office buildings OFFICE BUILDINGS
old_age assistance OLD-AGE ASSISTANCE
old buildings OLD BUILDINGS
one and 2_family dwellings ONE AND 2-FAMILY DWELLINGS
optometrists OPTOMETRISTS
Certificate of registration, Ch. Opt 7
Continuing education, Ch. Opt 8
Definitions, Ch. Opt 1
Licensure, Ch. Opt 3
Pharmaceutical agents, use of, Ch. SPS 10
Practice of optometry, Ch. Opt 1
Reciprocity, application, Ch. Opt 4
Superficial foreign bodies, removal from eye, certification, Ch. Opt 6
Therapeutic pharmaceutical agents, use of, certification, Ch. Opt 6
Unprofessional Conduct, Ch. Opt 5
osteopathy OSTEOPATHY
License to practice medicine and surgery, Ch. Med 1
parking structures PARKING STRUCTURES
parks PARKS
State fair park, Chs. SFP 1 to 7
State parks:
Aircraft, launching prohibited, NR 45.05
Beaches, conduct prohibited, NR 45.08
Boats, operation of, in certain waters, NR 45.11
Camping, NR 45.10
Fees and charges, NR 45.12
Fire regulations, NR 45.07
Firearms, possession or control, NR 45.09
Firewood, NR 45.045
Hunting, NR 45.09
Parking vehicles or watercraft, NR 45.05
Pets, NR 45.06
Shoreline zone, restrictions, NR 45.085
Snowmobile operation, NR 45.05
Traffic, vehicular, NR 45.05
parole PAROLE
Child sex offenders, pharmacological treatment, Ch. DOC 330
Community supervision, Ch. DOC 328
Procedure, Ch. PAC 1
Sex offender registration, Ch. DOC 332
partnerships PARTNERSHIPS
passageways PASSAGEWAYS
patient compensation panels PATIENT COMPENSATION PANELS
Forms, Ch. DC 1
perfusionists PERFUSIONISTS
Generally, Ch. Med 22
Registration, biennial, Ch. Med 14
Unprofessional conduct, Ch. Med 10
pensions PENSIONS
permits and licenses PERMITS AND LICENSES
See the particular agency involved
persons with disabilities PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES
Barrier-free building design, Ch. SPS 362
Buses and vans transporting school children, standards, Ch. Trans 300
Drivers, special registration plates, Ch. Trans 130
Educational needs of children, Ch. PI 11
Enhanced mobility for seniors and individuals with disabilities grant program, Ch. Trans 2
Exceptional employment, Ch. ER-MRS 27
Hunting, special authorization, NR 10.40
Interpreter services for hearing impaired, Ch. DHS 77
Parking privilege, Ch. Trans 130
Public buildings, structural requirements, see Commercial Building Code; Plumbing
Subminimum wage licenses for employment of workers with disabilities, DWD 272.09
Telecommunication assistance for hearing impaired, Ch. DHS 78
pesticides PESTICIDES
Agricultural chemical cleanup program, Ch. ATCP 35
Agricultural worker protection, Subch. X of ch. ATCP 29
Aldicarb, use restrictions, reporting requirements, ATCP 30.24
Application, use and disposal, Subch. IX of ch. ATCP 29
Atrazine, Ch. ATCP 30
Bat control, ATCP 30.19
Bulk storage, Ch. ATCP 33
Chemical and container collection program, Ch. ATCP 34
Chemigation, ATCP 29.54
Commercial application business, Subch. V of ch. ATCP 29
Dealers and distributors, ATCP 29.15, 29.16
Definitions, ATCP 29.01, 30.01, NR 80.01
Emergency use permits, ATCP 29.70
Exemptions, NR 80.03