Roof and ceilings, Subch. VIII of ch. SPS 321
Scope, SPS 321.01
Stairways and elevator areas, SPS 321.04
Walls, Subch. VII of ch. SPS 321
Energy conservation:, SPS 322
Erosion control procedures, SPS 321.125
Fees assessed, SPS 302.34
Heating, ventilating and air conditioning standards:
Chimneys and vents, Subch. V of ch. SPS 323
Delivery systems, Subch. IV of ch. SPS 323
Design, SPS 323.02
Electrical standards, SPS 324.01
Equipment locations and operations, SPS 323.17, 323.18
Fuel supply systems, SPS 323.16
Heating equipment, Subch. III of ch. SPS 323
Scope, SPS 323.01
Home inspectors, registration and practice, Chs. SPS 131
Light and ventilation, SPS 321.05
Manufactured homes, SPS 321.40
Plumbing and potable water standards; scope, SPS 325.01
Smoke detectors, SPS 321.09, Ch. SPS 328
university of wisconsin system UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM
Academic staff:
Appointments, Ch. UWS 10
Code of ethics, unclassified staff, Ch. UWS 8
Complaints and grievance, Ch. UWS 13
Coverage and delegation, Ch. UWS 9
Dismissal and discipline, Ch. UWS 11
Layoff for budget or program reasons, Ch. UWS 12
Appointments, limited and other, Chs. UWS 15, 16
Conduct on university lands, Ch. UWS 18
Faculty dismissal and discipline
Layoff and termination for reasons of financial emergency, Ch. UWS 5
Special cases, Ch. UWS 7
Title IX cases, Ch. UWS 4
Faculty rules, Chs. UWS 1 to 7
Loan assistance program
Dentist and physician, Ch. UWS 23
Health care provider, Ch. UWS 24
Religious beliefs, accommodation, Ch. UWS 22
Sick leave, Ch. UWS 19
Student disciplinary procedures:
Academic disciplinary procedure, Ch. UWS 14
Non-academic disciplinary procedure, Ch. UWS 17
Tuition, nonresident, determination procedures and appeals, Ch. UWS 20
University facilities, use, Ch. UWS 21
utilities UTILITIES
vaccination VACCINATION
See also Health Services
Mandatory, schools and day care centers, Ch. DHS 144
Vaccine, preventable diseases, Ch. DHS 146
vegetables VEGETABLES
Canning factories, Ch. ATCP 70
Seeds, see Agriculture
vending machines VENDING MACHINES
Cigarettes, Tax 9.41
Foods and beverages, standards, Subch. V of ch. ATCP 75
venereal disease VENEREAL DISEASE
ventilation VENTILATION
Existing buildings, SPS 377.15
veterans VETERANS
See also Veterans Affairs
Assistance grants, Ch. VA 2
Benefits, application for, VA 1.02
Disabled veteran-owned business certification program, Ch. Adm 82
Military medical personnel program, Ch. Med 26, Ch. SPS 11
Wisconsin Veterans Home, Ch. VA 6
veterans affairs VETERANS AFFAIRS
Application for benefits:
Appeal from decision upon application, VA 1.03
Applicants, qualifying, VA 1.04
Discrimination prohibited, VA 1.13
Eligibility determination, periods of war, VA 1.14
False statement of applicant, VA 1.08
Records, information, release, VA 1.10
Requirements, VA 1.02
Cemeteries, veterans, Ch. VA 14
Consumer loan program, Ch. VA 12
Cooperation of department with other agencies, VA 1.05
County transportation services grants, Ch. VA 16
County veteran's service grants:
Application, VA 8.02
Budget, operational standards, VA 8.03
Eligibility, VA 8.02
Salary supplement, use of grant, VA 8.05