Gas, Chs. PSC 133 to 135
See also Gas Utilities
Safety standards, Ch. PSC 135
Heat, construction of facilities to supply, PSC 140.01 to 140.03
Joint utility operations:
Accounting, PSC 103.01
Administrative and general, PSC 103.05
Customer accounting and collection, PSC 103.03
Sales, PSC 103.04
General rules, PSC 103.02
Labor dispute, collective bargaining, Ch. ERC 6
Municipal utilities, tax equivalent, Ch. PSC 109
Railroad property, state:
Notification of work activities on, Trans 29.08
Permit required to work on, Trans 29.04
Pipelines on, Trans 29.12
Rate increase, procedure, Ch. PSC 2
Securities, competitive bidding, Ch. PSC 108
Signs giving notice of presence of underground conduit, cables, pipes; permission to erect on highway right of way, Trans 200.05
Tax returns for public utilities, Tax 6.02
Taxation, full market value, Tax 6.50
Telephone, See Telephone Utilities
Warning signs, underground transmission lines, Trans 200.05
Warning signs, utility work areas, Trans 200.055
Water, Ch. PSC 185
See also Water
public welfare PUBLIC WELFARE
public works construction contracts PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS
Apprentices, DWD 290.02
Collecting and compiling wage rate information, DWD 290.015
Complaints, DWD 290.16
Debarment of contractors, Ch. DWD 294
Definitions, DWD 290.01
Evidence of compliance, DWD 290.13, 290.14
Minimum project costs, DWD 290.155
Municipal contracts, wage rates, Ch. DWD 290
Overtime payments, DWD 290.05
Posting wage rates and hours, DWD 290.12
Wage computation, basis, DWD 290.03
Wage determination:
Discharging obligation, DWD 290.04
Exemption, procedure for request, DWD 290.09
Request to department, procedure, DWD 290.08
Review procedure, DWD 290.10
When no contractual provision for it exists, DWD 290.11
pump installation PUMP INSTALLATION
See Wells
quarantine QUARANTINE
Animal diseases, ATCP 10.89
Plant diseases, Ch. ATCP 21
quarries and pits QUARRIES AND PITS
racing RACING
radiation protection RADIATION PROTECTION
Generally, Ch. DHS 157
radio and television equipment RADIO AND TELEVISION EQUIPMENT
radiography RADIOGRAPHY
Conduct rules, Ch. RAD 6
Continuing education, Ch. RAD 5
Definitions, Ch. RAD 1
License requirement, Ch. RAD 2
Limited X-ray machine operator permit requirement, Ch. RAD 3
Renewal and reinstatement, Ch. RAD 7
Scope of practice, Ch. RAD 4
raffles RAFFLES
railroads RAILROADS
Alteration and relocation loan program, Ch. Trans 30
Clearances, RR 2.14 to 2.16
Crossing changes, RR 2.08
Crossing, number, RR 2.07
Direct charges, RR 2.01 to 2.04
Drivers, operation, employees' duties, RR 2.20
Forms, RR 2.05, 2.06
Maintenance, RR 2.10, 2.11
Motor vehicles, standards for transportation of employees, RR 2.17
Passenger excursions on state-owned railroads, Ch. Trans 31
Plans, RR 2.09
Rear compartments, RR 2.18
Relocation and alteration loan program, Ch. Trans 30
Reports, RR 2.12, 2.13
Safety equipment, RR 2.19