The Department of Transportation finds that an emergency exists and that a rule is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public welfare. A statement of the facts constituting the emergency is that without a Governor's certification that the intercity bus service needs of the state are being adequately met, many small urban and rural transit systems will see sharp, unplanned reductions in the amount of financial assistance they receive in 1996. These cuts may result in service reductions, fare increases and the need for local governments to cover a higher share of operating losses than has been budgeted.
Publication Date:   March 13, 1996
Effective Date:   March 13, 1996
Expiration Date:   August 10, 1996
Hearing Date:   April 17, 1996
2.   Rules adopted creating Ch. Trans 258, relating to seed potato overweight permits.
The Department of Transportation finds that an emergency exists and that a rule is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public safety and welfare. Although the Department will pursue promulgation of this rule through normal procedure, the Department finds an emergency exists for the following reasons: (1) seed potatoes are transported to market between late February and April. Promulgation of an administrative rule through the normal process would not be timely for this planting season; (2) the Department believes the Legislature intended the provisions of 1995 Wis. Act 163 to be effective during this spring planting season. In order to promulgate rules in time for this spring growing season, this emergency process must be employed. The statute does not specify truck configurations, such as trailer length, axle spacing and weight distribution, but delegates responsibility to the Department. Without specified configurations vehicles that will impose damage to the roadway will be eligible for permits; and (3) the statute confers authority to identify an alternate route through rule but does not specify the alternate route. A suitable alternate route should be in place prior to the issuance of permits to allow diversion of permitted loads if any of the low weight bridges along the primary route manifests overstress. Closure of any of those bridges would substantially impede movement of other legal weight traffic in an area with few alternate routes.
Publication Date:   April 3, 1996
Effective Date:   April 3, 1996
Expiration Date:   August 31, 1996
Hearing Date:   May 13, 1996
[See Notice this Register]
Submittal of Rules to Legislative Council Clearinghouse
Please check the Bulletin of Proceedings--Administrative Rules Book for further information on a particular rule.
Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection:
On April 12, 1996, the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection submitted a proposed rule to the Wisconsin Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse.

The proposed rule amends chs. ATCP 10, 11 and 12, relating to animal health. It addresses reportable diseases of poultry, control of bovine tuberculosis in bovine animals and cervidae, and farm-raised deer.

Public hearings are required. Four hearings will be held after the Wisconsin Legislative Council Clearinghouse completes its review of the proposed rule.

The Division of Animal Health is primarily responsible for promulgation of this rule. If you have questions regarding this rule, you may contact Lynn Jarzombeck of the Division of Animal Health at (608) 224-4883 or Attorney Jim Matson at (608) 224-5022.
Natural Resources:
On April 12, 1996, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources submitted a proposed rule to the Wisconsin Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse.

The proposed rule, board order number [WW-30-96], affects chs. NR 200 and 205, relating to the electronic submission of Water Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) permit applications and monitoring data.

The dates for the public hearings are May 15 and 17, 1996.

If you have questions regarding this rule, you may contact Shelly Schueller at the Bureau of Wastewater Management at (608) 267-7602.
Natural Resources:
On April 12, 1996, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources submitted a proposed rule to the Wisconsin Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse.

The proposed rule, board order number [CA-23-96], affects ch. NR 7, relating to amendments to the recreational boating facilities program.

The date for the public hearing is May 17, 1996.

If you have questions regarding this rule, you may contact Larry Freidig at the Bureau of Community Assistance at (608) 266-5897.
Natural Resources:
On April 12, 1996, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources submitted a proposed rule to the Wisconsin Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse.

The proposed rule, board order number [FM-2-96], affects s. NR 20.04 (5), relating to the special fishing season in urban waters for persons under the age of 16 or the disabled.

The date(s) for the public hearing(s) have yet to be decided.

If you have questions regarding this rule, you may contact Tim Simonson at the Bureau of Fisheries Management at (608) 266-1877.
Notice of Submission of Proposed Rules to the Presiding Officer of each House of the Legislature, Under S. 227.19, Stats.
Please check the Bulletin of Proceedings for further information on a particular rule.
Medical Examining Board (CR 95-189):
Ch. Med 15 (title) and s. Med 15.02 - Relating to tattooing and body piercing.
Natural Resources (CR 95-107):
SS. NR 812.09 and 812.33 - Relating to fiberglass pressure tank use in private wells.
Natural Resources (CR 95-117):
S. NR 19.30 - Relating to requiring criminal history checks on all volunteer All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV), boating, bowhunter, hunter education and snowmobile safety instructors.
Natural Resources (CR 95-185):
S. NR 1.52 - Relating to a policy on promulgation of environmental quality standards.
Natural Resources (CR 95-221):
SS. NR 28.03 & 28.04 - Relating to wild ginseng.
Regulation & Licensing (CR 96-14):
Ch. RL 4 - Relating to examination fees, refunds and fees for test reviews.
Administrative Rules Filed With The
Revisor Of Statutes Bureau
The following administrative rules have been filed with the Revisor of Statutes Bureau and are in the process of being published. The date assigned to each rule is the projected effective date. It is possible that the publication of these rules could be delayed. Contact the Revisor of Statutes Bureau at (608) 266-7275 for updated information on the effective dates for the listed rules.
Health & Social Services (CR 95-182):
An order repealing and recreating ch. HSS 211, relating to tribal medical relief programs funded by block grants.
Effective 06-01-96.
Health & Social Services (CR 95-220):
An order affecting ss. HSS 122.06 and 122.07, relating prior review of projects to demonstrate the worth of new nursing home designs.
Effective 06-01-96.
Industry, Labor & Human Relations (CR 93-32):
An order creating s. ILHR 83.035, relating to petitions for variance and private sewage systems.
Effective 06-01-96.
Industry, Labor & Human Relations (CR 93-33):
An order amending s. ILHR 83.23, relating to mound type private sewage systems.
Effective 06-01-96.
Industry, Labor & Human Relations (CR 95-231):
An order affecting chs. ILHR 41-42, relating to boilers and pressure vessels.
Effective 06-01-96.
Natural Resources (CR 95-191):
An order affecting ss. NR 20.03, 20.04, 20.07, 21.06, 21.11, 22.06, 22.11, 23.05, 26.01, 26.08, 26.09 and 26.21, relating to sport and commercial fishing and fish refuges.
Effective 06-01-96.
Natural Resources (CR 96-16):
An order repealing and recreating s. NR 10.32, relating to the duck zone boundary for migratory game bird hunting.
Effective 06-01-96.
Public Instruction (CR 95-203):
An order affecting ss. PI 35.03 and 35.06, relating to the Milwaukee parental private school choice program.
Effective 06-01-96.
Regulation & Licensing (CR 95-141):
An order affecting s. RL 10.04, relating to examination requirements for optometrists to obtain Diagnostic Pharmaceutical Agent (DPA) certificates.
Effective 06-01-96.
Revenue (CR 95-169):
An order affecting ss. Tax 2.09, 2.105, 2.12 and 3.94, relating to:
1) Claims for refund;
2) The reproduction of franchise or income tax forms;
3) Notices of federal audit adjustments and federal or other states' amended returns; and
4) Amended Wisconsin returns.
Effective 06-01-96.
Revenue (CR 95-202):
An order creating s. Tax 2.31, relating to compensation of nonresident members of professional athletic teams.
Effective 06-01-96.
University of Wisconsin (CR 95-95):
An order repealing and recreating ch. UWS 17, relating to student nonacademic disciplinary procedures.
Effective 09-01-96.
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.