An order amending ss. DE 2.03 (1) (intro.) and (2) and 5.02 (18), relating to the statutory renewal dates for licenses, and to provide the correct citation relating to records which must be kept by dentists for controlled substances.
Effective 07-01-96.
Funeral Directors Examining Board
(CR 95-63):
An order affecting ss. FD 2.04, 2.10 and 2.13, relating to discrimination, sanitation and confidentiality.
Effective 07-01-96.
An order affecting ch. HSS 94 and s. HSS 96.04, relating to the rights of patients receiving treatment for mental illness, a developmental disability, alcohol abuse or dependency or other drug abuse or dependency, and standards for grievance procedures for these patients.
Effective 07-01-96.
An order creating ch. HSS 182, relating to grants for prevention of lead poisoning or exposure to lead.
Effective 07-01-96.
Insurance, Office of the Commissioner of
(CR 96-10):
An order creating s. Ins 18.13 (5), relating to creating a network of providers for the Health Insurance Risk-Sharing Plan (HIRSP) who will provide services at a discount greater than that which is already mandated by statute.
Effective 07-01-96.
Insurance, Office of the Commissioner of
(CR 96-11):
An order repealing and recreating s. Ins 18.07 (5) (b) and (bg) 1 and 2, relating to 1996-97 premium rates for the Health Insurance Risk-Sharing Plan (HIRSP).
Effective 07-01-96.
An order repealing s. Med 4.03 and amending s. Med 4.06, relating to expiration and renewal of temporary camp or locum tenens licenses.
Effective 07-01-96.
An order creating ch. NR 323, relating to bird nesting and similar habitat structures in navigable waters.
Effective 07-01-96.
An order creating ss. NR 116.03 (1e), (1s) and (30m), 116.12 (2m) and 116.13 (3m), relating to regulating camping in floodplain areas.
Effective 07-01-96.
An order affecting the chs. NR 400 series, relating to revision of the definition of volatile organic compound (VOC), and to updating, clarification and corrective changes throughout the chs. NR 400 series.
Part effective 07-01-96.
Part effective 08-01-96.
Railroads, Office of the Commissioner of
(CR 96-25):
An order affecting chs. OCT 1 to 7 and chs. RR 1 to 4, relating to the name and subject jurisdiction of the Office of the Commissioner of Railroads.
Effective 06-01-96.
An order creating ch. RL 127, relating to the sale of real estate at an auction.
Effective 07-01-96.
An order amending s. Tax 12.07 (2) (b), relating to assessor certification for municipalities in Kenosha County.
Effective 07-01-96.
An order affecting ch. Trans 112, relating to medical standards for driver licensing.
Effective 07-01-96.
The following administrative rule orders have been adopted and published in the May 31, 1996 Wisconsin Administrative Register. Copies of these rules are sent to subscribers of the complete Wisconsin Administrative Code, and also to the subscribers of the specific affected Code.
For subscription information, contact Document Sales at (608) 266-3358.
An order repealing and recreating ss. HSS 110.01 to 110.10, relating to licensing of ambulance service providers, licensing of emergency medical technicians-basic (EMT's-Basic), and certification of emergency medical technicians-basic to perform defibrillation.
Effective 06-01-96.
An order repealing and recreating ch. HSS 230, relating to county relief programs funded by block grants.
Effective 06-01-96.
An order repealing and recreating ch. HSS 211, relating to tribal medical relief programs funded by block grants.
Effective 06-01-96.
An order amending s. HSS 73.01 and creating ss. HSS 73.03 (3m) and (8m) and 73.10, relating to conditions of hardship for granting an exception to a limitation on funding for Community-Based Residential Facility (CBRF) care in the case of a person initially applying for long-term community support services under the Community Options Program (COP) or a Medical Assistance (MA) home and community-based waiver (COP-waiver or CIP-II).
Effective 06-01-96.
An order affecting ss. HSS 122.06 and 122.07, relating to prior review of projects to demonstrate the worth of new nursing home designs.
Effective 06-01-96.
Industry, Labor & Human Relations
(CR 93-32):
An order creating s. ILHR 83.035, relating to petitions for variance and private sewage systems.
Effective 06-01-96.
Industry, Labor & Human Relations
(CR 93-33):
An order amending s. ILHR 83.23, relating to mound type private sewage systems.
Effective 06-01-96.
Industry, Labor & Human Relations
(CR 95-183):
An order affecting ss. ILHR 48.01 and 48.10, relating to labeling of oxygenated fuels.
Effective 06-01-96.
An order affecting ss. NR 20.03, 20.04, 20.07, 21.06, 21.11, 22.06, 22.11, 23.05, 26.01, 26.08, 26.09 and 26.21, relating to sport and commercial fishing and fish refuges.
Effective 06-01-96.
An order repealing and recreating s. NR 10.32, relating to the duck zone boundary for migratory game bird hunting.
Effective 06-01-96.
An order affecting ss. PC 1.01, 3.02, 3.03 and 3.04, relating to fee payments for appeals.
Effective 06-01-96.
An order affecting chs. PC 1 and 2 and ss. PC 3.01, 4.02, 4.05 and 5.05, relating to updated information about the Commission's jurisdiction over appeals and complaints, and the procedures followed by the Commission.
Effective 06-01-96.
An order amending ss. PC 1.01 and 1.07 and affecting ch. PC 6, relating to appeals held by arbitration hearing.
Effective 06-01-96.
An order affecting ss. PI 3.03, 3.39, 3.55, 3.57, 3.58 and 4.08, relating to substitute teacher permits, special education program aide licenses, principal licenses and general education components.
Effective 06-01-96.