mass of material in the filled direct supply reservoir and related application equipment. Alternatively, this measurement may be made by weighing the direct supply reservoir and related application equipment at the start of the run and subtracting the mass of the empty direct supply reservoir and related application equipment (tare weight).
3) For each run, “i", the starting weight fraction VOC in the material shall be determined by Method 24 analysis of a sample taken from the direct supply reservoir at the beginning of the run.
4) For each run, “i", the ending weight fraction VOC in the material shall be determined by Method 24 analysis of a sample taken from the direct supply reservoir at the end of the run.
5) For each run, “i", in which the ending weight fraction VOC in the material is greater than or equal to 98.5% of the starting weight fraction VOC in the material, calculate the mass of the single VOC used (Mi) by multiplying the mass of the material used in the run by the starting weight fraction VOC of the material used in the run.
6) For each run, “i", in which the ending weight fraction VOC in the material is less than 98.5% of the starting weight fraction VOC in the material, calculate the mass of the single VOC used (Mi) as follows:
a) Calculate the mass of VOC present in the direct supply reservoir and related application equipment at the start of the run by multiplying the mass of material in the direct supply reservoir and related application equipment at the start of the run by the starting weight fraction VOC in the material for that run.
b) Calculate the mass of VOC present in the direct supply reservoir and related application equipment at the end of the run by multiplying the mass of material in the direct supply reservoir and related application equipment at the end of the run by the ending weight fraction VOC in the material for that run. The mass of material in the direct supply reservoir and related application equipment at the end of the run shall be calculated by subtracting the mass of material used in the run from the mass of material in the direct supply reservoir and related application equipment at the start of the run.
c) The mass of the single VOC used (Mi) equals the mass of VOC present in the direct supply reservoir and related application equipment at the start of the run minus the mass of VOC present in the direct supply reservoir and related application equipment at the end of the run.
7) If Method 25A is used to determine the concentration of the single VOC in the capture system, then calculate the capture efficiency (FCi) for each run, “i", as follows: - See PDF for diagram PDF
Ci is the average concentration of the single VOC in the capture system during run “i" (parts per million by volume) corrected for background VOC
NR 440.644 Note Note: See sub. (8) (a) 5.
W is the molecular weight of the single VOC, mg/mg-mole (lb/lb-mole)
V is the volume occupied by one mole of ideal gas at standard conditions (20°C, 760 mm Hg) on a wet basis, 2.405 x 10-5 m3/mg-mole (385.3 ft3/lb-mole)
Qi is the volumetric flow in in the capture system during run “i", on a wet basis, adjusted to standard conditions , m3 (ft3)
NR 440.644 Note Note: See sub. (8) (a) 5.
106 is the ppm per unity
Mi is the mass of the single VOC used during run “i", mg (lb)
8) If Method 25 is used to determine the concentration of the single VOC in the capture system, then calculate the capture efficiency (FCi) for each run, “i", as follows: - See PDF for diagram PDF
Ci is the average concentration of the single VOC in the capture system during run “i" (parts per million, as carbon, by volume) corrected for background VOC
NR 440.644 Note Note: See sub. (8) (a) 5.
W is the molecular weight of the single VOC, mg/mg-mole (lb/lb-mole)
V is the volume occupied by one mole of ideal gas at standard conditions (20°C, 760 mm Hg) on a wet basis, 2.405 x 10-5 m3/mg-mole (385.3 ft3/lb-mole)
Qi is the volumetric flow in the capture system during run“i", on a wet basis, adjusted to standard conditions, m 3 (ft3)
NR 440.644 Note Note: See sub. (8) (a) 5.
106 is the ppm per unity
Mi is the mass in mg of the single VOC used during run “i"
NC is the number of carbon atoms in one molecule of the single VOC
9) Calculate the average capture efficiency value, Fc, as follows: - See PDF for diagram PDF
“n" equals the number of runs made in the test (n u3). In cases where an alternative procedure in this paragraph is used, the requirements in par. (f) 2. b. and c. remain unchanged
NR 440.644(4)(g) (g) For each undertread cementing operation, each sidewall cementing operation, each green tire spraying operation where organic solvent-based sprays are used, each Michelin-A operation, each Michelin-B operation, and each Michelin-C-automatic operation that use a VOC emission reduction system with a control device that destroys VOC (e.g., incinerator), the owner or operator shall use the following procedure to determine compliance with the percent emission reduction requirement specified under sub. (3) (a) 1. a., 2. a., 6. a., 7. b., 8. a., 9. a. and 10. a. For the initial performance test, the overall reduction efficiency (R) shall be determined as prescribed under par. (f) 2. a. to c. The performance test shall be repeated during conditions described under par. (b) 2. No monthly performance tests are required.
