An order creating ss. NR 1.60 and 1.61 and ch. NR 44, relating to master planning and the management and recreational use classification system for lands managed by the Department of Natural Resources.
Effective 09-01-96.
Revenue (CR 95-161):
An order affecting ch. Tax 9, relating to cigarette taxes.
Effective 09-01-96.
Revenue (CR 96-58):
An order repealing and recreating ch. Tax 18, implementing ss. 70.32 (2) and (2r) (a), Stats., as affected by 1995 Wis. Act 27, relating to assessment of agricultural land in 1996 and 1997.
Effective 09-01-96.
Savings & Loan (CR 96-32):
An order creating s. S-L 3.02, relating to establishing a procedure for a mutual savings and loan association with deposits not insured by a deposit insurance corporation to reorganize into another type of mutual depository institution (including a state credit union) with insured deposit accounts.
Effective 09-01-96.
rules_published Rules Published In This Wis. Adm. Register
The following administrative rule orders have been adopted and published in the July 31, 1996 Wisconsin Administrative Register. Copies of these rules are sent to subscribers of the complete Wisconsin Administrative Code, and also to the subscribers of the specific affected Code.
For subscription information, contact Document Sales at (608) 266-3358.
Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection (CR 95-14):
An order creating ch. ATCP 123, relating to telecommunications and cable television service.
Effective 01-01-97.
Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection (CR 95-146):
An order repealing and recreating ch. ATCP 116, relating to work recruitment schemes.
Effective 08-01-96.
Chiropractic Examining Board (CR 95-232):
An order amending s. Chir 9.03 (6), relating to approved chiropractic college preceptorship programs.
Effective 08-01-96.
Corrections, Dept. of (CR 95-227):
An order affecting ch. DOC 328, relating to supervision fees charged to probationers and parolees.
Effective 08-01-96.
State Emergency Response Board (CR 95-216):
An order creating ch. ERB 5, relating to the computer grant.
Effective 08-01-96.
Employment Relations, Dept. of (CR 96-51):
An order creating s. ER 29.03 (8) (bm), relating to the rate of pay as a result of voluntary demotions by employes who are notified they may be subject to layoff.
Effective 08-01-96.
Health & Social Services (CR 92-216):
An order repealing ch. HSS 3 and creating ch. HSS 83, relating to Community-Based Residential Facilities (CBRF's) for adults.
Part effective 08-01-96.
Part effective 01-01-97.
Part effective 01-01-98.
Health & Social Services (CR 94-193):
An order affecting ch. HSS 62, relating to assessment and treatment of intoxicated drivers.
Effective 08-01-96.
Health & Social Services (CR 95-229):
An order affecting ss. HSS 201.30 and 201.303, relating to participation of Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) recipients in the AFDC Benefit Cap Demonstration Project.
Effective 08-01-96.
Industry, Labor & Human Relations (CR 96-5):
An order affecting ss. Ind 80.60 and 80.64, relating to self-insurance application fees.
Effective 08-01-96.
Industry, Labor & Human Relations (CR 96-6):
An order creating s. Ind 80.62, relating to the uninsured employers fund.
Effective 08-01-96.
Industry, Labor & Human Relations (CR 96-24):
An order creating s. Ind 80.15, relating to payment after order.
Effective 08-01-96.
Insurance, Office of the Commissioner of (CR 95-204):
An order affecting ss. Ins 3.455 and 3.46, relating to the requirements for long-term care insurance sold in Wisconsin.
Effective 08-01-96.
Natural Resources (CR 94-180):
An order repealing and recreating ss. NR 1.15 (2) (a), 10.104 and 10.28, relating to deer hunting permits.
Part effective 08-01-96.
Natural Resources (CR 95-108):
An order affecting ch. NR 120, relating to the Nonpoint Source Pollution Abatement program.
Effective 08-01-96.
Natural Resources (CR 95-117):
An order creating s. NR 19.30, relating to requiring criminal history checks on all vollunteer all-terrain vehicle (ATV), boating, bowhunter, hunter education and snowmobile safety instructors.
Effective 08-01-96.
Natural Resources (CR 95-185):
An order creating s. NR 1.52, relating to a policy on promulgation of environmental quality standards.
Effective 08-01-96.
Natural Resources (CR 95-194):
An order creating s. NR 19.02, relating to requiring a handling fee for certain approvals required for hunting, trapping or fishing.
Effective 08-01-96.
Natural Resources (CR 95-221):
An order affecting ss. NR 28.03 and 28.04, relating to wild ginseng.
Effective 08-01-96.
Regulation & Licensing (CR 95-80):
An order creating ch. RL 7 and Appendix I, relating to the impaired professionals procedure.
Effective 08-01-96.
Regulation & Licensing (CR 95-211):
An order affecting ch. RL 1, relating to procedures to review denials of credentials.
Effective 08-01-96.
Regulation & Licensing (CR 96-14):
An order affecting ch. RL 4, relating to examination fees, refunds and fees for test reviews.
Effective 08-01-96.
Securities, Commissioner of (CR 96-65):
An order creating s. SEC 2.01 (3) (e), relating to designating the Chicago stock exchange under s. 551.22 (7), Stats.
Effective 08-01-96.
Transportation, Dept. of (CR 94-202):
An order amending s. Trans 201.16 (2) (e), relating to on-private property political signs next to interstates and freeways.
Effective 08-01-96.
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.