No. 480
Publication Date: December 14, 1995
Effective Date: December 15, 1995
Revisor of Statutes Bureau
Suite 800, 131 West Wilson Street
Madison, Wisconsin 53703-3233
T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Hearing to consider revision to ch. DOD 6, relating to the community block grant fund. (p. 3)
Hearing to consider revision to ch. DOD 15, relating to the community-based economic development program. (p. 5)
Nursing, Board of:
Hearing to consider a revision of s. N 8.08, relating to malpractice insurance coverage for advanced practice nurse prescribers. (p. 7)
Regulation & Licensing:
Hearing to consider ch. RL 127, relating to the sale of real estate at an auction. (p. 8)
Employment Relations-Merit Recruitment & Selection:
Rules relating to layoff procedures for employes not covered by collective bargaining agreement. (p. 11)
Gaming Commission:
Rules relating to betting pools, animal drug testing, intertrack and simulcast wagering. (p. 11)
Rules adopted creating ch. WGC 45, relating to the conduct of raffles. [FIRST APPEARANCE] (p. 12)
Health & Social Services:
Community Services, Chs. HSS 30--
Rules relating to treatment foster care for children. (p. 12)
Rules relating to licensed adult family homes. (p. 12)
Health & Social Services:
Health, Chs. HSS 110--
Rules relating to qualifications of ambulance service medical directors. (p. 13)
Rules relating to estate recovery under aid programs. (p. 13)
Health & Social Services:
Youth Services, Chs. HSS 300--
Rules relating to aftercare conduct and revocation. (p. 13)
Industry, Labor & Human Relations:
Petroleum Products, Ch. ILHR 48
Rule relating to labeling of oxygenated fuels. (p. 14)
Industry, Labor & Human Relations:
Building & Heating, etc., Chs. ILHR 50-64
Multi-Family Dwelling, Ch. ILHR 66
Rules relating to multi-family dwellings. (p. 14)
Industry, Labor & Human Relations:
Barrier-Free Design, Ch. ILHR 69
Rule relating to accessible unisex toilet rooms. (p. 14)
Insurance, Commissioner of:
Rules relating to the patients compensation fund. (p. 15)
Rules relating to fees for listing agents and to the renewal of corporation licenses. (p. 15)
Natural Resources:
Fish, Game, etc., Chs. NR 1--
Rules relating to the 1995 migratory game bird season. (p. 15)
Public Defender:
Rules relating to redetermination of indigency. (p. 15)
Rules relating to repayment of cost of legal representation.
(p. 15)
Rules adopted revising ch. PD 6, relating to payment of attorney fees. [FIRST APPEARANCE] (p. 16)
Public Instruction:
Rules relating to transfer pupils with exceptional educational needs (EEN). (p. 16)
Rules relating to substitute teacher permits, special education program aide licenses, principal licenses and general education components. (p. 16)
Rules relating to interim alternative educational settings for children with exceptional educational needs (EEN) who bring firearms to school. (p. 16)
Regulation & Licensing:
Rules relating to license renewal when delinquent taxes exist. (p. 17)
State Fair Park:
Rules relating to activities at the State Fair Park. (p. 17)
Transportation [Railroads] (Comm.):
Rules relating to intrastate railroad rate regulation. (p. 17)
Transportation (Dept.):
Rule relating to the urban mass transit operating assistance program. (p. 18)
Accounting Examining Board:
(CR 95-138) - SS. Accy 3.04, 3.05, 3.055, 3.09, 3.11 and 4.035
Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection:
(CR 95-112) - Ch. ATCP 136
Industry, Labor & Human Relations:
(CR 94-132) - Chs. ILHR 2 and 13
Insurance, Office of the Commissioner of:
(CR 95-154) - S. Ins 3.25
Public Instruction:
(CR 95-156) - S. PI 11.13 (4) and (5)
Public Instruction:
(CR 95-181) - Chs. PI 17, 24, 27, 28, 30, 31, 34, 36, 37 and 38
Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection:
(CR 94-175) - Chs. ATCP 79 and 81
Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection:
(CR 95-104) - SS. ATCP 1.06, 21.14, 100.57, 140.15 & 161.23
and chs. ATCP 26, 27, 102, 105, 106, 107, 108, 130, 135, 137, 156 & 157
(CR 95-150) - S. DOD 16.035 (title) and (3)
(CR 95-151) - SS. DOD 17.02 and 17.04
(CR 95-152) - SS. DOD 28.02, 28.03 and 28.04
(CR 95-159) - Ch. DOD 12
(CR 95-162) - Ch. DOD 14
Employe Trust Funds:
(CR 95-88) - SS. ETF 10.633, 10.70, 10.82, 20.20, 50.31
and 60.51
Insurance, Office of the Commissioner of:
(CR 95-111) - S. Ins 3.39
Natural Resources:
(CR 95-98) - S. NR 10.01 (1) (b), (g) and (u)
(CR 95-65) - SS. Tax 2.89, 2.96 and 3.03
Securities, Office of the Commissioner of:
(CR 95-158) - Chs. SEC 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 9
Transportation, Dept. of:
(CR 95-86) - Chs. Trans 136, 138 & 154 and
ss. Trans 139.04, 141.07 and 142.07
Health & Social Services:
Public notice relating to Medical Assistance reimbursement of hospitals. (p. 21)
N o t i c e S e c t i o n
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to s. 560.04 (2) (j), Stats., the Wisconsin Department of Development will hold a hearing to consider a proposed order to repeal ss. DOD 6.20 to 6.23; to renumber ss. DOD 6.24; to renumber and amend ss. DOD 6.18 (5): to amend ss. DOD 6.01, 6.03 (16), 6.14 and 6.18 (1) to (4); to repeal and recreate s. DOD 6.15 and to create s. DOD 6.03 (1m), (1r), (4r) and (14r), 6.18 (4) (e) and (5) relating to the community development block grant portion of the Wisconsin development fund at the following place and time: Department of Development, Room 908, 123 West Washington Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin at 10:00 A.M. on Thursday, January 11, 1996.