NR 440.644(4)(h) (h) For each tread end cementing operation and each bead cementing operation that uses a VOC emission reduction system with a control device that recovers VOC (e.g., carbon adsorber), the owner or operator shall use the following procedure to determine compliance with the emission limit specified under sub. (3) (a) 3. and 4.
NR 440.644(4)(h)1. 1. Calculate the mass of VOC used per tire cemented at the affected facility for the month (G), as specified under par. (d) 1. to 4., or the mass of VOC used per bead cemented at the affected facility for the month (Gb) as specified under par. (e) 1. to 4.
NR 440.644(4)(h)2. 2. Calculate the total mass of VOC recovered from the affected facility for the month (Mr):
Mr = Lr Dr
NR 440.644(4)(h)3. 3. Calculate the overall reduction efficiency for the VOC emission reduction system (R) for the month: - See PDF for diagram PDF
NR 440.644(4)(h)4. 4. Calculate the mass of VOC emitted per tire cemented at the affected facility for the month (N) or mass of VOC emitted per bead cemented at the affected facility for the month (Nb): - See PDF for diagram PDF - See PDF for diagram PDF
NR 440.644(4)(i) (i) For each undertread cementing operation, each sidewall cementing operation, each green tire spraying operation where organic solvent-based sprays are used, each Michelin-A operation, each Michelin-B operation, and each Michelin-C-automatic operation that use a VOC emission reduction system with a control device that recovers VOC (e.g., carbon adsorber), the owner or operator shall use the following procedure to determine compliance with the percent reduction requirement specified under sub. (3) (a) 1. a., 2. a., 6. a., 7. b., 8. a., 9. a. and 10. a.
NR 440.644(4)(i)1. 1. Determine the density and weight fraction VOC as specified under par. (c) 1.
NR 440.644(4)(i)2. 2. Calculate the total mass of VOC used at the affected facility for the month (Mo) as described under par. (c) 2.
NR 440.644(4)(i)3. 3. Calculate the total mass of VOC recovered from the affected facility for the month (Mr) as described under par. (h) 2.
NR 440.644(4)(i)4. 4. Calculate the overall reduction efficiency for the VOC emission reduction system (R) for the month as described under par. (h) 3.
NR 440.644(4)(j) (j) Rather than seeking to demonstrate compliance with the provisions of sub. (3) (a) 1. a., 2. a., 6. a., 7. b. or 9. a. using the performance test procedures described under pars. (g) and (i), an owner or operator of an undertread cementing operation, sidewall cementing operation, green tire spraying operation where organic solvent-based sprays are used, or Michelin-B operation that use a VOC emission reduction system, may seek to demonstrate compliance by meeting the equipment design and performance specifications listed under subds. 1., 2., and 4. to 6. or under subds. 1. and 3. to 6. and by conducting a control device efficiency performance test to determine compliance as describe under subd. 7. The owner or operator shall conduct this performance test of the control device efficiency no later than 180 days after initial startup of the affected facility, as specified under s. NR 440.08 (1). Meeting the capture system design and performance specifications, in conjunction with operating a 95% efficient control device, is an acceptable means of demonstrating compliance with the standard. Therefore, the requirement for the initial performance test on the enclosure, as specified under s. NR 440.08 (1), is waived. No monthly performance tests are required.
NR 440.644(4)(j)1. 1. For each undertread cementing operation, each sidewall cementing operation, and each Michelin-B operation, the cement application and drying area shall be contained in an enclosure that meets the criteria specified under subds. 2., 4. and 5. For each green tire spraying operation where organic solvent-based sprays are used, the spray application and drying area shall be contained in an enclosure that meets the criteria specified under subds. 3., 4. and 5.
NR 440.644(4)(j)2. 2. The drying area shall be enclosed between the application area and the water bath or to the extent necessary to contain all tire components for at least 30 seconds after cement application, whichever distance is less.
NR 440.644(4)(j)3. 3. Sprayed green tires shall remain in the enclosure for a minimum of 30 seconds after spray application.
