VE 1.04 Note Note: Qualified applicants with disabilities shall be provided with reasonable accommodations.
VE 1.04 History History: CR 21-062: cr. Register July 2022 No. 799, eff. 8-1-22.
VE 1.06 VE 1.06 Competency tested.
VE 1.06(1)(1)Examinations administered under this chapter test entry level competency and seek to determine that an applicant's knowledge of animals and their treatment is sufficient to protect public health and safety.
VE 1.06(2) (2) The board shall furnish to individuals, upon request, general information describing the competencies upon which the examination is based.
VE 1.06 History History: CR 21-062: cr. Register July 2022 No. 799, eff. 8-1-22.
VE 1.08 VE 1.08 Passing scores.
VE 1.08(1)(1)Passing scores for veterinary applicants for the national board examination and the clinical competency test, and for the NAVLE, shall be based on the board's determination of the level of examination performance required for minimum acceptable competence in the profession. The board shall make the determination, after consulting with subject matter experts who have reviewed a representative sample of the examination questions and available candidate performance statistics, and set the passing score for the examination at the point representing the minimum acceptable competence in the profession. The board may accept any recommendation of the national examination provider.
VE 1.08(2) (2) The passing score for an examination on state laws and rules related to the practice of veterinary medicine shall be based on the board's determination of the level of examination performance required for minimum acceptable competence in the profession. The board shall make the determination, after consulting with subject matter experts who have reviewed a representative sample of the examination questions and available candidate performance statistics, and set the passing score for the examination at the point representing the minimum acceptable competence in the profession.
VE 1.08 History History: CR 21-062: cr. Register July 2022 No. 799, eff. 8-1-22.
VE 1.10 VE 1.10 Claim of examination error.
VE 1.10(1)(1)An applicant for veterinary licensure wishing to claim examination error shall file a written request for board review in the board office within 30 days of the date the examination was reviewed. The request shall include all of the following:
VE 1.10(1)(a) (a) The applicant's name and address.
VE 1.10(1)(b) (b) The type of license for which the applicant applied.
VE 1.10(1)(c) (c) A description of the mistakes the applicant believes were made in the examination content, procedures, or scoring, including the specific questions or procedures claimed to be in error.
VE 1.10(1)(d) (d) The facts which the applicant intends to prove, including reference text citations or other supporting evidence for the applicant's claim.
VE 1.10(2) (2) The board shall review the claim, make a determination of the validity of the objections and notify the applicant in writing of the board's decision and any resulting grade changes.
VE 1.10(3) (3) If the board confirms the failing status following its review, the application shall be deemed incomplete, and the applicant may be reexamined under s. VE 1.04.
VE 1.10 History History: CR 21-062: cr. Register July 2022 No. 799, eff. 8-1-22.
subch. III of ch. VE 1 Subchapter III – Licensure
VE 1.12 VE 1.12 License exemptions. No veterinary license or permit is required for the following veterinarians:
VE 1.12(1) (1) Employees of the federal government while engaged in their official duties.
VE 1.12(2) (2) Employees of an educational or research institution while engaged in teaching or research, except if employed by a school of veterinary medicine in this state and the employee practices veterinary medicine on privately owned animals.
VE 1.12(3) (3) Graduates of schools outside the United States and Canada who are enrolled in the educational commission for foreign veterinary graduates certification program of the AVMA or the program for the assessment of veterinary education equivalence offered by the AAVSB while completing the required year of clinical assessment under the supervision of a veterinarian.
VE 1.12 History History: CR 21-062: cr. Register July 2022 No. 799, eff. 8-1-22.
VE 1.14 VE 1.14 Qualifications for licensure; examination or endorsement. The board may issue a license to practice veterinary medicine to an applicant who satisfies all of the following:
VE 1.14(1) (1) Submits an application form provided by the board which includes the applicant's notarized signature.
VE 1.14 Note Note: Applications are available upon request to the board office located at 2811 Agriculture Drive, P.O. Box 8911, Madison, WI 53708-8911 or at the website at
VE 1.14(2) (2) Successfully completes an examination on state laws and rules related to the practice of veterinary medicine.
VE 1.14 Note Note: The examination on state laws and rules is separate from the NAVLE and the national board examination and clinical competency test.
VE 1.14(3) (3) Provides proof of graduation through one of the following means:
VE 1.14(3)(a) (a) A certificate of graduation from a veterinary college which shall be signed and sealed by the dean of the school and submitted directly to the board by the school. The certificate may be provided by electronic means if the seal is visible.
VE 1.14(3)(b) (b) Certification of graduation provided by the AAVSB.
