Advance fees, Ch. ATCP 114
real estate appraisal management companies REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL MANAGEMENT COMPANIES
Generally, Ch. SPS 88
real estate appraisers REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS
Certificate renewal, Ch. SPS 87
Licensing, Ch. SPS 85
Rules of conduct, Ch. SPS 86
real estate brokers and salespersons REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND SALESPERSONS
Applications, Ch. REEB 12
Authority and definitions, Ch. REEB 11
Broker's obligation to furnish copies and maintain records, Ch. REEB 15
Change of name or address on license, trade name or form of organization, Ch. REEB 23
Education, Ch. REEB 25
Employee supervision by broker, Ch. REEB 17
Examinations, REEB 12.025
Legal advice or services, completion of approved forms, Ch. REEB 16
License renewal, REEB 12.04
Licensees, conduct and ethical practices for, Ch. REEB 24
Salesperson applicants, broker's investigation, Ch. REEB 17
Trust accounts, Ch. REEB 18
records RECORDS
See also Public Records
Patient records, Ch. Med 21
recycling RECYCLING
Effective recycling programs, Ch. NR 544
Electronic waste recycling program, Ch. NR 530
Grants to responsible units, Ch. NR 542
Labeling representation, Ch. ATCP 137
Plastic containers, labeling and identification of resin, Ch. ATCP 137
Refrigerant from mobile air conditioners, Ch. ATCP 136
Tax surcharge, Tax 2.32
refineries and plants REFINERIES AND PLANTS
relief RELIEF
renal disease RENAL DISEASE
Generally, Ch. DHS 152
rendering plants RENDERING PLANTS
Standards, Ch. ATCP 57
residential building code RESIDENTIAL BUILDING CODE
residential care apartment complexes RESIDENTIAL CARE APARTMENT COMPLEXES
Certification, Subch. V of ch. DHS 89
General provisions, Subch. I of ch. DHS 89
Nursing home or CBRF, partial conversion, approval of, DHS 89.61, 89.62
Operational requirements, Subch. II of ch. DHS 89
Operational requirements, variance for family care pilots, DHS 89.295
Registration, Subch. IV of ch. DHS 89
Tenant rights, Subch. III of ch. DHS 89
residential care facility RESIDENTIAL CARE FACILITY
residential rental practices RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PRACTICES
Credit check fees, ATCP 134.05
Definitions, ATCP 134.02
Disclosure requirements, ATCP 134.04
Documents, deposit receipts, ATCP 134.03
Earnest money deposits, ATCP 134.05
Local ordinance, ATCP 134.10
Prohibited provisions and practices, ATCP 134.08, 134.09
Repair, promises, ATCP 134.07
Scope, ATCP 134.01
Security deposits, ATCP 134.06
resource development RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT
respiratory care practitioners RESPIRATORY CARE PRACTITIONERS
Generally, Ch. Med 20
Registration, biennial, Ch. Med 14
Unprofessional conduct, Ch. Med 10
restaurants and retail food establishments RESTAURANTS AND RETAIL FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS
See also Food Service
Child labor, Ch. DWD 270
Construction, barrier-free design, Ch. SPS 362
Existing buildings, Chs. SPS 366, 375 to 379
Standards, Ch. ATCP 75
Ventilation, Ch. SPS 364
retirement fund RETIREMENT FUND
Variable annuities, termination of participation, ETF 10.30
Wisconsin retirement system, Ch. ETF 20
revenue, department of REVENUE, DEPARTMENT OF
See Taxation
revenue sharing distribution REVENUE SHARING DISTRIBUTION
Population determination, Ch. Adm 3
rivers RIVERS
See Water
rustic roads board RUSTIC ROADS BOARD
Designation, standards, maintenance and use, Ch. Trans-RR 1
safety and professional services department _ educational approval SAFETY AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT — EDUCATIONAL APPROVAL