NR 440.644(4)(j)4. 4. A minimum face velocity of 30.5 meters (100 feet) per minute shall be maintained continuously through each permanent opening into the enclosure when all temporary enclosure openings are closed. The cross-sectional area of each permanent opening shall be divided into at least 12 equal areas, and a velocity measurement shall be performed at the centroid of each equal area with an anemometer or similar velocity monitoring device; the face velocity of each permanent opening is the average value of the velocity measurements taken. The monitoring device shall be calibrated and operated according to the manufacturer's instructions. Temporary enclosure openings shall remain closed at all time except when worker access is necessary.
NR 440.644(4)(j)5. 5. The total area of all permanent openings into the enclosure may not exceed the area that would be necessary to maintain the VOC concentration of the exhaust gas stream at 25% of the lower explosive limit (LEL) under the following conditions:
NR 440.644(4)(j)5.a. a. The facility is operating at the maximum solvent use rate;
NR 440.644(4)(j)5.b. b. The face velocity through each permanent opening is 30.5 meters (100 feet) per minute.
NR 440.644(4)(j)5.c. c. All temporary openings are closed.
NR 440.644(4)(j)6. 6. All captured VOC are ducted to a VOC emission control device that is operated on a continuous basis and that achieves at least a 95% destruction or recovery efficiency.
NR 440.644(4)(j)7. 7. The efficiency of the control device (E) for the initial performance test shall be determined by using values of the volumetric flow rate of each of the gas streams and the VOC content (as carbon) of each of the gas streams in and out of the control device as described under par. (f) 2. b. The control device efficiency shall be redetermined during conditions specified under par. (b) 3.
NR 440.644(4)(k) (k) Each owner or operator of an affected facility who initially elected to be subject to the applicable percent emission reduction requirement specified under sub. (3) (a) 1. a., 2. a., 6. a., 7. b., 8. a., 9. a. or 10. a. and who later seeks to comply with the applicable total (uncontrolled) monthly VOC use limit specified under sub. (3) (a) 1. b., 2. b., 6. b., 7. b., 8. b., 9. b. or 10. b. shall demonstrate, using the procedures described under par. (c), that the total VOC use at the affected facility has not exceeded the applicable total (uncontrolled) monthly VOC use limit during each of the last 6 months of operation. The owner or operator shall be subject to the applicable percent emission reduction requirement until the conditions of this paragraph and sub. (7) (g) are satisfied.
NR 440.644(4)(L) (L) In determining compliance for each undertread cementing operation, each sidewall cementing operation, each green tire spraying operation, each Michelin-A operation, each Michelin-B operation, and each Michelin-C-automatic operation, the owner or operator shall include all the VOC used, recovered, or destroyed from cements and organic solvent-based green tire sprays including those cements or sprays used for tires other than those defined under sub. (2) (a).
NR 440.644(4)(m) (m) In determining compliance for each tread end cementing operation, each bead cementing operation, and each green tire spraying operation, the owner or operator shall include only those tires defined under sub. (2) (a) when determining To and Bo.
NR 440.644(4)(n) (n) For each undertread cementing operation and each sidewall cementing operation that does not use a VOC emission reduction system, the owner or operator shall use the following procedure to determine compliance with the VOC emission per tire limit specified in sub. (3) (b):
NR 440.644(4)(n)1. 1. Calculate the total mass of VOC (Mo) used at the affected facility for the month by the following procedure.
NR 440.644(4)(n)1.a. a. For each affected facility for which cement is delivered in batch or via a distribution system which serves only that affected facility:
“n" equals the number of different cements or sprays used during the month
NR 440.644(4)(n)1.b. b. For each affected facility for which cement is delivered via a common distribution system which also serves other affected or existing facilities:
1) Calculate the total mass (M) of VOC used for all of the facilities served by the common distribution system for the month: - See PDF for diagram PDF
“n" equals the number of different cements or sprays used during the month
2) Determine the fraction (Fo) of “M" used by the affected facility by comparing the production records and process specifications for the material cemented at the affected facility for the month to the production records and process specifications for the material cemented at all other facilities served by the common distribution system for the month or by another procedure acceptable to the department.
3) Calculate the total monthly mass of VOC (Mo) used at the affected facility:
Mo = MFo
NR 440.644(4)(n)2. 2. Determine the total number of tires (To) processed at the affected facility for the month by the following procedure:
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.