Railroads, Office of the Commissioner of (CR 95-118)
SS. OCT 5.02, 5.03, 5.04, 5.07 and 5.10 - Relating to adequate revenue, rate effectiveness, early implementation of tariffs and agency procedures.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
These rule changes will not affect small business.
Summary of Comments
No comments were reported.
Railroads, Office of the Commissioner of (CR 96-25)
Chs. OCT 1 to 7 and chs. RR 1 to 4 - Relating to the name and subject jurisdiction of the Office of the Commissioner of Railroads.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
These rule changes will not affect small business.
Summary of Comments
No comments were reported.
Regulation & Licensing (CR 95-141)
S. RL 10.04 - Relating to examination requirements for optometrists to obtain diagnostic pharmaceutical agent (DPA) certificates.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
These proposed rules will have no significant economic impact on small businesses, as defined in s. 227.114 (1) (a), Stats.
Summary of Comments
No comments were reported.
Revenue (CR 95-169)
SS. Tax 2.09, 2.105, 2.12 and 3.94 - Relating to:
1) Claims for refund;
2) The reproduction of franchise or income tax forms;
3) Notices of federal audit adjustments and federal or other states' amended returns; and
4) Amended Wisconsin returns.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
The proposed rule order does not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small businesses.
Summary of Comments
No comments were reported.
Revenue (CR 95-202)
S. Tax 2.31 - Relating to compensation of nonresident members of professional athletic teams.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
The proposed rule order does not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small businesses.
Summary of Comments
No comments were reported.
Executive Orders
  Executive Order 279. Relating to the Suspension of James F. Blask as District Attorney of Lincoln County.
  Executive Order 280. Relating to Issuance of General Obligation Bonds for the Veterans Home Loan Program and Appointment of Hearing Officer.
  Executive Order 281. Relating to a Proclamation that the Flag of the United States and the Flag of the State of Wisconsin be Flown at Half-Staff as a Mark of Respect for Peace Officers Who Have Given Their Lives in the Line of Duty.
  Executive Order 282. Relating to the Creation of the Governor's Blue Ribbon Commission on Mental Health Care.
Public Notices
Public Notice
Health & Social Services
(Medical Assistance Reimbursement of
Providers of Home Health Services)
The State of Wisconsin reimburses providers for home health services provided to Medical Assistance recipients. This is done under the authority of Title XIX of the Federal Social Security Act and ss. 49.43 and 49.47, Wisconsin Statutes. This program, administered by the State's Department of Health and Social Services, is called Medical Assistance (MA) or Medicaid. Federal statutes and regulations require that a state plan be developed that provides the methods and standards for reimbursement of covered services. A plan that describes the reimbursement system for the services (methods and standards for reimbursement) is now in effect.
Effective for services provided on or after June 1, 1996, the Department may modify the reimbursement methodology for home health services so that the rates of reimbursement equal the amount of the agency's usual and customary charges up to, but not exceeding, the Medicaid maximum allowable fees. This change implements provisions in a bill currently under consideration by the Legislature and will be modified if necessary to reflect the final statutory language.
This modification is estimated to increase expenditures in state fiscal year 1996 by $250,000 ($100,700 state funds and $149,300 federal funds) and in state fiscal year 1997 by $1,976, 200 ($797,000 state funds and $1,179,200 federal funds).
Copies of Proposed Change
Copies of the proposed change will be sent to every county social services or human services department main office where they will be available for public review. For more information and copies of the proposed change, interested people may write to:
State Plan Coordinator
Bureau of Health Care Financing
Division of Health
P.O. Box 309
Madison, WI 53701-0309
Written Comments
Written comments on the proposed change are welcome, and should be sent to the above address. Comments received on the change will be available for public review between the hours of 7:45 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. daily at:
Bureau of Health Care Financing
Room 250, State Office Building
One West Wilson Street
Madison, WI
Public Notice
Health & Social Services
(Medical Assistance Reimbursement of Providers of Drugs)
The State of Wisconsin reimburses providers for drugs provided to Medical Assistance (MA) recipients. This is done under the authority of Title XIX of the Federal Social Security Act and ss. 49.43 to 49.47, Wisconsin Statutes. This program, administered by the State's Department of Health and Social Services, is called Medical Assistance (MA) or Medicaid. Federal statutes and regulations require that a state plan be developed that provides the methods and standards for reimbursement of covered services. A plan that describes the reimbursement system for the services (methods and standards for reimbursement) is now in effect.
The Department will modify the reimbursement methodology for drugs effective June 1, 1996 so that the estimated acquisition cost of legend drugs will be determined based on the following:
1. Estimated acquisition cost for generic drugs and all multiple source drugs included in Addendum A of the Federal Upper Limits List will be determined by the Department such that total expenditures do not exceed the federal aggregate limit for these drugs.
2.   Estimated acquisition cost for drugs where manufacturers make drug products directly available in reasonable volume to all pharmacies may be determined at the direct price, except for schedule II controlled substances which will be determined at the undiscounted average wholesale price as listed in the First Data Bank Blue Book.
3.   Estimated acquisition cost for other drugs will be based on the Department's determination of the price generally and currently paid by providers for each drug sold by a particular manufacturer or labeler in the package size most frequently purchased by providers. This will be determined by applying a ten percent (10%) discount to the average wholesale price as listed in the First Data Bank Blue Book, except for schedule II controlled substances, which will be determined at the undiscounted average wholesale price.
Copies of the Proposed Change
Copies of the proposed change will be sent to every county social services or human services department main office where they will be available for public review. For more information, interested people may write to:
State Plan Coordinator
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.