Analysis Prepared by the Department of Development
Section 560.04 (2) (j), Stats., gives the Department of Development the authority to adopt the proposed order. The proposed order interprets s. 560.04 (2) (j), Stats., and relates to federal funding the department receives annually under section 107 (b) (5) of title I of the housing and community development act of 1974.
That federal funding supports the state administered community development block grant portion of the Wisconsin Development Fund. The rules contained in this proposed order relate primarily to the economic development and the public facilities economic development portion of the community development block grant program administered by the Department.
The substantive changes contained in the proposed rule include:
1. The scoring systems and the rating of applications in the current rule used to make funding determinations related to economic development and public facilities economic development applications are replaced by sets of determinations and considerations the Department is required to make under the proposed rule before it may fund applications under either of the programs. For the most part, the determinations and considerations treat all the issues raised by the minimum requirements in the current scoring systems. The significant differences include:
  a. A broader view of benefit to low and moderate income persons which allows the low and moderate income requirement to be met by a project that provides job training, child care or transportation to low and moderate income persons as well as a project that creates or retains jobs for low and moderate income persons. This increased flexibility related to benefit for low and moderate income persons parallels a change in the federal rules that allows the state to use these alternative methods of measuring benefit to low and moderate income persons.
  b. An examination of the public purpose of the project that considers for both economic development and public facilities economic development applications several items that can be found in the existing s. DOD 6.15 or elsewhere in the subchapter and which also looks at such new considerations for both programs as the extent of poverty, unemployment and other economic factors in the project area; the prospects for new investment and economic development in the project area; the amount of investment that is likely to result from the project; and the willingness of the business to work cooperatively with job service and private industry councils to provide job opportunities to persons with low to moderate income. For economic development projects, the public purpose examination also considers the availability of satisfactory collateral and personal guarantees to assure repayment.
2. Under current rules, public facilities economic development projects may be funded only out of CDBG funds that have been returned to the Department. The proposed rule authorizes the Department to assign up to 20% of each allocation for public facilities economic development grants.
3. Under current rules CDBG funds that have been returned to the Department may be used for public facilities economic development and public facilities projects. The proposed rule allows such funding to also be used for economic development projects.
4. Under current rules, the Department is required to announce the annual allocation of funds between economic development and public facilities by August of the prior year. The proposed rule eliminates that requirement.
5. Under current rules, the maximum amount that a business may receive under the economic development program is $750,000. The proposed rule instead provides that the maximum amount that may be provided to a local government for the purpose of making a loan to any business is $1 million.
6. Under current rules, the maximum amount available to assist any business under the public facilities economic development program is $750,000. The proposed rule reduces the maximum amount that may be provided to a local government to assist a business under the public facilities economic development program to $500,000. The total a local government may receive under the public facilities program in a year is reduced from $1.5 million to $1 million.
7. The proposed rule provides that any program income in the possession of a local government in excess of the limits for that local government must be paid to the Department within 30 days of the local government's receipt of those funds.
8. Under current rules the Department can waive the program income limits to the extent that the excess income will be applied to continue the activities that generated the income. The proposed rule establishes a formal process and criteria for increasing the program income limits in increments equal to 25% of a local government's original limits. Local governments that wish to retain 50% of the excess program income must apply to the Department. To make a determination, the Department must consider the following:
  a. Whether the local government complied with all of the state and federal requirements related to its use of program income.
  b. The number of loans made by the local government out of program income and the total dollar volume of those loans.
  c. The default rate on such loans made by the local government.
  d. The demonstrated need for the increase.
Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to s. 227.14, Stats., the proposed rule will have no impact on small businesses. The initial regulatory flexibility analysis as required by s. 227.17 (3) (f), Stats., is as follows:
a. Types of businesses affected: Businesses located within a local government eligible for CDBG funds from the state.
b. Description of reporting and bookkeeping procedures required: None.
c. Description of professional skills required: None.
