School finance, Ch. PI 14
School term, start date, Ch. PI 27
Special education aid, Ch. PI 30
Special needs scholarship program, Ch. PI 49
Substitute teachers, PI 34.032, 34.033, 34.109
Summer school programs, Ch. PI 17
Teacher licensing and training program approvals, Ch. PI 34
Teaching incentives program, Ch. PI 24
Vocational education instructor occupational competency program, Ch. PI 17
Whole grade sharing, Ch. PI 33
Wisconsin center for the blind and visually impaired, building and facility rental, Ch. PI 12
public records PUBLIC RECORDS
Child care institutions, DCF 52.49
Electronic records management, Ch. Adm 12
Examination of tax returns, requirements, Tax 1.11
Microfilm standards, PR 1.01
Documentary standards for permanent photographic records, PR 1.02
Minimum standards of quality for permanent photographic records, PR 1.01
Procedure for microfilming retakes, PR 1.03
Reproduction, photographic, non-permanent public records, PR 1.04
public service commission PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION
Accounting, utilities, for disbursements, PSC 102.01, 102.02
Administrative procedure, Chs. PSC 1, 2
Advertising practices, utilities, Ch. PSC 12
Affiliated wholesale merchant plant, Subch. II of ch. PSC 100
Agents of the commission, PSC 1.01 to 1.05
Assessment of costs, Ch. PSC 5
Cable television, telecommunications services, Ch. ATCP 123
Certificates of public convenience and necessity, Subch. VI of ch. PSC 111
Distributed generation facilities, interconnecting rules, Ch. PSC 119
Educational telecommunications access program:
Applications, PSC 161.05
Assessments, PSC 161.09
Eligibility, determination, PSC 161.06
Payments, PSC 161.08
Privacy protections, PSC 161.04
Purpose, PSC 161.01
Services, PSC 161.07
Technical standards, PSC 161.03
Electric and gas conservation:
Conversion to electric spaceheating, PSC 136.06
Conversion to natural gas spaceheating, PSC 136.04
Electrical code, Ch. PSC 114
Electric public utilities cost of fuel, Ch. PSC 116
Electric service, expansion, Ch. PSC 112
Electric utilities:
Billing and payment procedures, Subch. IV of ch. PSC 113
Construction, Ch. PSC 112
Costs and opportunity sales, assignment of, Ch. PSC 117
Customer service and protection, Subch. V of ch. PSC 113
Disconnection, reconnection of service, Subch. III of ch. PSC 113
Meter testing and record requirements, Subch. IX of ch. PSC 113
Meters, Subch. VIII of ch. PSC 113
Refunds, wholesale, distribution, Ch. PSC 110
Renewable resource credit tracking program, Ch. PSC 118
Safety and service standards, Subch. VI of ch. PSC 113
Service extension, Subch. X of ch. PSC 113
Service requirements, general, Subch. II of ch. PSC 113
Voltage bandwidth and distortion requirements, Subch. VII of ch. PSC 113
Wind energy systems, Ch. PSC 128
Energy efficiency and renewable resource programs, Ch. PSC 137
Environmental impact statement:
Impact statement, PSC 4.30, 4.40
Public hearing, PSC 4.50
When required, PSC 4.10
Forms, utility reports, PSC 8.07
Gas utilities:
Cold weather disconnections, PSC 134.0624
Construction and installation of facilities, general, PSC 133.01 to 133.06
Federal standards, additions to, Subch. II of ch. PSC 135
New meters, statistical sample testing plan, PSC 134.291
Reconnection of service, PSC 134.0623
Recording calorimeter for therm billing, PSC 134.251
Safety standards, Ch. PSC 135
Service standards, PSC 134.01 to 134.31
Heating utilities, construction of facilities, PSC 140.01 to 140.03
Holding company regulation costs, assessment by commission, Ch. PSC 6
Intervenor compensation, Ch. PSC 3
Joint local water authorities, Ch. PSC 183
Municipal rights-of-way, municipal regulation, Ch. PSC 130
Municipal utilities, tax equivalent, Ch. PSC 109
Plans and certificates for major electric facilities, Ch. PSC 111
Police and fire protection fee on communications services, Ch. PSC 172
Procedural rules, Ch. PSC 2
Assessment of costs, Ch. PSC 5
Radiological emergency preparedness expenses, Ch. PSC 115
Railroad right-of-way, public utility facilities within, Ch. PSC 132
Renewable resource credit tracking program, Ch. PSC 118
Safety rules, gas utilities, Ch. PSC 135