VE 1.14(4) (4) Does not have a conviction record or pending criminal charge relating to an offense the circumstances of which substantially relate to the practice of veterinary medicine. An applicant who has a conviction record or pending criminal charge shall request appropriate authorities to provide information about the record or charge directly to the board in sufficient specificity to enable the board to make a determination whether the record or charge substantially relates to the practice of veterinary medicine.
VE 1.14(5) (5) Provides all documents in English.
VE 1.14(6) (6) Satisfies the requirements for either licensure by examination or licensure by endorsement. Applicants who have never previously been licensed in any jurisdiction must apply by examination. Applicants who have previously been licensed in Wisconsin or any other jurisdiction must apply by endorsement.
VE 1.14 History History: CR 21-062: cr. Register July 2022 No. 799, eff. 8-1-22.
VE 1.16 VE 1.16 Qualifications for licensure by examination. Applicants for licensure by examination shall satisfy all of the following:
VE 1.16(1) (1) Passed the NAVLE within the last five years.
VE 1.16(2) (2) For applicants who graduated from a veterinary college which is not board approved, provide proof of graduation required under s. VE 1.14 (3), and evidence of successful completion of either the educational commission for foreign veterinary graduates certification program or the program for the assessment of veterinary education equivalence offered by the AAVSB which shall be submitted directly to the board by the AVMA or the AAVSB.
VE 1.16(3) (3) Pay the nonrefundable application fee of $115.
VE 1.16 History History: CR 21-062: cr. Register July 2022 No. 799, eff. 8-1-22; correction in (2) made under s. 35.17, Stats., Register July 2022 No. 799.
VE 1.18 VE 1.18 Qualifications for licensure by endorsement. Applicants for licensure by endorsement shall satisfy all of the following:
VE 1.18(1) (1) The applicant has not previously failed the NAVLE, unless the applicant has subsequently retaken and passed the NAVLE.
VE 1.18(2) (2) The applicant holds a current license to practice veterinary medicine in another state or U.S. territory or province of Canada.
VE 1.18(3) (3) The applicant has satisfied the qualifications for licensure, in s. VE 1.16, within the last 5 years or has actively practiced for 4000 hours during the 5 years preceding application.
VE 1.18(4) (4) For an applicant holding a current unrestricted license to practice veterinary medicine in a country other than the United States or Canada, who is not a graduate of an approved veterinary college, in addition to the requirements of sub. (3), submit evidence that the applicant has successfully completed either the certification program of the educational commission for foreign veterinary graduates of the AVMA or the program for the assessment of veterinary education equivalence offered by the AAVSB.
VE 1.18(5) (5) For an applicant holding a current unrestricted license to practice veterinary medicine in a country other than the United States or Canada, who is a graduate of a school of veterinary medicine approved by the board, in addition to the requirements of sub. (3), submit the following:
VE 1.18(5)(a) (a) Evidence satisfactory to the board that the requirements for initial licensure in the country where the applicant was originally licensed, including examination requirements, are substantially equivalent to the requirements for graduates of schools of veterinary medicine approved by the board who are seeking initial licensure in this state; or
VE 1.18(5)(b) (b) Before November 1, 2000, evidence that the applicant has successfully completed the national board examination and the clinical competency test. On or after November 1, 2000, evidence that the applicant has successfully completed the NAVLE.
VE 1.18(6) (6) Provides verification of licensure records and status which has been provided directly to the board by every state or country in which the applicant has ever held a license or certificate to practice veterinary medicine or by the AAVSB.
VE 1.18(7) (7) Pays the nonrefundable application fee of $185.
VE 1.18 History History: CR 21-062: cr. Register July 2022 No. 799, eff. 8-1-22.
VE 1.20 VE 1.20 Licensure review by board. The board may determine that an applicant is not eligible for licensure if any of the following apply:
VE 1.20(1) (1) The applicant has a conviction record or pending criminal charge relating to an offense the circumstances of which substantially relate to the practice of veterinary medicine.
VE 1.20(2) (2) The applicant has been disciplined by the veterinary licensing authority in any other state, territory or country.
VE 1.20(3) (3) The applicant is a party in pending litigation in which it is alleged that the applicant is liable for acts committed in the course of practice which evidence a lack of ability or fitness to practice, as determined by the board.
VE 1.20(4) (4) The applicant is currently under investigation by another veterinary licensing authority, for acts, related to the license to practice veterinary medicine, which may provide a basis for disciplinary action in this state, as determined by the board.
VE 1.20(5) (5) The applicant has been found liable for damages for acts committed in the course of practice of veterinary medicine which evidenced a lack of ability or fitness to practice, as determined by the board.
VE 1.20(6) (6) The applicant has had United States drug enforcement administration privileges restricted or revoked.