Fiscal Estimate
The proposed order will produce a fiscal effect on the Department of Development as it is likely to change the amount of program income that will be returned to the Department. However, it is not possible to determine the amount of fiscal effect or even whether it will be a positive or negative fiscal effect. The total amount available to local governments under the community development block grant is not changed by the order as all program income returned to the department is redistributed as additional block grant funding to local governments.
Contact Person
Dennis Fay, General Counsel-608/266-6747
Text of Rule
Pursuant to the authority vested in the Department of Development by s. 560.04 (2) (j), Stats., the Department hereby repeals, renumbers, renumbers and amends, amends, repeals and recreates and creates rules interpreting s. 560.04 (2) (j), Stats., as follows:
SECTION 1. DOD 6.01 is amended to read:
DOD 6.01 PURPOSE. The purpose of subchapters I, II and III is to set forth the criteria the department will use in administering the federal funds in the Wisconsin development fund that the department receives pursuant to 42 USC 5301 to 5319, as it may be amended, and 24 CFR 570.480 to 570.496 Part 570.
SECTION 2. DOD 6.03 (1m), (1r), (4r) and (14r) are created to read:
DOD 6.03 (1m) “Business” means a business that benefits from a grant by the department to a local government under the economic development or public facilities economic development programs.
(1r) “CDBG funds” means community development block grant funds awarded to the department by the federal government pursuant to 42 USC 5301 to 5319 as it may be amended.
(4r) “Local government” means a unit of general purpose local government that is eligible to apply for and receive CDBG funds under s. DOD 6.02.
(14r) “Target population” means persons with low to moderate income.
SECTION 3. DOD 6.03 (16) is renumbered 6.03 (13r) and as renumbered is amended to read:
DOD 6.03 (13r) “Wisconsin Small cities development fund grant” means a grant available to an eligible applicants as provided in s. DOD 6.02 local government for the purpose of undertaking economic development projects, public facilities projects that support economic development and public facilities projects.
SECTION 4. DOD 6.14 is amended to read:
DOD 6.14 Applicability. Sections DOD 6.01, 6.02, 6.03 (1), (1m), (1r),(2), (3), (4) (4r) (5), (6), (8), (14r), (15) and (16) and the provisions of this subchapter except for s. DOD 6.16 (f) apply to the economic development program. Sections DOD 6.01, 6.02, 6.03 (1), (1m), (1r), (2), (3), (4r) (6), (8), (10), (14r) (15) and (16) and the provisions of this subchapter except for ss. DOD 6.16 (7) 6.15 and 6.18 (1) to (2) (a) and (3), (4) (a), (c) and (d) and (5) to (6) apply to the public facilities economic development program.
SECTION 5. DOD 6.15 and 6.16 are repealed and recreated to read:
DOD 6.15 Economic development program. (1) The department may award a grant under the economic development program upon receipt and consideration of an application from an eligible local government if the department determines all of the following:
(a) The project serves a public purpose.
(b) The local government has a community development plan as required by 42 USC 5301 to 5319.
(c) The project costs are reasonable.
(d) All sources of project financing will be committed prior to the disbursement of the grant.
(e) The project is financially feasible.
(f) The business that will benefit from the economic development grant has the economic ability to repay the funds.
(g) The project will likely retain or create jobs in this state.
(h) The percentage of jobs retained or created that are made available to persons in the target population will likely exceed the percentage specified in the application manual.
(i) Financing for the project is unavailable from any other source on reasonably equivalent terms.
(j) The business that will benefit from the economic development grant will contribute at least 50% of the total cost of the project from private funding sources.
(k) The project includes job training, child care or transportation activities under 24 CRF 570.483 (b) (2) (v) designed to benefit low and moderate-income persons, job creation or retention activities under 24 CFR 470.483 (b) (4) designed to benefit low and moderate-income persons or other activities under 24 CFR Part 570 that meet the national objectives of benefit to low and moderate-income persons through job creation.
(2) To make a determination under sub. (1) (a), the department shall consider all of the following:
(a) The extent of poverty, unemployment and other economic factors in the area of the project.
(b) The prospects for new investment and economic development in the area.
(c) The amount of investment that is likely to result from the project.
(d) The total cost per job created or retained.
(e) The amount of wages and benefits to be provided by the business.
(f) The willingness of the business to work cooperatively with local job service offices and private industry councils to identify and offer job opportunities to persons in the target population.
(g) The availability of satisfactory collateral and personal guarantees to assure repayment of the economic development grant.
(h) Whether the award will provide the business with an unreasonable competitive advantage over other similar Wisconsin businesses in the vicinity of the project.
(i) Whether the project will involve relocation of a business and displacement of jobs from one local government in Wisconsin to another local government in Wisconsin.
(3) The amount of funds requested for each job to be created or retained
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.