Collection agencies, Ch. DFI-Bkg 74
Fiduciary operations, regulation, Ch. DFI-Bkg 15
Mortgage bankers and brokers, loan originators:
Generally, Ch. DFI-Bkg 40
Broker agreements, DFI-Bkg 44.01
Consumer disclosure statements, DFI-Bkg 44.02
Ethical practice, Ch. DFI-Bkg 43
Fees and renewals, Ch. DFI-Bkg 41
High-cost mortgage lending, Ch. DFI-Bkg 46
Trust accounts, Ch. DFI-Bkg 42
Pawnbrokers, Ch. DFI-Bkg 77
Sales finance companies, Ch. DFI-Bkg 76
Sellers of checks, Ch. DFI-Bkg 79
Vehicle title loans, Ch. DFI-Bkg 78
Business Entities:
Fees, Ch. DFI-CCS 10
fire FIRE
Factory or workshop employing more than ten persons, SPS 376.11
Existing commercial buildings built before 1914:
Exits to fire escapes from public passageway; occupied rooms, SPS 375.14
Location near blank wall; leading to street, SPS 375.13
Sliding or chute escapes, SPS 375.23
Existing buildings which accommodate more than 50 persons above second story, SPS 376.02
Schools, existing buildings, SPS 378.02
Theaters, assembly halls, SPS 377.04
Amusement rides, SPS 334.35
Boat specifications, NR 5.11
Buildings, existing, standards and approval, SPS 375.27
Existing buildings:
Location, where accessible, SPS 375.27, 378.07
Theaters and assembly halls, SPS 377.16
Theaters and assembly halls, SPS 377.16
Firefighting foam, Ch. NR 159
Flammable, combustible and hazardous liquids, Ch. ATCP 93
Lanes, travel on, NR 30.07
Places, SPS 375.31
Prevention, Ch. SPS 314
See also Electric
Existing buildings:
Boilers, furnaces and stoves, SPS 375.30
Sprinklers, automatic, SPS 375.28, 376.10
Heating, ventilating and air conditioning, commercial buildings, Ch. SPS 364
Hotel, motel and tourist rooming house, ATCP 72.14
Sprinkler systems, alarms, detection, Ch. SPS 362
Smoke detectors, dwellings, SPS 321.09, Ch. SPS 328
Suppression systems, Ch. SPS 362
fire departments FIRE DEPARTMENTS
See also Fire
Fire prevention, Ch. SPS 314
Public education and related activities, SPS 314.03
Safety and health standards:
Administration and enforcement, Subch. III of ch. SPS 330
Definitions, SPS 330.01
Diving operations, SPS 330.22
Emergency operations, SPS 330.14
Facility safety, SPS 330.145
Medical, SPS 330.15
Member assistance referral program, SPS 330.16
Organization, Subch. V of ch. SPS 330
Protective clothing and equipment, Subch. VIII of ch. SPS 330
Purpose and scope, Subch. I of ch. SPS 330
Technical standards incorporated by reference, SPS 330.02
Training and education, SPS 330.07, 330.08
Vehicles and equipment, SPS 330.09, 330.10
Volunteer fire fighter-EMT service awards, Ch. Adm 95
fireworks FIREWORKS
Inspection and license fees, SPS 302.19
Manufacturing operations, SPS 307.50, 307.51
fish and fishing FISH AND FISHING
flammable, combustible and hazardous liquids FLAMMABLE, COMBUSTIBLE AND HAZARDOUS LIQUIDS
Generally, Ch. ATCP93
flood plain management FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT
Generally, Ch. NR 116
flood plains FLOOD PLAINS
Flood plain and shoreland mapping grant program, Ch. NR 129
floor loads FLOOR LOADS
food FOOD
Commodity sales by weight, measure or count, Ch. ATCP 91
Label statements of quantity, Ch. ATCP 90