VE 1.20(7) (7) The applicant has had physical or mental impairment, including impairment related to drugs or alcohol, which is reasonably related to the applicant's ability to adequately undertake the practice of veterinary medicine in a manner consistent with the safety of a patient or the public.
VE 1.20 History History: CR 21-062: cr. Register July 2022 No. 799, eff. 8-1-22.
VE 1.22 VE 1.22 Reciprocal credentials for service members, former services members, their spouses.
VE 1.22(1)(1)The board shall grant a license or permit to an individual who the board determines meets all of the requirements under s. 89.073, Stats.
VE 1.22(2) (2) A person applying for a reciprocal credential under s. 89.073, Stats., shall pay one of the following nonrefundable fees as applicable:
VE 1.22(2)(a) (a) $40 for a service member or former service member.
VE 1.22(2)(b) (b) $141 for a spouse as defined by s. 89.073 (1) (c), Stats.
VE 1.22 History History: CR 21-062: cr. Register July 2022 No. 799, eff. 8-1-22; correction in (1), (2) (intro.), (b) made under s. 35.17, Stats., Register July 2022 No. 799.
VE 1.24 VE 1.24 Issuing a license.
VE 1.24(1)(1)The board shall review its records to determine eligibility of the applicant for licensure. Within 30 business days of determining an applicant is eligible for licensure, the board shall issue a license to the applicant.
VE 1.24(2) (2) The board shall inquire as to whether the applicant is competent to practice as a veterinarian in this state and shall impose any reasonable conditions in issuing the license, including reexamination, as the board deems appropriate, if any of the following apply:
VE 1.24(2)(a) (a) The applicant has not previously been licensed in any jurisdiction and passed the NAVLE more than 5 years ago.
VE 1.24(2)(b) (b) The applicant was previously licensed in Wisconsin or another jurisdiction and has not been licensed in any jurisdiction for more than 5 years.
VE 1.24(2)(c) (c) The board has reviewed the application under any provision in s. VE 1.20.
VE 1.24 History History: CR 21-062: cr. Register July 2022 No. 799, eff. 8-1-22.
VE 1.26 VE 1.26 Administrative fees.
VE 1.26(1)(1)A person requesting a printed license shall pay a nonrefundable fee of $10.
VE 1.26(2) (2) A person requesting verification of licensure to another state or organization shall pay a nonrefundable fee of $10.
VE 1.26 History History: CR 21-062: cr. Register July 2022 No. 799, eff. 8-1-22.
VE 1.28 VE 1.28 Renewal of license. A license expires if not renewed by January 1 of even-numbered years. A licensee who allows the license to expire may apply to the board for renewal of the license as follows:
VE 1.28(1) (1) If the licensee applies for renewal of the license less than 5 years after its expiration, the license shall be renewed upon payment of the renewal fee, payment of the late fee if applicable, and fulfillment of 30 hours of continuing education required under s. VE 1.30 completed before the license renewal.
VE 1.28(2) (2) If the licensee applies for renewal of the license 5 or more years after its expiration, in addition to requiring the licensee to pay the renewal fee and late fee, and to fulfill the continuing education hours required under s. VE 1.30 completed before the license renewal, the board shall inquire as to whether the applicant is competent to practice as a veterinarian in this state and shall impose any reasonable conditions on reinstatement of the license, including reexamination, as the board deems appropriate. An applicant under this subsection is presumed to be competent to practice as a veterinarian in this state if at the time of application for renewal the applicant holds a full unexpired license issued by a similar licensing board of another state or territory of the United States or of a foreign country or province whose standards, in the opinion of the board, are equivalent to or higher than the requirements for licensure in this state. Notwithstanding any presumption of competency under this subsection, the board shall require each applicant under this subsection to pass the examination specified under s. VE 1.14 (2).
VE 1.28(3) (3) The licensee shall pay a nonrefundable renewal fee of $160.
VE 1.28(4) (4) A licensee who submits a license renewal after January 1 of even numbered years shall pay, in addition to the renewal fee under sub. (3), a nonrefundable late fee of $25.
VE 1.28 History History: CR 21-062: cr. Register July 2022 No. 799, eff. 8-1-22.
VE 1.30 VE 1.30 Continuing education; requirements.
VE 1.30(1)(a) (a) Except as provided in subs. (2) and (3), a veterinarian shall complete at least 30 hours of continuing education pertinent to veterinary medicine in each biennial renewal period. The 30 hours of continuing education shall include at least 25 hours of continuing education that relates to scientific topics pertinent to veterinary medicine.
VE 1.30(1)(b) (b) All 30 continuing education hours in this subsection shall be documented. A minimum of 25 hours of continuing education shall be documented by an approved continuing education provider.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.